Please Help


Balseraph puppet
Sep 11, 2007
Xiamen, China
I need some help from someone in the community. Can anyone please upload the new version of FFH to RS or Megaupload or some other download site that actually has Asian mirrors. I have requested in the past for an alternate site besides I reside in China and I only get about .5-4 kb/sec from filefront which is creating over a 24 hour download (if it does not pause / break) on I am on my 3rd attempt to dl the new version of FFH in the past week, can anyone please help out a fellow FFH player?:crazyeye:

edit( oops thought I was in the FFH main forum)
I just had to re-dowload the mod and my net wasn't cooperating much. But by using Firefox's "Download them All" add-on, I was able to use resume functions from the filefront server and finally get it. Won't help you with the speed at all, but will allow you to at least have a shot at it.
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