Pre-NES: Whispers- gathering ideas, players, etc at present.

Direct action will not work...subtlety must be used. One who will not be questioned must be...directed to aid me.

I seek out one of the men that the others give the most respect to and attempt to "whisper" "It must be hidden. It must be kept safe." to him.
as my being expands, I "See" humans, creatures, plants, eating, consuming... perhaps I need this? though Lacazar... Does not remember this. I will try to consume things. anything... Souls/minds/beings, physical things, the Temporal and intemporal.

Nothing is 'food'. EDIT: yet?

Direct action will not work...subtlety must be used. One who will not be questioned must be...directed to aid me.

I seek out one of the men that the others give the most respect to and attempt to "whisper" "It must be hidden. It must be kept safe." to him.

The man grabs the tome and tucks it under his robes. He does not think consciously of this- he simply does it. You are exhausted.

EDIT: The man is Eusebius of Caesarea
Success....though at some cost...for now I will merely wait...

Follow the man around and see what he does.
Success....though at some cost...for now I will merely wait...

Follow the man around and see what he does.

He grieves. And offers the prayer to the dead. He also wonders "What happened here?" and "What killed these Holy Men?"
OOC: OKay, so you've had a chance to explore the setting and, i guess importantly, your abilities.

Do you have any thoughts on the game itself or the settings.

And Merciary guessed why its called 'whispers' i take it.
I like it so far and have some ideas on where I want to take my character. Also I didn't realize that when I said whisper, I just figured it best described what I was doing.
I wake.

It's a strange world, yet so familiar. I look down at the grey, dead bodies and know that they are gone. I do not feel... pity... I do not think that an entity such as myself is capable of feeling such emotions.

I leave the others presence and will myself upwards. I must see the world that I found myself in. I must learn.
The Game will be broken into three chapters.

In the first chapter you will begin to develop an understanding of what you are, what you are capable of, things like that.

At some point, one of you will stumble upon (or make the discovery of) something that i cannot reveal at this moment. When that happens we will progress to chapter two.

There are different rules for chapters 1, 2, and 3. Rules from previous chapters will always apply to later chapters but chapters 2 & 3 will describe rules for things will be uncovered at the ends of chapters 1 & 2.

If thats not clear, i am sorry; feel free to ask.
I wake.

It's a strange world, yet so familiar. I look down at the grey, dead bodies and know that they are gone. I do not feel... pity... I do not think that an entity such as myself is capable of feeling such emotions.

I leave the others presence and will myself upwards. I must see the world that I found myself in. I must learn.

A temple. Priests and clergymen. A town: Nicaea.

Patterns (mortals) abound.
I retreat, the effort draining. I condense, sinkin to a lower size, attempting to recover my energy. I decide to try to communicate: urge a nearby bystander to stab someone else.

Additionally, attempt to consume the dead man's sole as it escapes the body.
I retreat, the effort draining. I condense, sinkin to a lower size, attempting to recover my energy. I decide to try to communicate: urge a nearby bystander to stab someone else.

Additionally, attempt to consume the dead man's sole as it escapes the body.

You feel the man resisting the urge to kill. He does not know the man and to kill without reason is completely beyond his normal behavior and his vows. You hear him mouth a prayer in latin (Pater noster, qui es in caelis...). but you know that your compunction was strong upon him. If you were a bit stronger, or if the man had reason to kill this stranger, you might have been successful -even with his vows.

You are, additionally, unsure if you actually have condensed or if your focus has simply shrunk.

OTHER ENTITIES see a man's pattern shift and ripple and hear him begin the Lord's Prayer in latin.
I swiftly descend from Someplace Above the town to listen to the man's prayer.
I swiftly descend from Someplace Above the town to listen to the man's prayer.

Its the lord's prayer, recited in Latin. Afterwards he asks God and the angels to protect him from Satan's influence and his own strange thoughts.
I whisper to him: "Find out what happened to the dead men, whatever it takes."
OOC: are we talking about the man in the chamber where you were 're-existed'? or the man who had to fight the urge to stab his neighbor (posts 50/51)? I had assumed the later since you were suddenly aware of him.

Did you mean Eusebius of Caesarea (see post 42)?
This is unnaceptable. Lacazar will not be contained by mere weakness. never. Return to the Onion Merchant and whisper in his ear. Whisper of wonders he does not know yet, whispers of power unkowable, Speak of his great destiny as a leader of men.
This is unnaceptable. Lacazar will not be contained by mere weakness. never. Return to the Onion Merchant and whisper in his ear. Whisper of wonders he does not know yet, whispers of power unkowable, Speak of his great destiny as a leader of men.

The onion merchant day-dreams of money, of health for his daughters, considers that the strangeness he is experiencing may be the work of Satan but dismisses the thought. He imagines himself owning extensive property with other farmers plowing the field for him.

He seems receptive to further coaxing.


A rules system has been posted on the first page.
Ehh, let's go with Caesaria.
This is Good. Lacazar is happy. Finally something is going right. Whisper to the merchant that wealth is power, and that wealth, if properly applied, can get him all he wants.
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