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Preferred Religions

All civs have a preferred religion, ALL, which is why the demand for Christianity is so high.

Hinduism is I believe 3rd or 4th on the list, meaning that if their preferred religion is taken by any other civ, then they chose the one from the left side.

There IS an exception to the rule.

Best way to describe it by an example :

There's 6 civs in the game, Siam, Korea, Japan, Spain, Denmark and Byzantium.

Byzantium finds Christianity, Japan finds Shinto.
Spain will skip BOTH, Buddhism and Confucianism because they seem to leave those religion for the others (Siam and Korea), meaning it will pick Hinduism first.
Poland: Catholicism
Assyria: Orthodoxy(don't know why people suggest Zoroastrianism since Assyria never was Zoroastrian)
Brazil: Catholicism
Portugal: Catholicism
Zulu: Protestantism
Morocco: Islam
Indonesia: I have no idea about what they'll have.
Poland: Catholicism
Assyria: Orthodoxy(don't know why people suggest Zoroastrianism since Assyria never was Zoroastrian)
Brazil: Catholicism
Portugal: Catholicism
Zulu: Protestantism
Morocco: Islam
Indonesia: I have no idea about what they'll have.

Zorostranism was exerted in one of the clips/screenshots and it is way to far off on the religion list to be picked because the other religions ar epicked, which is why Assyria's religion is 99% to be Zorostranism default choice.
Ok they were not Zoroastrian but why on Earth would they go with Orthodoxy?

Because Assyrians are Orthodox Christians.

Zorostranism was exerted in one of the clips/screenshots and it is way too far off on the religion list to be picked because the other religions are picked, which is why Assyria's religion is 99% to be Zorostranism default choice.

Didn't know that it was seen in one of the clips/screenshots.
That choice doesn't make any sense at all though. The Assyrians were never Zoroastrian and were even persecuted by Zoroastrians. :rolleyes:
I just use the Strange religions. Seeing Russia found Pastafarianism is just brilliant.

In fact, I wish there were an option to switch off preferred religions and just have civs pick them at random. India and the Jedi Order? yes please.
About Germany, it's right there are both catholics and protestants in Germany. But as we see, the civ in the game is the German Empire (from 1871 to 1918) with big prussian influence and Bismarck as prime minister at the beginning. I would say that Germany will probably be protestant since the ruling Prussia was protestant and the catholic states (mainly Bavaria, Bade and Wurttemberg) were more a minority.
Will the Great Artists be tied to the civ they historically came from or even have a bias to preferably spawn there? If not I don't see why religions should not be assigned randomly.
What would be cool is a system that created your religion's name according to the beliefs that you chose. Tricky maybe, but cool.
Perhaps if each civ had a less uniform 2nd choice.
Ie If their 1st choice is used, pick one completely random, rather than next on the list.

It also might be good for some civs to have a random option (ie the pre-columbian civs). Which would thin out Christianity. Possibly allowing Judaism to come early... Actually if Venice is in, then its preffered religion should be Judaism (not historical, but just a nod to Merchant of Venice)
I think they could very well add religions like Odinism, Asatru, Wicca etc. Allthough the AI Civs would not choose them, there would be more options for the player.
Quite frankly I think we have enough choices, I use Shikism as a American religion and use Tengirism as a replacement for Totemism.
Assyria: Orthodox Christianity
Brazil: Catholicism
Indonesia: Islam
Morocco: Islam
Poland: Catholicism
Portugal: Catholicism
Zulu: Tribal religions or Protestantism
Quite frankly I think we have enough choices, I use Shikism as a American religion and use Tengirism as a replacement for Totemism.

Who would it hurt if we had more choices? They would just add more flavor. I dont see any negatives in adding new religions.
Assyria: Orthodoxy (kinda amazing how they've survived this long, really. They aren't technically orthodox, but still).
Brazil: Catholicism
Indonesia: Hinduism/Islam (probably the former)
Morocco: Islam
Poland: Catholicism
Portugal: Catholicism
Zulu: Protestantism.

Of the old nations, with the new split mechanics:
America: Protestant
Austria: Catholic
Aztecs: Catholic
Byzantium: Orthodox
Carthage: Orthodox (or Muslim)
Celts: Catholic
Denmark: Protestant
Egypt: Orthodox (though probably Muslim)
England: Protestant
Ethiopia: Orthodox (though technically not)
France: Catholic
Germany: Protestant/Catholic (almost certainly the former)
Greece: Orthodox
Inca: Catholic
Iroquois: Protestant
Maya: Catholic
Netherlands: Protestant
Polynesia: Protestant
Rome: Catholic (or Orthodox)
Russia: Orthodox
Spain: Catholic
Sweden: Protestant

....there are a lot of Christian and European nations... though I suppose a lot are non-Christians converted by Europeans too...
I'd say Germany should be protestant as several key people in the Protestant Reformation were German. Heck, Martin Luther was German and his 95 Theses were a big part of what got the whole thing started.
I'd say Germany should be protestant as several key people in the Protestant Reformation were German. Heck, Martin Luther was German and his 95 Theses were a big part of what got the whole thing started.

Aye, but they're still split 50/50, and the HRE was always Catholic, which caused quite a lot of religious wars... still, it's almost certainly Protestant, as you say. Coupled with the fact that its modern form was unified by Prussia, of course.
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