Play Chess as a Regular Forum

I agree! :)

BTW, in case anyone's not clear on what I'm asking. I think Play Chess deserves to be under All Games, not All Other Games.

It is more popular than all the other subforums under Other Games except Never Ending Stories, especially lately (see attachments below). It's contains more than twice the number of posts of Alpha Centuri, the second most popular subforum after NES, despite being hidden away as a sub-sub-forum.


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Pirates doesn't have that much to do with Civ either (other than that's it's a Sid Meier game).

Yeah, same as Railroads, and that's a subforum.

It is more popular than all the other subforums under Other Games except Never Ending Stories, especially lately (see attachments below). It's contains more than twice the number of posts of Alpha Centuri, the second most popular subforum after NES, despite being hidden away as a sub-sub-forum.

Well in that case, Forum Games should be a subforum. ;)

{For the record, I do not think that Forum Games should be a subforum.}

To me it's like Off Topic or Humor & Jokes, not specifically to due with Civ but a way where many of the people who don't even play Civ anymore can be retained as part of the forum & bond. :)

Fair enough. :)
If there is a way to include Shogi. Then I would be for it.
You could start a thread about Shogi there right now. :)

I'd even play you in Shogi if you linked me to a Shogi site. Never played it before in my life but read about it on wiki & and it sounds worthwhile. :)
Played Shogi with some computer programs. Interesting.
I support this completely. I rarely play Civ IV anymore, but I play a lot of chess. If there was no chess area, my posts would be way down.
forming a CFC chess team - currently undefeated.
Anyone, tell us more about this. We would hear how our banners are carried forth victoriously. This will pique our interest in this non-civilization game topic.
Narz has done a great job getting a team together. We have already got some notable scalps with more on the way.

He has done an even better job revitalising the Chess area of CFC, organising competitions and bringing on beginners.
banners are carried forth victoriously.
Have you seen our banner? Very CFC. :D

(edit why does their site always stretch it out, hmm)

And thanks col. And again, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys, I'm always impressed how many people are willing to get involved, even folks I didn't even know who played (like Sashie, though I admit it's a bit bittersweet since he knocked me out of the tournament in round one and all :D). And actually I have a fellow named loinburger ;) to really thank for getting me into the correspondence thing. :)
It's renamed to "Chess" and moved one level up.

Keep it active! :)
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