Questions About Mods


May 18, 2015
United Sates
I have a couple questions about mods.
  • If 2 mods are DLL mods, they are not compatible?
  • If 2 mods change the tech tree, they are not compatible?
  • If 2 mods just add more resources, they are not compatible?
1) Not compatible - the DLL is a "total replacement" whichever loads last wins
2) (Assuming you mean "changes techs" and not "changes the tech tree UI") Can be compatible, depends on the extent of the changes and how the author implemented those changes - for example, the pre-historic, enlightenment and future-tech eras as originally written were not compatible but they can be made to co-exist
3) Should be compatible
I really did not know where to post this, so I am going to post it here.

Does barbarians enter cities' areas? I am using YnAEMP v25. I picked chill barbarian. I know that option is about spawning barbarians. It seems to happen when I enter the medieval era and behind. They enter and sometimes destroy improvements. This has happened in my last 2 games. I do not remember this happening before.
As barbarians can attack cites, they must be able to enter city areas
Oj, It seems weird to me since I never really saw this until my last 2 games, Usually I see them come near the city border and move around the border,not not enter the city area/influence.
Have you just bumped your normal Difficulty setting you play at ? Or are you running any mods that alter the basic data of the difficulty settings ?

At Settler difficulty as I recall the barbarians cannot enter your territory. But I don't remember whether this is hardcoded in the DLL or merely reflects the data for column EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn which for settler difficulty is set to 10000.

So if you have a mod running that alters difficulty datas and has this sort of high number in more than just the settler difficulty level this can explain why you normally see pointless milling about of barbarians near your borders, but might be seeing the "correct" behavior if you have recently upped the setting you normally play at.
I always use settler. After reading your post, I believe that I do not change that setting when I played my last 2 games. I mean I do not set it to settler.
Did you have an uprising in one of your cities, if so, that overrides the Barbies release turn
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