Possible Limitations of Feitoria

You apparently also get an additional copy of the Luxury resources if you become Allies as normal, but since you normally can't trade resources from City-States, it's not clear what benefit this is.

... To get the Strategic Resources? :mischief: :lol:

But yeah, I have little clue on why getting more Luxury copies would help... Maybe the ones you get from the Feitoria are trade-able? It would make sense, since it was built by you, not by the city-state, so it gives you the resources the same way a mine built by you would.
But yeah, I have little clue on why getting more Luxury copies would help... Maybe the ones you get from the Feitoria are trade-able? It would make sense, since it was built by you, not by the city-state, so it gives you the resources the same way a mine built by you would.
That would make sense, since it's almost the same thing as building an improvement on a resource yourself.
Is the second copy from the city-state or the Feitoria?
Because I thought all this time that if you're allied with a CS then you'd get two copies from the Feitoria in addition to the one you'd get for being allied to the CS.
From what I understand, the Feitoria gives you one copy always.
The City-State gives you one copy if you're their ally.

Therefore, if you are allied with a City-State and they have a Feitoria, you get two copies - one from the Feitoria, one from the alliance.
Odd. I never even realized you couldn't trade city-state resources before. :lol: So it's good the copy from the Feitoria appears to be tradable.
Well, you have to remember that it unlocks at Navigation. Most of your happiness problems are going to occur before you ever reach that tech.
And what happens if you are at war with a certain city-state, will the ai be programmed to pillage your feitoria within their borders? Would be weird if they wouldn't?

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What I'd really love is a monopoly mechanic ala Endless Space - if a civ has x number of a resource they get some bonus to their empire. It would go a long way towards making it a tougher decision regarding always selling excess luxuries, which (let's be honest) is basically an exploit.

And what happens if you are at war with a certain city-state, will the ai be programmed to pillage your feitoria within their borders? Would be weird if they wouldn't?

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I certainly hope so. That's probably why there's a defensive bonus on the UI.
It would go a long way towards making it a tougher decision regarding always selling excess luxuries, which (let's be honest) is basically an exploit.

It's not an exploit. It's deliberately designed that way. It's the reason they have one luxury have the same effect as many - it's to discourage hording in order to encourage trading.
Well, you have to remember that it unlocks at Navigation. Most of your happiness problems are going to occur before you ever reach that tech.

Yeah, another later game benefit that may be irrelevant by then, except for the gold you get from trading it.
It's not an exploit. It's deliberately designed that way. It's the reason they have one luxury have the same effect as many - it's to discourage hording in order to encourage trading.

I am aware of that (which is why I qualified the statement with "basically") but it's not good design imo. Not to get into semantics here, but an action seems exploitative if it only benefits the human player and does nothing to help the AI. I suspect deity would be significantly more difficult if the AI didn't pay such large sums of gold for unneeded luxuries and spent the gold on units or infrastructure. Providing an alternative incentive to not trade everything away would help the game I think.
Well, if they only traded luxury for luxury instead of luxury for cash, that would also solve your complaint, no?
I hope you can pillage Portuguese feitorias (during war) in city state lands whom you are not currently in war against with no negative consequences to that city state.
I hope you can pillage Portuguese feitorias (during war) in city state lands whom you are not currently in war against with no negative consequences to that city state.

I should think so, seeing as the city-state wouldn't be losing anything.
Odd. I never even realized you couldn't trade city-state resources before. :lol: So it's good the copy from the Feitoria appears to be tradable.

You are forgetting the use of the Nau to take advantage of those copies you get from city states through the Feitoria, because if you take double luxury resources the happiness increases but you also can sell it with maritime routes to get loads of money.
There should be a limitation for Feitoria and a pretty good one is "it only provide a share of city state's resources when such city-state has no allied status with any other civilization" . Also,a limitation on how many Feitorias can be built is a good one as well .
There should be a limitation for Feitoria and a pretty good one is "it only provide a share of city state's resources when such city-state has no allied status with any other civilization" . Also,a limitation on how many Feitorias can be built is a good one as well .

Maybe a max number that increases by era?
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