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[GS] [POLL] most urgent / important mechanics that need to be patched

Nerf pillaging

  • +2

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • +1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • -1

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
For me it is the way global warming currently works. Either make it an apocalyptic DOOM from hell or change the core mechanics of it.
Nerf pillaging +2
Nerf Hungary +1
Nerf Maori 0
Buff Canada for diplomatic victory +1
AI taking back suzerainty of levied CS 0
Bigger climate impact +2
Slower climate change +2
Repairing units cost Resources +1
Units cost several types of resources +1
Barbs spawning less chaotic -1
Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production +1
Reduce production cost +1
Better scaling production costs +1 (late game stuff is often too expensive)
Trade Resources /turn +2
Revamp WC votes system -1
Faster diplomatic victory +2
More opportunities to score Diplomatic Victory points +2
Nerf Rock Bands +1
Nerf / not adjacent Seasteads -1
Add production per citizen 0
Workshops AoE +1
Railroads and roads look - 2
Balance civs 0
Battle Ram obsolete after medieval +1
Nerf Ram -1
Air units staying in aerodrome of taken cities +2 (this sounds like a bug by the description so yeah)
Fix Unability to use canals to go into enemy territory 0
Builders use charge to repair -2
CS placement -1
Friends / ally can't attack suzerained CS +2
Option to click to add to building queue +1 (specifically shift-clicking and control-shift clicking)
Ability to slow down culture victory +2
Remove barbarian GDR 0 (this is possible ... awesome!)
Naval units shouldnt move through tunnels +2 (again, sounds like a bug)
Military Engineers should build road without charge 0
ME should be able to speed up Flood Barriers and aqueducts +1
No more duplicate Eleanor 0
Georgia bonus to building walls +2
Rework Hoplites 0
Buff china's Great Wall +1
Buff France's Château +1
Rework RND +1
Buff Norway +2
Give the IZ adjacency bonus to Factories, not Coal Power Plants +2
Buff the IZ +1
buff the Workshop +1
Give Light Cav a -17 v Cities +2
Forts increase strategic resource capacity +1
Buff Aérodromes 0
Make Spaceports require power +2
Change the name of the achievement for winning a game as SWEDEN -2
Slower loyalty flips -1
Infantry shouldn't cost Oil -1
Buff Tier 3 Buildings +2
Reduce production increase for flood barriers +1
Barbarian attack drum sound shouldn't be counted as "music" 0
Leader/Civ exclusion (While selecting random Civs/leaders, exclude these leaders) +2
Proper world builder - 2
Railroads and roads look - 2
Change the name of the achievement for winning a game as SWEDEN -2
Proper world builder - 2

Surprised to see these three items at the -2 (which isn't an official vote option the way the poll's rules were set out). Are you strongly against these for some reason, or is it just you don't want them to bother spending resources working on them? I'm partially curious, because the achievement name change shouldn't take any developer time, and the team working on the graphics for Railroads/Roads wouldn't be able to work on anything else in the list).
Surprised to see these three items at the -2 (which isn't an official vote option the way the poll's rules were set out). Are you strongly against these for some reason, or is it just you don't want them to bother spending resources working on them? I'm partially curious, because the achievement name change shouldn't take any developer time, and the team working on the graphics for Railroads/Roads wouldn't be able to work on anything else in the list).
Well, IMO the question is what is in dire need of being changed FIRST because they currently make the game not work right, and I don't think any of those apply. Things like worldbuilder and how roads look, while wanted, don't affect regular gameplay. Let's first make sure that all of the city/states and all the barbarians don't show up on the same patch of land, shall we?
I'm giving +2 to issues that are source code related and that mods can't really fix.

ROADS. Yeah, I don't know why they touched the code there, the previous road system was perfect. Now we have two issues:
- They look horrible, road spaghetti is back!
- You don't know what's connected, especially railroads on district/renewable energy plants.
+2 Pillage Scaling Nerf.
+2 Razing Free cities should not be grievance free, makes no sense. It's like the world doesn't care at all about you murdering thousands.
+2 More Balanced CS type distribution (try to make equal amount of each one) plus selection of which ones you want in an advanced setup game.
+2 Units cost several types of resources

+1 They need global warming not to escalate that fast (especially regarding coastal flooding), but have a bigger impact when it does on the disasters side.
Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production
+1 Nerf / not adjacent Seasteads
+1 Military Engineers should build road without charge
+1 Give the IZ adjacency bonus to Factories, not Coal Power Plants
+1 Infantry shouldn't cost Oil
+1 Buff Tier 3 Buildings

-1 Builders use charge to repair
-1 Slower loyalty flips
It's like I'm playing a different game than everyone else where nobody else is getting totally shanked by barbarians one game out of three. I don't understand how this can NOT be everyone's number one issue. Roads look bad? OK, fix it, but I'll deal for a while.
It's like I'm playing a different game than everyone else where nobody else is getting totally shanked by barbarians one game out of three. I don't understand how this can NOT be everyone's number one issue. Roads look bad? OK, fix it, but I'll deal for a while.
Barbs spawning less chaotic is currently the top vote getter at the moment. Some people are probably seeing the other end of the spectrum where they just aren't noticing it, so not everyone is voting for it.
My votes:

Nerf pillaging +1
Bigger climate impact +1
Slower climate change +2
Repairing units costs Ressources +2
Units cost several types of ressources +2
Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production +2
Revamp WC votes system +1
Faster diplomatic victory +2
Add production per citizen +2
Railroads and roads look +1
Balance civs +1
Battle Ram obsolete after medieval +5
Nerf Ram +1
Air units staying in aerodrome of taken cities +1
Fix Unability to use canals to go into enemy territory +1
Builders use charge to repair -1
CS placement -1
Friends / ally can't attack suzerained CS -1
slow down culture victory +1
Naval units shouldnt move through tunnels +1
Military Engineers should build road without charge +1
ME should be able to speed up Flood Barriers and aqueducts +1
Georgia bonus to building walls +2
Rework Hoplites +2
Buff France's Château +1
Give the IZ adjacency bonus to Factories, not Coal Power Plants +1
buff the Workshop +2
Give Light Cav a -17 v Cities -1
Forts increase strategic resource capacity +2
Buff Aérodromes +2
Make Spaceports require power +2
Slower loyalty flips -1
Infantry shouldn't cost Oil +2
Buff Tier 3 Buildings +2
Reduce production increase for flood barriers -1
Leader/Civ exclusion (While selecting random Civs/leaders, exclude these leaders) +1
Surprised to see these three items at the -2 (which isn't an official vote option the way the poll's rules were set out). Are you strongly against these for some reason, or is it just you don't want them to bother spending resources working on them? I'm partially curious, because the achievement name change shouldn't take any developer time, and the team working on the graphics for Railroads/Roads wouldn't be able to work on anything else in the list).
I didn't pay enough attention to the poll rules, sorry. I simply assumed a symmetric scale... And concerning your question: I just don't care about these issues so there's no need to waste time / ressources here. To me these particular patch requests are just non issues and that's it.
-1 Nerf pillaging
+1 Bigger climate impact
+2 Slower climate change
+2 Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production
+1 Better scaling production costs (late game stuff is often too expensive)
+2 Trade strategic Resources /turn
+1 Revamp WC votes system (2 rounds for more transparency)
-1 Faster diplomatic victory
+1 More opportunities to score Diplomatic Victory points
+1 Nerf Rock Bands
+2 Railroads and roads look (graphics)
-2 Builders use charge to repair
+1 CS placement
+2 enhance future era
+2 nerf GDR
+2 Naval units shouldnt move through tunnels (again, sounds like a bug)
+1 Military Engineers should build road without charge (gold cost would be appropriate or oil for modern roads)
+1 Buff the IZ
+1 Make Spaceports require power
+1 Infantry shouldn't cost Oil
+1 Supply convoy should cost oil upkeep
+1 Planes should cost oil upkeep and aluminum upfront building cost (+repair cost)
+1 Repairing units cost Resources
+1 Units cost several types of resources (especially modern units)
+1 Reduce production increase for flood barriers (or slow down sea level rise)
+2 Rethink unit ressource upkeep (+1 lower its contribution to climate change/ +1 consider making an option to set units to standby inside of cities and encampments/harbours/airodromes with no ressource upkeep cost)
I'd say

first and foremost

* Techs/ Civics progressing slower related to production
It drives me crazy how quickly the techs are achieved. Can't enjoy building an army.

* Revamp WC votes system
Too may meh decisions. Plus there are too many options. Choosing districts or a player as a target is too difficult. It's difficult to know where consensus lies or influence others to vote your way

* Nerf pillaging
Oh man....

* Battle Ram obsolete after medieval
This should be done away with at that point

* Friends / ally can't attack suzerained CS
Yes please. Less attacking city states without consequences would help keep them in the game and a part of the game.

* Bigger climate impact
Not sure best way to have this impact the civ who is causing the most harm....
Personally the whole expansion needs a damned good rejig and rethink. The two big features - climate change and world congress have absolutely zero impact on a player if he/she chooses to just ignore them. ZERO. What's their point?
What's the point of the expansion?
Just want to give a -1 to less Chaotic Barb spawns.

A piece of advice to anyone who might just be starting and maybe jumping into Emperor or Immortal Difficulties for the first time (Deity weirdly enough doesn't have this issue since the AI typically kills most of the camps and a lot more spawn spots)

Stop settling most of your cities on hills. This typically gives an extra +1 range the barb scout can see the city and makes it significantly harder to keep all the angles where your city can be spotted in check. Makes a HUGE difference, it's also a great way to cheese if you are playing as Gorgo to get extra barbs to kill for culture.
I vote to slow speed of rising sea / climate change levels. While on that note though, storms and droughts should increase in number and intensity for higher climate change levels. Sea walls definitely need to have their production times reduced. It seems nearly impossible to build them in time to mitigate any coastal loss at the speed climate change increases in the game.

I also think there should be some reductions in food production for farm tiles as the level increases. Global warming in the game just seems limited to coastal flooding, where there should be inland effects as well to match the way it works in the real world and make it more of a factor in the game. Perhaps there should also be effects like grasslands turning to plains and plains turning to deserts. I believe an earlier version of Civ had that mechanic in it.

And I agree with the poster who said diplomatic victory should be based more on engagement with the World Congress rather than just scoring points by a couple of key votes. It would seem more appropriate if diplomatic victory points were based on winning resolutions and winning the various contests.
I vote to slow speed of rising sea / climate change levels. While on that note though, storms and droughts should increase in number and intensity for higher climate change levels. Sea walls definitely need to have their production times reduced. It seems nearly impossible to build them in time to mitigate any coastal loss at the speed climate change increases in the game.
Storms and Droughts do increase in number and intensity on higher climate levels, I'm pretty sure. I just think people feel the change isn't as big as it should be.

With regards to Sea Walls, it's worth mentioning that the problem isn't so much with their inherent production cost, but the scaling factors. They scale with number of tiles being protected and with sea level. Not sure exactly how the latter works, because it seems as if you get the walls build before sea starts to rise, you get them at the cheap cost, but they will protect you all the way up to highest level - whereas if you don't get them build in time for the first sea level rise, the production will start to increase (and by rather absurd numbers). I can't really follow the logic in this. Perhaps a better system would be a progressive flood barrier build, i.e. first you build a 1 meter flood barrier (cheap), then you can build a 2 meter flood barrier (intermediate cost), and then you can build a 3 meter flood barrier if necessary (expensive). Also, once a tile is flooded, game needs to realize this an update the wall project and cost accordingly.
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