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Probably Improved Gameplay Mod

Thanks for the feedback Lenowill. I don't think it's feasible to put a food mod into the next release because it will be focused mainly on bringing the components up to date (most notably better AI and BULL) and also fixing any of the experimental mechanics introduced in the later versions of PIG. However I agree it's something worth looking into. It will take some time and experimentation.

It's likely that the next release will be fairly temporary as there seem to be some issues being sorted out with better ai at the moment. I'm hoping that over the coming weeks I will have time to get another or a few more updates out as those problems get fixed.

I know some of you have been very patiently waiting so I do want to get this mod up to date this weekend.
If you mean the targetCityValue discussion, don't mind it. There are a lot of places were arbitrary values are used to evaluate something, buildings, units, techs, etc. At any and all of those places, numbers could be changed, or new aspects could be considered, and so forth. True, these tweaks could or at least should improve AI performance a tiny bit but I really doubt anyone would notice.

As for the suggestion Advanced Automations: I will be adding it when Afforess puts up his new version. Unless you are not that patient, in that case I could try to extract it from his AND svn,
I don't think it's feasible to put a food mod into the next release because it will be focused mainly on bringing the components up to date (most notably better AI and BULL) and also fixing any of the experimental mechanics introduced in the later versions of PIG. However I agree it's something worth looking into. It will take some time and experimentation.

Yep, I figured as much. But, as you said, I definitely think it's worth looking into. I would personally find it a lot of fun, though I may be biased because I come from a community with a lot of rural/agrarian influence.

By the way--and this isn't to nag, but just to remind in case it may have been forgotten--if anyone has any suggestions on how I might get the BAT graphics combined with PIG, I'd be tickled to know the answer. (I can already install the Blue Marble graphics from the Blue Marble website and have it globally affect all my Civ games--whether I'm running a particular mod or not--but BAT doesn't seem to have that option.) It's probably not going to kill my gaming experience either way, but it would be very cool to see them combined.

Thanks again, and yep, I will join the boat of people who would be interested in seeing the advanced automation options. I always wished I could order a spy to sleep for just five turns and then wake up automatically. :)
I only just discovered Afforess' brilliant new modcomp. At first glance, it looks exactly like the sort of thing that will go well with PIG so I will endeavour to get it included.
Still slogging through some things regarding the next update, so it'll be a little while longer, but in the meantime can I recommend trying LunarMongoose's very thorough mod MongooseMode (just recently released), found here:
Sorry guys but this is taking longer than I hoped, and I'm going to be out of town for nearly another week again.

Out of curiosity, how many of you are still playing this mod or desperately awaiting the next update? Getting the new DLL compiled is the main thing slowing me down, but if there are any major XML things that need changing I could just do a patch for those things. e.g. any properties of buildings or units, civics or techs...

Getting the new Better AI and BULL versions would require the DLL which will take longer.
QUOTE]Out of curiosity, how many of you are still playing this mod or desperately awaiting the next update?[/QUOTE]

Me for one, i love the mod and can only play civ with it and iv been checking to see if the update is done for weeks.

PIG Mod rules
I'm waiting for it for sure. :)
I've only been playing PIG for quite some time now. For me it's like standard civ4 now. So please keep the good work :)
After the StarCraft 2 Beta came out I completely stopped playing Civilization 4 and have not been pulled back yet. But once I do get pulled back into Civ4 the first thing I'll do is to install PIG :)
Any news on the next version? ppppplllllzzzzz

Working on it at the moment. Assuming things go smoothly (a big assumption), hopefully it will be ready tomorrow, but no promises as usual.

There have been some massive changes to the UP, Better AI and BUG/BULL since the last PIG version.
Happy birthday PIG Mod
And thanks to PieceOfMind for this update been looking every day. :D opps...
! J:\Documents and Settings\chris\My Documents\pig_mod_v0_925_setup.zip: CRC failed in PIG Mod v0.925 Setup.exe. The file is corrupt
Tryed 3 times and get this error :(
File corrupt eh?

EDIT... Yep it's broken.

The file has been fixed.
Anyone who downloaded it before now should redownload to avoid getting the corrupt file.
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