Private Forum Discussions


Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2004
Red Sox Nation
As I'm seeing some of you starting some discussions in your private forums, here's some things you guys can discuss - most are team-dependent. Be warned however, that although you can put up various threads for discussion at this time (ie; civilization, difficulty, etc.), there might not be the official vote on them for a bit. So...the team-specific discussions I suggest you start with until 'official discussions' start:

UN Representative
For those not in the Civ3 MTDG, this is how things work with regards to the public forum: each team elections a "UN Rep", who is in charge of voting in official polls for their team (i.e. All later polls in this forum, for example for determining the Map Type, or Difficulty Level, will be done on a one vote per team basis. Your UN Rep will cast your team's vote after discussion and concensus in the private forum).

They are sort of a public figurehead for that team with regards to things here in the main forum. You can have a nomination thread open for a couple days (not everyone has signed up yet!), then maybe an election on the weekend or such.

Government Structure
This can greatly vary - it is basically how you run things like playing the save and discussions/instructions for the turnplayer.

Some teams choose an anarchist approach (;)) - while there are discussions/threads for topics, anyone can play a save for that team. Others have gone with a semi-formal design with a "Turn Player" (who plays the turns, of course) and then just citizens discussing things. Even still, teams have come up with a more structured government, electing people like Military Advisor, Foreign Advisor, and President. They all work - choose one that works for your team; note: for elections, I suggest going every X # of turns, not days.

Email Setup/Passwords
Another critical point: your team needs: an email account, the password for that email, and a password for your civilization team save. Please discuss what those passwords can be (please don't use password :rolleyes:), and for an email account, it's best if every team can get a GMail account: . If you need an invite for an account, just PM me and I'll hook you up. Be sure to make a "information thread" in your forum with the email address/password/save password so that everyone can view the email, grab the save, and view the save. Team's emails will also be in the Team Information Thread in the main forum for notice.

Team Name
Another simple thing - think of a team name.

These are 4 good things to start discussion with.
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