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Problem with trading techs in hot seat.


Oct 28, 2005
I was playing a hot seat game of Civ4 with my gf and when we attepted to trade technologies between our two civilizations we found that we were unable. Well actually I was able to give her my tech but she couldn't pick which techs she wanted to give me. Both of us had alphabet which enables tech trading but it still didn't work. Does anyone know what the problem is? Is this a bug? please help. Thanks in advance.
*bump* :mischief:
Having the same problem... the only thing I can exchange with other players is gold ( e.g. 30g for 20g :p ) but no techs, maps or anything, which is slightly annoying. Has anyone else encountered this or found a solution?
I'm sure there are some limitations due to not having previous techs. Remember, some techs require you to have previous techs and being able to trade maps and goods have other pre requisits (sp) also.
A friend and I playing a hotseat game also had similar problems. However, ours took on an odd twist.

He can trade technologies to me, however I can't trade technologies to him. I have alphabet and every other technology that he has, every single one. However, when I click on techonologies or "open borders" the item will go down to the list and then immidiatly dissipear and go back to the list as if it hadn't been selected. We have tried trading the blank trade window after clicking on all the icons (as if the technologies were there but invisible) but, it still doesn't work. Please help!
Having the same problem here. The only notion I could come up with is that my civ (who was ranked higher than the missus') could give her civ gifts essentially, but since she was less advanced than me, the game decided I didn't need anything she would give me? Loopy.

Does anyone know if this problem is happening in the other MP types?
I just registered to say I'm having the same issue. When my girlfriend and I try to trade technologies, they drop to the list below and then immediately bounce back up. I assumed at first that we both need Alphabet, so I researched and there was still no change. As other people mentioned, for some reason my technologies can be given to her, but she can't give her's to me. I was definitely the lower ranked civilisation, too, so that isn't it. It was my profile that started the Hotseat game (i.e. I was player 1), so perhaps that's it. I haven't tested much further.

I'd really like to find a fix for this. The only way to achieve the open technology trading we want, is to select the same team at the startup screen, but then every Civ is player-controlled: no AI.
Jupp, this must be a bug. And dont come here and say, I need the alphabet or something stupid, because I know we do, and I have it. I have the same problem like everyone else. Guess we have to wait for a patch. Sid, keep up the good work!!
I guess they never tried to trade technology in the beta testing?!?

Well, I imagine it was more like "ok, X X and X work, but Y and Z don't". So at some point in time, tech trading worked, but then they probably fixed Y and Z bug, and broke tech trading, and it slipped out under their noses. While it is not exactly a stellar mark on their QA, I am positive it is not simply a matter of them "never trying it in beta". Still, it is a bad bug, and not a good thing in any way.
Just thought I'd update with a workaround for this issue.

It seems that the problem only affects Player 1. Since Player 1 is the default Human player and has to start the game, it was easy to assume this was just an unavoidable problem with Hotseat games. It isn't.

The solution is to make Player 1 a 'dummy' Human player, and make your REAL Human players fill the Player 2 & 3 (or more, depending on how many Human players you want) slots. So, for example, you'd make a game like this:

Player 1 - Human (by default) - Team 1 - Random Civ - Random Leader - Noble
Player 2 - Human - Team 2 - Russia - Catherine - Noble
Player 3 - Human - Team 3 - Japan - Tokugawa - Noble
Player 4 - AI - Team 4 - Random - Random - Noble
Player 5 - Closed

In this example, the two real Human players want to be Russia and Japan. Player 1 is not going to be used.

As soon as the game starts, it will be Player 1's turn. They'll start with a Settler and a Warrior/Scout, just like any other game. Immediately click Delete Unit for both of them, and the civlization is wiped out for all eternity. Their score will hit 0 and they will never get another turn. The entire game will carry on as if they never existed. When Player 2 and 3 (the Human players) eventually meet up, they will be able to trade technologies without a problem. Provided one of them has Alphabet, of course. I have tested this and confirmed that it works. The 'bouncing' tech bug only affects trades involving Player 1.

The only drawback to this workaround is that you reduce the maximum number of civlizations by one, because you have to use up an extra slot to avoid being Player 1. But I think it's a small price to pay for being able to enjoy Hotseat games properly.

Hope everyone who posted so far manages to read this.
Well, I tried to just change the human players 1 and 2, to be 3 and 4 instead. Meaning:
Player 1- AI
Player 2 - AI
Player 3 - Human
Player 4 - Human
Player 5 - AI

Same exact results. I'll try neener's idea now and report back.


OK. Neener's idea worked! Many thanks, and happy civing. This minor annoyance won't slow me and my friend down. :-D
I've been having the exact same problems as you guys. I hope they fix it in a patch. In the mean time though thanks for the workaround. I'll have to try it next time we play a hot seat game. At the moment we're about four hours into one and don't really want to start again though :)
Thanks Neener!!! A parch soon would be great, but until then, at least we have this easy way around it.

Now to convince my bf to restart our game so he can trade to me. =)
Thx a lot Neener!
I would like to add that you can also choose to resign with the first player - it will then be controlled by the AI - you won´t have to use an "extra" slot then.
BTW I have already mailed Firaxis about that and received this answer:

"Thanks for the email. We are working on a patch and I will ensure this is sent onto the programmers immediately."

So I hope that they fix it ( fast :-D ) .
had the same problem with my room-mate. And we are playing as a team. We didn't want to trade techs, because obviously we both have the same stuff there, but rather resources, I had two stone quarries and he had none. But every time he tried to offer me something for the stone, a couple clams he had that I could use, the computer would delete them off the trade list. Thanks for the work around, too bad it requires us to lose our sweet starting locations.
Does anyone here play the PBEM mode? I'd like to know for sure if this bug shows up there. So far, I've been having to implement this work-around in all my PBEM games, for fear that if I don't, it will show up. If anyone can confirm that this bug does NOT show up in PBEM, it would be nice.

=$= Big J Money =$=
Big J Money said:
Does anyone here play the PBEM mode? I'd like to know for sure if this bug shows up there. So far, I've been having to implement this work-around in all my PBEM games, for fear that if I don't, it will show up. If anyone can confirm that this bug does NOT show up in PBEM, it would be nice.

=$= Big J Money =$=

I haven't tried it, but I imagine there would be a far bigger outcry if the same bug was happening in every multiplayer mode. So far I've only seen people mention it not working in Hot Seat, so my assumption is it's isolated to that. That's purely an assumption, though.
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