Playing Gods Sweepstakes: Enter to win!

Nuggan - he is known as the God of Paperclips, Correct Things in the Right Place in Small Desk Stationery Sets, and Unnecessary Paperwork.
Pick me pick me!! :D uh.. Most Humans worship TeeVee some ancient god... Give me Cthulha any old day!
The Only Real God is Sid Meyer, and all should worship him, lets spread his word of civilization, on the railroads tycoons, on to pirates and even on alpha centauri if needed, All HAIL MIGTHY SID
I say unto ye: Idolator! Sid Meyer is a false god! May ye burn in hellfire for all eternity!

Sid Meier is the only true god.
Mighty Odin, we beseech thee, smite all these non believers.
Show me proof that any of the entities worshipped today is not a false God ;)

Anyway, here is my entry: Sports athletes (yes Polyteism) these guys (and gals) are definitely worshipped as gods by some people!
Laws, why must everyone follow those meaningless things created by man in the idea of some overpowering "government," which is simply a bunch of men who have convinced us that they, and only they, have the wisdom to decide what is right for us to do, and that they will punish you if you do not follow them.
The god of green...

It could mean many thing.

A color between yellow and blue.

A feeling that makes you sit on the loo.


Love of Money


A god that changes depending on your needs and desires and level of ability.

On a side note I don't see this string as much as free advertising as free research, who better to ask for ideas than the fanatics?
Duh, the invisible pink unicorn.
Anansi the Spider - Neil Gaiman's 'Mr Nancy', the teller of stories

Any god whose sole purpose is enjoying life is pretty cool in my books.
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