Please HELP!!!!!


Apr 7, 2007
My game has stalled out on one specific turn, all it says is "Waiting for other Civilizations", and it never loads, i uploaded the save, please someone download it and see if you can fix it. i am also downloading the latest patch to see if that will help, the exact same thing happened to my dad around the same time in the game.:(
That sounds like the Colony creation bug, which BtS 3.13 fixed (or is it the unofficial 3.13? .. not sure).

Somebody is most likely spawning off a colony on the next turn.

However, that new colony has just the 'wrong' combination of techs so that it cannot draft anything, hence no new units can be spawned for the cities, and the game crashes.

I'll check it and see if I can narrow it down.
That sounds like the Colony creation bug, which BtS 3.13 fixed (or is it the unofficial 3.13? .. not sure).

Somebody is most likely spawning off a colony on the next turn.

However, that new colony has just the 'wrong' combination of techs so that it cannot draft anything, hence no new units can be spawned for the cities, and the game crashes.

I'll check it and see if I can narrow it down.

thank you!! is it salvagable i really like this game...or is it dead:(
UPDATE: I loaded the game and ended 5 turns without any crashing, so I can't narrow it down. :( The 1st turn spawned a UN Vote .. nothing of interest afterwards. I'm running the unofficial BtS 3.13 patch w/ supplement. What version of BtS do you have?
UPDATE: I loaded the game and ended 5 turns without any crashing, so I can't narrow it down. :( The 1st turn spawned a UN Vote .. nothing of interest afterwards. I'm running the unofficial BtS 3.13 patch w/ supplement. What version of BtS do you have?

ok i have the original, im downloading the patch now, would the patch affect this game?
ok i have the original, im downloading the patch now, would the patch affect this game?

Thankfully, yes. Firaxis' (and Bhruic's) patches are save game compatible. :)

You should be good-to-go after the patch.

BTW, nice game. :goodjob:
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