Pre-GamezNES: The Setting Sun

The problem I've seen is when MAD is applied properly it stagnates the game, small changes at best updates become less involved and interesting...when MAD fails (as it usually does) then either players orders get ignored by the mod to prevent game ending and thus pissing off players, or follows said orders and makes the game end.

Honestly I have never seen a nuclear war in a forum game not cause a game end, even when handled well. But as I said before nukes do exist and can be made so its hard for me to say no you cannot do it.
I have.

Although technically not nukes, province busters are practically the same thing.
I have.

Although technically not nukes, province busters are practically the same thing.

As ZD said, however, this isn't an IOT, and realistically any major nuclear confrontation would result in at best horrible damage to the biosphere and atmosphere, liable to wreak havoc on international trade and commerce.
Adrogans said forum game.

Still, nukes tend to make things stagnate in anything, as I have seen many a time. CFC isn't the only forum I play games on, after all.
I used the term forum game as others had done before me. I suppose I should have said NESes specifically.
Another reason I am considering getting rid of them is because this NES is essentially ported from a timeline ending in 2060, where nukes have become obsolete. That said, I really don't want to keep them because I really don't think having MAD is in the best interests of the NES, and is not very fun for the players.
How's what going? Australia, or something else?
Well, it's a Commonwealth realm, but is most definitely pro-America. It has full sovereignty, and is surrounded by colonials.
I would like to be Turkey. If not, Arabia.
I'd like to have nukes...but there is obviously game breaking potential there. Maybe anyone wishing to use would need to get the mod's permission first.
Tyo, you are Arabia.
Also, the stats are done.
I'll try to post the main thread either tonight or tomorrow, and the stats will be revealed in it.
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