I wantz bluduh stalmattes du tu pettah noblehs. :p

Warfare has been way too clean so far. But then, it might just the resolution/focus Southern King wants, and the actual combat is as bloody and senseless as I think it is.

Are you saying that SK's descriptions lack graphic depictions of violence, or that players have been acting to civil when it comes to war?
Both. Definately both.

No one tried any scorched earth tactics yet, although every turn a player in my NES orders such things.

Read the Tatar section of the last update :p

I just think most players and mods don't go out of their way to highlight the darker side of war. Rape, infanticide, beheadings, and whatever are happening but players and SK are not going out of their way to talk about it. Less a player has a specific reason to punish a people, I don't think it needs to be brought up.
Fixed. IOTers know what I am talking about :p
I remember. The guy who was always at war with everyone and even when he played a different country, defended Greece or Byzantium. >_< Even when he was Manchuria.
I think we should do what the Orcs did in LOTR...
Throw the heads of prisoners as catapults...that should shake 'em up;);)
I wantz bluduh stalmattes du tu pettah noblehs. :p

Warfare has been way too clean so far. But then, it might just the resolution/focus Southern King wants, and the actual combat is as bloody and senseless as I think it is.

you want some gore in the updates? :p
My response to this and the conversation that followed it is: Yes, there has been all those fun -cides and massacres going on in the background, I am just not writing about it, instead more focusing on the combat itself.
I'm sure the Vandals can provide you with more than enough graphic descriptions of bloodshed, pillaging, death and massacres if you're kind enough to volunteer your cities :p
No one tried any scorched earth tactics yet, although every turn a player in my NES orders such things.

Not sure I've seen a case in this NES that warrants scorched-earth tactics. Furthermore, the looting and pillaging that with a conquering army should be taken for granted, as the mod really shouldn't have to write about every detail of every happening in the world in regards to such things. Perhaps when the moors summon their testicles and invade you, you'll use your scorched earth tactics in which case if you take your lands back they'll be so worthless that you shouldn't have bothered. I usually steer clear of such things, especially when I'm in fertile well-rivered lands. The only places scorched earth can work well are barren lands, otherwise it's just declaring to your own people "We are defeated and you are to be systematically slaughtered by the government who's charge it is to defend you rather than handed over to the enemies of said government". Not sure how any populace should back this sort of self-destruction strategy (Unless once again it is a barren desolate land to begin with, in which case the number of people you piss off with this strategy should be comparatively small)
Well, in the age of small villages and wide landscapes, why stay and fight when you can burn, run away, and start over out of reach.

I would have thought that certain parts of this NES that scoarched earth could have been used. The Avars running away from the Tartars and joining you would be a prime example.
Well, in the age of small villages and wide landscapes, why stay and fight when you can burn, run away, and start over out of reach.

I would have thought that certain parts of this NES that scoarched earth could have been used. The Avars running away from the Tartars and joining you would be a prime example.

I am not sure what tribesmen are going to burn to hinder nomadic horsemen. Burn all the grass in their territory? That would just slow down their retreat. Unless the grass was dry it wouldn't burn too well.
I'm sure the grain in the granary are pretty dry. With a set destination, and no way to carry it, set it on fire! Other stuff too.

That's what I am saying. Nomads generally live off their animals. Maybe the Tatars are different but traditional Mongolian food is nearly 100% meat and milk products. They even made alcohol out of milk. Also the Avar were tribesmen who would have subsisted a lot on hunting and fishing. They would grow crops of course, but not to the extent that more civilized areas would have. So I think my point stands that in that instance scorched earth wouldn't have worked for the Avar. They are better off under Tatar rule anyway :p.
Well...I figured I'd post this here, as it seems to be getting a fair bit of activity
The bad news: Thanks to an unlucky glut of school projects at once, I have gotten maybe about 10% of the update done in two days.
The good news: I was able to finish said projects however, and now am getting back to work on the update. It'll be up this weekend at the very latest.
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