Python Error


Sep 6, 2006

I am receiving this python error, would anyone have any idea on what is exactly happening here?

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvScreensInterface", line 699, in forceScreenRedraw

File "CvMainInterface", line 1280, in redraw

File "CvMainInterface", line 1729, in updatePlotListButtons

File "CvMainInterface", line 1820, in updatePlotListButtons_Common

RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception
ERR: Python function forceScreenRedraw failed, module CvScreensInterface

Python calls something in DLL or EXE, which crashes. C++ doesn't tell python why it crashed, hence "unidentifiable C++ exception". My usual approach to this would be to attach a debugger and let it crash again to see what the debugger can tell regarding the crash. However anybody asking this question would likely not know how to use the debugger. In fact most modders don't know how to do that.

It crashes in screens/ line 1820 when it tries to call forceScreenRedraw. It might have invalid arguments given by python and there might be a bug in C++. I can't get any closer than that because that's not what line 1820 looks like in vanilla.

Without knowing what goes on in C++ or even which mod caused this, I'm afraid I can't really say anymore about this. I'm fully aware that this isn't super helpful, but it's all I can say given the available information.
Some thoughts I have given that this is happening from updatePlotListButtons_Common? It sounds like it's related to the button/icon images for terrain (plains, grassland etc.)
  • Did you edit any code relating to that?
  • Did you maybe add any custom icons to those?
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