And the religion overhaul is looking like this right now:
  1. Hellenism- dies with spread of Christian religions and Muslim religions
  2. Kemetism- dies with spread of Christian religions and Muslim religions
  3. Zoroastrianism- even lower spread rate than it is right now
  4. Judaism- minor religion- spreads unhappiness, instability with spread; Jewish Quarter building provides some trade routes and/ or gold.
  5. Confucianism
  6. Taoism
  7. Buddhism
  8. Hinduism
  9. Catholicism
  10. Orthodoxy- prescripted split in 1054
  11. Protestantism- split with Printing Press
  12. Sunni Islam
  13. Shi'a Islam- split with Sunni Islam in 632, autofound in Makkah
  14. Paganism- most religions start with pagan missionary; no holy city; low spread; displaced by other religions

Sunni and Shi'ite leaders get a penalty, but it's halved.
Orthodox leaders get a bonus with Catholics and Protestants, but its halved.
Confucians, Taoists, and Buddhists get a bonus with each other, but it's halved.
Hindus and Buddhists get a quartered bonus.
Hindus, Confucians, and Taoists get a quartered penalty.
Catholics and Prots. get a halved penalty (not a full penalty, like in DoC)
Christian leaders get a doubled penalty against pagan leaders, Hellenistic leaders, and Kemetistic leaders, but not vice versa (so Ramses may adores Christian Julius but Julius may abhor Ramses)
Pagan leaders will actually get a small negative penalty against each other because the various pagan religions of the world are different.

Love those ideas for religious overhaul.
Also digging the religious ideas. But maybe the bonus between Sunni and Shi'ite should be quartered instead of halved? They don't like each other very much. It's an east-side, west-side thing. :p

No, I have between them right now a halved penalty.
Iranian UP: Power of Safaviyya: New (Non-Conquered) Cities automatically start with Shi'ite Islam and a Shi'ite Temple
Mexican UP: Power of the Yucatan- All Cities automatically start with +2:Culture:

Gustavus Adolphus
Spawn: 1523
UU: Karolin (Musketman(?) with 1-2 First Strikes, and is Immune to First Strikes)
UB: Riksbank (Bank with +75% :gold: and gives +1 Free Merchant )
UP: Power of the Formation: All Units start with the Formation Promotion
UHV: -Conquer Norway, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia by 1600 AD
- Do not lose any Cities before 1700 AD
- Become the the Wealthiest and most Cultured European Civ by 1980 AD

José de San Martín (1810-1943), Juan Peron (1943-)
Spawn: 1810
UU: Caballo (Cavalry with +30% Bonus against Gunpowder Units)
UB: Dance Studio (Theatre that adds +5 Culture)
- Ensure there are no Spanish Cities in South America by 1900 AD
- Become the Wealthiest Nation in the world by 1950.
- ?
UP; Power of the Great White North: Tundra squares provide 1

A very underpowered UP. A tundra would still only have what 1 :food: 1 :hammers: and 1 :gold:? Specialists would kill these tiles.

I suggest either plus 1 :food: and ability to build on tundra without water or ability to farm tundra (With bio is +2 :food: would be very helpful and other civs that cap the cities wouldn't go into starvation)

Also Canada should spawn around 1850 is my guess.
One of the Argentinian UHVs should have to do with their powerful economy, as they were the second largest economy in the world at one point. So:
-Be the richest nation in the world in 1910/1920
-Have the highest GDP (or whatever that thing is) in 1910/1920

Also, the Mayans are also super hard, perhaps even harder than the Khmer, if you can believe it. So, two things: a) don't expect it to be done for a little while AND b) any suggestions for how to find more/encompass more?
Gustavus Adolphus
Spawn: 1523
UU: Karloin (Musketman(?) with 1-2 First Strikes, and is Immune to First Strikes)
UB: Riksbank (Bank with +75% :gold: )
UP: Power of the Formation: All Units start with the Formation Promotion
UHV: -Conquer Norway, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia by 1600 AD
- Do not lose any Cities before 1700 AD
- Become the the Wealthiest and most Cultured European Civ by 1980 AD

José de San Martín (1810-1943), Juan Peron (1943-)
Spawn: 1810
UU: Caballo (Cavalry with +30% Bonus against Gunpowder Units)
UB: Dance Studio (Theatre that adds +4 Culture)
- Ensure there are no Spanish Cities in South America by 1850 AD
- ?
- ?

The UB of the Swedish isn't very Unique. (It's the same as the English Stock Exchange, but stronger.) I suggest giving it 1 free merchant.
The last UHV of the Swedish is too hard. You won't be able to get the amount of culture that France (or every other civ) will get by the time you will spawn.

The UHV of Argentina comes too quick. You have just 20 turns to get it, which can be impossible. You have to be lucky to get this UHV.
The UB only add 1 culture, which isn't very strong IMO.
The last UHV of the Swedish is too hard. You won't be able to get the amount of culture that France (or every other civ) will get by the time you will spawn.

You could kill them ;)
And much more important, the unit is called Karolin.
One of the Argentinian UHVs should have to do with their powerful economy, as they were the second largest economy in the world at one point. So:
-Be the richest nation in the world in 1910/1920

How about 1950? Other than that, sounds good.

The UB of the Swedish isn't very Unique. (It's the same as the English Stock Exchange, but stronger.) I suggest giving it 1 free merchant.
The last UHV of the Swedish is too hard. You won't be able to get the amount of culture that France (or every other civ) will get by the time you will spawn.

I can add +1 Merchant. The Culture is there merely because I wasn't sure how easy it would or wouldn't be to become the Richest Nation in europe alone with an Economically Minded UB like that.

The UHV of Argentina comes too quick. You have just 20 turns to get it, which can be impossible. You have to be lucky to get this UHV.
The UB only add 1 culture, which isn't very strong IMO.
Can change this, how about 1900 AD? And +5 Culture for the Building?

And much more important, the unit is called Karolin.
Looks good, especially stuff like the dynamic rebirths.
Do you have plans to add any more civs? From Jarkovs mod, I think the Celts, Koreans, Native Americans and Zulu were good additions. Also think it would be good to have another South American civ, either Brazil or Argentina (or both).
Also wondering, do minor civs cause much time or resource usage? If not, would it be possible to create a good number, that only spawn depending on certain conditions. E.g. say if a civ collapsed completely like the Ottomans, any cities in the area around Armenia would go to a minor Armenian civ instead of just independents? Might be useful for some of the Chinese factions aswell.
With the Shi'a Muslim spawn, what would happen if someone other than Arabia gets Sunni Islam? Admittedly it only really happens with human players but it seems weird to have Islam in china suddenly split into two sects half the world apart.
I'd not say it's impossible to culturally overtake everyone from 1523 to the 20th century. It's a lot of time to hire artists, build culture and use the slider.
For Argentina, you could do something to do with the education system, which is renowned as one of the world's best, and easily the best in Latin America. They also are quite well-known for their scientific achievements, so I was thinking a UHV somewhere along the lines of:
-Build 5 Universities, 5 Observatories, 5 Laboratories and an Academy by 2000 AD

Also, I was thinking that Argentina could be the Maya rebirth since they have no one else to be reborn as. Plus the colour works really well. Then, the Incas could remain as the more sensible Peru rebirth.
I have some ideas:

How about this:
Not sure what leaders.
Spawn: 1800 (possibly)
UP; Power of the Great White North: Tundra squares provide 1 gold and 1 hammer
1. No European cities in North America in 1850
2. Control or vassalize America by 1950
3. Build the United Nations, the Apollo program, and the Pentagon by 2000
The point of this civ would be to prevent American over-expansion northwards.

Also, I was thinking you could delay the end of the game from 2020 to maybe 2100 and add some future techs so we could play the game into the future. Just a thought.

Another thought: maybe you could add Hellenism and Kemetism (egyptian religion) as religions. It might be possible for these religion to be removed from a city when Christianity or Islam spreads into a city with these religions.

Also, religions could "auto-found" in certain dates. For example, Hellenism might be founded as soon as the Greeks found their capital. This would be to make the game more historically accurate religion-wise.
  • Sir John A. Macdonald, regarded as the Father of Canada, forged the self-governing Dominion of Canada
  • Sir Wilfred Laurier, a highly regarded French-Canuck under whom Canada become very rich, two new provinces,
  • William Mackenzie King, the crazed guy who lead us through WWII
  • Lester B. Pearson, made the Canadian flag and lead Canada when it was actually influential

Spawn: in 1840 the Canadas united into the province of Canada and in 1867 the self-governing Dominion was created, pick your poison mate.

UP; The Boundless Land: rivers give 1:hammers: 1:commerce:, Tundra gives 1:food:
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