Pre-CharlNES: The Rise of the Central Valley


Discord Reigns
Jul 22, 2007
Workwork Workshop
Thank you all! I just finished my map! I'll just discuss the rulles here with the Veterans and talk about the map.

See I'm going to do Stats / Flashpoint system... I.E. when the bararians Invade you get a flash point.

This is the MAP

In the Central Valley, It is the Cradle of Civilization

North is the Bitter Lands, full of cold and barbarians. Many monster nations are rising.

Between them are the mountains, full of dwarfs. It protects much of the valley from the cold and war.

At the end, there are the Sential Mountains, Peopled by Magical creatures and at war against pirates...

You may post soon! Not now!

(it's a bitmap? how can you change a bitmap to a PNG?)


nation name
Leader (player)
total-Agriculture/ Industry / Trade/ special (bonus)
History (will be hyperlinked)

Lord Jaknoco (MOD)
Lord over Counts, Counts are Ellected. Counts are the Judges. But Lord Rules Over all and there are 3 Hieridichary lords and 5 Elected Lords
5- (at least to start) 3/1/0/1 (0)
Culture: bad
Infanstructure : bad
Confidence: bad
Education: bad
500000 Mutinous killers
falling apart! a small union at the edge of the Mountains falling apart!
no dice, erm i mean map.

You change a bitmap to .png by chosing it when "saving as"
Charles Li. It's hard to read what you say. There is a spelling mistakes fixer in word. Put your posts there to fix. I did that before I got Firefox 2 personally ^^
Charles, is this NES intended to be a fantasy? If so, is it a multi-race fantasy?

I'll be joining.
I want to play as the nation of Ancardia, led by great sage Khelavaster, with our nation in the middle of a mountain valley we shall call the Drakalor Chain. Our capital is Terinyo and our armies are are made of very few but hardy adventurers who fight for gold and XP and we are giving them quests to conquer and pillage.
Charles, is this a fantasy NES?

If so, can I play Elfs? No, I'm serious, Plain old winged elves. :D
I can't see any map!
I'll know if i want to join after seeing the maps ;)
charles, what are you doing wrong with the maps.. were not even seeing coding!
Yay, first time a mod as acted on a thread and i have not been at fault! :trophy2: for me! :)

Charles, any progression on them maps?
I don't quite understand why my posts were deleted. He said there were monster races allowed and i assumed that monstrus slugs that burrowed would be allowed. But that's ok I don't want to play anymore.
Generally the best way is through making the top layer of a multi-layer image black, then turn known areas into transparencies.

If you don't have layers, then save a duplicate of the map and spray paint the unknown areas black.
Da Mappe! Finally! All I need is some more Streams...


This has no deatail! Any deatail just entains that in thet area... I.E, Waterfall means that there are more waterfalls than half of the streams there.

1 pexle will be about half a mile. Small cities are a 2*2 block, then It can grow into a fat cross or it can hug the rivers.

Wow, I actually thought the map was going to be dreadful. but it's okay.
Thanks! Although now we just need people to discuss the rules...

I will post a Human/Dwarf/Elf zones of control soon.

Anything else can be barbs. (Although any that have sufficiant goernment to crss the peaks are already semi-civilized.)

And north of the mountains are Monsters.
Terratory Map!

Light Green are Humans. They arre pretty stable.

Dark are hums, but there are battles and coups everywhere!

Dunkirk Influences dwarfs near him, but another COnfederacy is growing in the NOrth...

There be the Elves at the Far east!

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