question bout FLAK Units


Dec 23, 2010
hey guys.

if i fortify a flak unit. what area does it defend against air units? only the square itself or a 9 square radius?

does "zone of control" make a difference ?
afaik it only defense the tile it is on or ship it is on. Actually I never have seen a flak in a boat shoot, but I have seen ToW's in a boat shoot at me.
Flak defends its' tile only. It does not work when in a transport as far as I know, unless the transport is in a city, then it might.

If I might offer some advice on usage, it is generally cheaper and more effective to use fighters for air superiority if you can build them. They take a turn or two to get in position, but are much more effective (they defend half their range value, so a range 4 air unit defends a 2 tile radius). Flak can be useful for defending an area that fighters cannot defend in time, but it can cost more unit support for the same effect.
I don't use fighter for defense, only recon. The reason is they are never in the right place. The AI knows where they are. Flak/sams can be moved instantly on rails to where you need them and they can defend against attackers on the town.

That and I do not see figthers as worth much shooting down bombers, but that may just be my perspective.
If you can prevent an air attack by simply putting a fighter in place isn't that a pretty effective defense?
It won't prevent an attack. I have lost a lot of fighters to bombers in the past. To me it comes down to the the game settings. Easy games, the AI does not get to bombers. Really hard games like Sid or AWD I cannot do much about bombers and just take the hits, till I can kill them. The rest of the games don't matter much, just on the margins. So use what you want.

I will slip in some flaks in places they are hitting and hope to slow them down. If I put lone fighters, they get damaged and killed or I have to move them. If I put several fighters in a town, they switch targets.

Switching targets seldom helps me, unless the target was real important and the new target is not important.
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