Play Session Instruction Thread, May 25, 23:00 CET (+2GTM), online session

Talk about dancing loose with the instructions...READ MY LAST LINE.

"If a trade that you feel needs discussion decline and STOP play so we can discuss it."

That would be the copper trade.

While Russia has iron and can build swords...what exactly does 2 gpt give us. You do not even have the authority to look for trades in a TC unless told to do so.

We need Sigma law passed so we can remove people who violate so many instructions.
On science %:
Rihiter said:
Dave Shack was at the sesion, and he didn't said enything that it's wrong.

I was logging but not actually watching it until the very end, due to an appointment that I had to be away for. There doesn't seem to be enough information recorded to know if the values used were the closest ones to a balanced budget.

Historically, the social event of the chat has been as much or more about the attendees responding real-time to DP commentary as it was about officials trying to make up instructions on the fly. Countless times in the past we've had DP's who report the action they are about to take and then pause a few seconds in case someone yells to wait, and we've discovered that it's not quite right and stopped the action in time.
robboo said:
"If a trade that you feel needs discussion decline and STOP play so we can discuss it."
That would be the copper trade.
Since when you have iron, beside of Swordsman you can also build AXEMAN AND SPEARMAN, I did not feel that this trade needs discission. So get of my back.
Rihiter said:
Since when you have iron, beside of Swordsman you can also build AXEMAN AND SPEARMAN, I did not feel that this trade needs discission. So get of my back.

Whereas you felt it didn't warrant any discussion, robboo and myself, and perhaps others, did. (FYI: copper has other benefits besides axemen, it also lets you build some wonders faster) As a DP, you're expected to follow all instructions of elected officials, not just do whatever you think is right or even obvious.

Robboo's line gave you the authority to stop the TC only so a trade you thought was favorable could be brought to discussion. It doesn't say, "you can execute a trade if you think it doesn't merit discussion".

I guess the real reason I'm ticked off is for the last 2-3 months we've been held back by some people who complain when the slightest something isn't by the book. But then when we finally do get somewhere, the DP just does what he wants. Tell me, why should we even bother with the bureaucratic nonsense if we're just going to ignore it all anyway?
Sigma said:
Tell me, why should we even bother with the bureaucratic nonsense if we're just going to ignore it all anyway?
Well, maybe because when somebody ignors the bureaucratic crap others can discuss about that? It's like in the real life: somebody wants something and somebody else ( for example the politycians ) does something else ( because it's better in the bigger cause <- I'm not sure if that is correct ). And all the others says: oh my god, he did that, oh no, he's bad. But then they see that what he did is right.

There always must be someone who will do something his way, and say NO. Someone who might be seen as the bad one at the beggining. If you think that what I did was wrong, judge me. But all of you who will judge me know this:
We're going to finish CURRENCY in 5 turns and our economy will be back on track again!

Now judge me. I'm ready to take the risk, because everything what I did, I have done in the right cause.
I like the initiative BUT...You disregarded the CoL/constitution. You simply did not have the authority to make a trade. Regardless if my instructiosn where clear or not..the CoL does not allow you to make these sorts of decisions. Correct me if I am wrong but you offered the trade, Russia did not ask for it right.

Now consider this, lets say we meet someone else with a luxury or somethign else to trade...if we have copper and they had no metals think of the potentional windfall form that trade. They woudl not be a treat due to ocean distance and we coudl cut the metal at anytime. Copper for stone would have been a good trade.

Next term( or TC) I will rescind this trade as an illegal trade and have the Dp cancel it. I have heard no one support it. Our copper is worth more than 2gpt order.
can't we just keep the trade until we meet someone else who could offer a better deal.

(btw, does Russia have currency, since we could trade money with them?)
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