Preventing the city governor making certain types of specialists


Dec 14, 2004
Is the any way to stop the citys governor automatically making a citizen into a specialist of a certain kind?

I find this most annoying when trying to specialise a city to produce a certain GP only with specialists ! Last game i played, my citizens kept being turned into priests, as i had no use for any more Great Profits they sat around fortified for many years.

Is there some way of blocking certain specialists in a city but not others>? I dont mind if anything else besides a prophit is produced!

I know you can go in and manually force a specialist, but like the emphasise options, is there anything like that to city to prevent certain specialists in that city/ all citys?? and auto the rest

anyone know what i am trying to say?????
I know what your trying to say and wish I had the answer. It's a real pain to go into the city screen to see why a city won't grow for 30 turns and find it's because some how the city decides to take a worker off a farm and tun it into a freakin preist. Especially when I already got like 4 shrines and only need artist at this point. I have to check like 12 cities every few turns to make sure to remove preist. What's with that?
No - there is no way as far as I'm aware.

The city governor stuff is all hiden away where we can't see it. Somebody could compeltely re-write the whole thing if they wanted to, and make it so it'd do what you wanted it to, but it'd be quite a bit of work.

Also, why can't you use the priests to discover techs, or join them as super-specialists?
The only way to control how the Governor assigns citizens is to:

a) assign priorites to the Governor, such as food, hammers, commerce, etc... I've found the food/hammers or food/commerce combinations tends to eliminate unwanted specialists

b) force a specialist of the type you do want

It would be nice to have a "prevent specialist" button, though.
No, it would be a nice option for Firaxis (or maybe a modder) to add later. The only was to do this currently is to turn off the governer and manually assign citizens and specialists, which is more micromanagement than I usually like but worthwhile on a GP farm.

FYI Apple, later in the game you can't use a prophet to discover a tech (none availible for him), and it's of only so-so value as a specialist. Unless I need a shrine or one of the early prophet techs, I'd much rather have any other specialist, especially those lovely scientists (+50% tech in a city) and engineers (guarantee me a wonder).
doesn't hitting all the top 3 emphasize buttons help prevent specialists?

I absolutely hate this part of the game.
I especially love it when i notice one of my cities is starving, click and find out the stupid gov has sent my workers off to work in the temple or the forge.

I usually have him shot.
problem is, his replacement is usually clueless also.
Are you sure you don't have a free specialist from mercantalism, statue of liberty, etc. when that happens? I've never seen a city governor set the city to starve unless it was unavoidable (or I forced specialists).
a) assign priorites to the Governor, such as food, hammers, commerce, etc... I've found the food/hammers or food/commerce combinations tends to eliminate unwanted specialists<<<<<<<<<<

Cool! thanks I'll try that.
"I've never seen a city governor set the city to starve unless it was unavoidable (or I forced specialists)."

i might have forced it, don't remember,
It seemed rather illogical.
where's spock when you need him?
The Great Apple said:
No - there is no way as far as I'm aware.

Also, why can't you use the priests to discover techs, or join them as super-specialists?

I just dont want a priest, i would rather anything else!!!!!!!!!!
linjon1 said:
doesn't hitting all the top 3 emphasize buttons help prevent specialists?

i dont want to prevent all, just priests! i dont mind if anything else is auto made!
DarkFyre99 said:

a) assign priorites to the Governor, such as food, hammers, commerce, etc... I've found the food/hammers or food/commerce combinations tends to eliminate unwanted specialists

But what happens, if all usable tiles in the city area are already worked ? Doesn't the new citizens become assigned as specialists ? And it seems that they quite often will become priests.
vsipinen said:
But what happens, if all usable tiles in the city area are already worked ? Doesn't the new citizens become assigned as specialists ? And it seems that they quite often will become priests.

The governor will create specialists that produce Hammers, so it would go for Engineers, Priests, and Citizens, in that order. However, if you select one of the priority buttons, it will tend to select a specialist that corresponds to the button.
I just wish the priest wasn't so useless. I would imagine the preist should produce some happiness, maybe one for a specialist, two for a super specialist. But I guess that would make them like the old entertainer specialist, and it seems they completely axed that idea. Any ideas why?
the entertainer's still there, i don't know if it has the same name, but if you have unhappy citizens, they're automatically assigned so you don't have to bother.
i avoid angkor wat because it makes your governor love priests even more. maybe if you click "emphasize gold" they'd make more merchants... not sure.
gunshi said:
I just wish the priest wasn't so useless. I would imagine the preist should produce some happiness, maybe one for a specialist, two for a super specialist. But I guess that would make them like the old entertainer specialist, and it seems they completely axed that idea. Any ideas why?

You can't add religion to the game without adding priests. I hope you're not serious about priests producing happiness. Perhaps early on as an abstraction of societal order (prior to Scientific Method) but then slowly expunged. More of the game should be decimalized. Might a very religious society produce higher morale troops? +1% unit strength per priest (in city of creation) averaged over the last 20 turns would make the decision to minimize priests a jot more difficult.
I just got this idea while reading the thread I was thinking if it's possible you could set it so he can only put on certian types of specalist but if that's not possible just avoid building wonders and building that allow specalists.
i totally agree we need a solution for unwanted specialists. its so damn annoying to go through all my cities to get rid of those stupid priests that the AI insists on me having almost every turn. usually, except few cities that generate a lot of GP points i would rather have growth over specialists in cities that need development.

even in late game, the AI prefers preists when its obviously better to have scientists or engineers. when i build the ankor wat, the AI goes crazy assigning priests in all my cities which i prefer not to unless its necessary (production starved cities). what's more annoying that getting a great prophet in the modern age?

firaxis should address this in the next expansion. its too much to ask for in a patch.
gunshi said:
But I guess that would make them like the old entertainer specialist, and it seems they completely axed that idea. Any ideas why?

Because they reworked the happiness system. Now your city does the equivalent of assigning entertainer specialists whenever you don't have enough happiness; you get a guy who's using up food, not producing anything, but keeping the city from revolting.
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