PTW Patch v1.04 Released


Oct 25, 2000
Not many people have Play the World yet but Firaxis has already released v1.04 patch for it. The patch is 6.9 MB in size and contains lots of fixes. Here is the complete list:

Additions in v1.04f:
* Added autopatching ability via GameSpy
* Added the Pillage ability to Armies
* Added confirmation message for building outposts on
top of colonies.
* Added ability to airlift to and from airfields.
* Added ability to airdrop from airfields.
* Added confirmation message for building airfields
on top of colonies.

Changes in v1.04f:
* Removed Explore action from Cruise Missiles.

Fixes in v1.04f:
* Fixed several Multiplayer stability issues.
* Fixed bug with being unable to contact players who
have used the espionage screen
* Fixed bug that caused players to win when they, in
fact, lost.
* Fixed bug with draft button not updating in MP.
* Fixed memory leak with advisor screens.
* Fixed crash with advisor screens.
* Fixed bug with multiple advisor screens being open.
* Fixed bug with era not advancing.
* Fixed crash on replay screen.
* Fixed bug with goody huts not redrawing properly in
some cases
* Fixed bug that caused starting locations in
scenarios to be incorrect
* Fixed bug that caused civilopedia entries to be
incorrect on the espionage screen
* Fixed bug that caused cities with air units to be
unable to be captured in Multiplayer.
* Fixed bug that caused air units to not be destroyed
if they are not in a city.
* Fixed bug that caused Play-By-Email mode to not
* Fixed bug that caused barbarians to receive victory
* Fixed typo in password popup.
* Fixed redraw bug that occurred after
capturing/destroying airfields, towers, outposts, and
* Editor: Fixed bug causing invalid prerequisites
after changing a tech's era
* Editor: Fixed bug causing commas to be added to some
fields on the tech property page
* Editor: Fixed bug causing non-numeric characters to
be allowed to be entered on the terrain property page
* Editor: Fixed bug that caused tech rate to have a
comma in it

Thanks to arkammler for the news tip.
Wow, a patch for a game that most people don't even have yet. You would think they would have fixed all this since they were playing it for a couple of months
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was going to copy out the two that had me worried about the programmers mental health or rather the beta test most - but then realized i could simply copy the enitre list!

a bug that lets you win when you lost :rolleyes:

I guess PTW out of the box is another record in un-ready releases from Firaxis......
It seems to me that if Firaxians have been fixing bugs since the game went gold, and that a patch to fix the most obvious of them is available on the day of release, then in fact the game is not un-ready. If you ask me, it's a rather clever way of getting the game out one week early.
Originally posted by Lt. 'Killer' M.

I guess PTW out of the box is another record in un-ready releases from Firaxis......

While it is kind of funny, it also means that they likely sent the game out and developed patches at the same time, meaning that I will be able to be a Conquistador tonight instead of six weeks from now...

You are certainly right about that - what I was bashing was the state they sent it our to beta(I cannot imagine they KNEW this stuff was in there before that - otherwise they could have used the beta test time to include the fixes). Same amount of un-readiness at least as the original civ - and this time, noone died.....
This might not be good for sales. Some people play the game without patching it for a long time. I'm sure they are frantically contacting the reviewers to avoid getting a bad rating, but they might miss some of the publications.

They might get lucky and none of the severe bugs will appear when the reviewers play it. "Fixed crash with advisor screens."

But any bozo can submit a review on Amazon and similar websites (you know, the reviews that appear right under the product listing).
Wow! Off the shelf PTW is the buggiest program I've ever seen!
"People winning when they should have lost"
"Airlift to airfields now included"
"Era not advancing"
"PBEM not working"
"Barbs getting victory points"

:lol: This is hilarious!

Geez....looks like I might as well download the patch while waiting for my order of PTW which most likely might not reach until about a month later. :p
What about all those who buy the game and do NOT read this forum and are not in any way aware that there's a patch available? Seems like an easy way out to release bugged software only to release patches to "fix" it, but a lot of the customers will never get any patch.
very very unprofesional decision by their team.
most of the people who buy games, play them , and leave them in about a month, without going to their website, or posting comments on them on the fanatic forum.
if we are the market, then they can expect to sell 2000 of those expansion pack, which will result in an economic loss for them.
i really dont get it, delay the release for a month, and be sure you release a complete game, i can just imgain the review on my local paper here(i opened the game, and it crashed- dont but it)
really stupid decision, IMHO.
And what about the fact that many of these bugs might not be encountered by the majority of players? :rolleyes:

I doubt that "* Fixed crash with advisor screens." means something like "whenever you press F1 the game crashes."
Originally posted by Dralix
And what about the fact that many of these bugs might not be encountered by the majority of players? :rolleyes:

I doubt that "* Fixed crash with advisor screens." means something like "whenever you press F1 the game crashes."
This happens way too often to me. I'm glad they FINALLY fixed this.
Originally posted by Gen

This happens way too often to me. I'm glad they FINALLY fixed this.

Well then you can all disregard my previous post as the babbling of someone who doesn't have PTW and thus knows nothing about it. I'll shut up now. ;)
After loading the patch, my startup screen has changed. "new game" is now "airfield". "quick start" is now "build airfield". Whatever was below it is now "radar" and below that is "build radar". Multiplayer doesn't exist. I now know that I have to click on "quick start" to get to "multiplayer" and "airfield to start a new game. I've been trying for only 5 or 6 hours but still can't get a multiplayer game started.

Looks as though we need a patch for the patch.

Originally posted by Dralix

Well then you can all disregard my previous post as the babbling of someone who doesn't have PTW and thus knows nothing about it. I'll shut up now. ;)
:lol: I do not have PTW yet. I just read that this bug was fixed in this thread and hope this is true. If not then.... :mad: :rant: :wallbash:
Originally posted by minutemanIII
Looks as though we need a patch for the patch.
No offense, but I think you might want to try reinstalling the game before we whip Firaxis for another patch - otherwise, I'm sure more people would be experiencing that error. :)
Originally posted by Fredric Drum
What about all those who buy the game and do NOT read this forum and are not in any way aware that there's a patch available? Seems like an easy way out to release bugged software only to release patches to "fix" it, but a lot of the customers will never get any patch.
Yeah, that occurred to me too. When it comes down to the business side of things, rushing this to production with so many bugs probably wasn't such a great idea. For those of us who have been bitten by the civ bug enough to stick around and b*tch and download patches, things will be okay in the end. But the majority of people who purchased either Civ III original or the expansion are only casually interested I suspect, and bugs like these are sure to be a big turn off.
Which problem of mine. Menu problem or the problem w/multiplayer. True, I've only heard of one problem with another menu, but if you get on and listen to the chatting you'll see that to play online, you've got to be somewhat of a hacker or be talked through step by step. But, I'll try and uninstall it and boot it up again. After 5 hours, I'll try anything.

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