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Questions about The BUG Mod

You might have installed the optional Modern Era Support package that goes with Varietas. It's a tickable option in the BAT installer. A lot of people were asking for it, so I made it available. I find it enjoyable, but you may not. There's a way to disable it, but I'm at work atm.

I'll post the details when I get home in the morning. :)

Yawn... :sleep:

I almost forgot...

@ Gwynnja:

If you would like to remove the Modern Era goodies from BAT, go into the modules folder, find the Varietas folder and in the subfolders, delete (or rename to a ,tmp extension) everything that begins with the words ModernEra, EXCEPT for this file: ModernEra_4VD_CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml

That file is needed by something else in VD.

Remember that you will break saves if you do this, so finish your current game first if you have one going. :)

Thanks for the replies. Is there a way to un/select it on a game by game basis? It looks like it might be fun to play with but I don't want it on all the time.
Thanks for the replies. Is there a way to un/select it on a game by game basis? It looks like it might be fun to play with but I don't want it on all the time.
It might be an idea to incorporate that in BAT 4. Would you prefer the selection via the Custom Game options, or as a BUG option from the BUG panel?
It might be an idea to incorporate that in BAT 4. Would you prefer the selection via the Custom Game options, or as a BUG option from the BUG panel?

I would personally prefer it in the Custom Game options only because once I get the BUG options how I want them I leave them that way.
naww ... don't do that. Just install two mods ... 'BAT with' and 'BAT without'.
naww ... don't do that. Just install two mods ... 'BAT with' and 'BAT without'.

I second that.

Oh, and it looks like you have a new addition for your "Lemon Avvy" thread. I have no idea who that is supposed to be a picture of. :crazyeye:
Oh, and it looks like you have a new addition for your "Lemon Avvy" thread. I have no idea who that is supposed to be a picture of. :crazyeye:
got bored of that. Our LM'iness changes them sooo quickly.
It might be an idea to incorporate that in BAT 4. Would you prefer the selection via the Custom Game options, or as a BUG option from the BUG panel?

BAT 4? When is that coming?

Can we get a Better BAT 4 AI with the Modern Era Expansion and all the extra civs someday, please?
Oh, and it looks like you have a new addition for your "Lemon Avvy" thread. I have no idea who that is supposed to be a picture of. :crazyeye:
Well, it seems we have a puzzle then, don't we? :mischief:

got bored of that. Our LM'iness changes them sooo quickly.
I get bored too! :p

BAT 4? When is that coming?

Can we get a Better BAT 4 AI with the Modern Era Expansion and all the extra civs someday, please?
BAT 4... let's see... Probably around October, depending on how Niknaks is doing with the new unit art. I have plenty to do with some goodies of my own. I'm taking a bit of a break from modding for some summer fun, but I'll be back to it in a week or two.

But rejoice. Better BAT AI will be updated with BAT 4, it will have MEE support, and the extra civs will work with it, too.

That's why it all will take so darn long. :D

Jeez. A woman's work is never done! :p
A runtime option of the extra units is not feasible given how Civ4 works. All of the XML which defines those units is loaded while the mod is being loaded. The only way is to move the files out of the mods folder (or just in a different place) and restart Civ4. :(
A runtime option of the extra units is not feasible given how Civ4 works. All of the XML which defines those units is loaded while the mod is being loaded. The only way is to move the files out of the mods folder (or just in a different place) and restart Civ4. :(
Bummer. :(
I had to reinstall the other day after a reinstall of Windows 7 and new mobo. I previously used the DVD version of BTS but have since given it away, so I used the Steam version. I tried to install the BUG mod and the first time it couldn't find a folder with the civ ini in it. The second time, it seemed to auto install as expected and I created a desktop shortcut as usual. But when I launch the game, it appears to launch vanilla Civ (also installed), not the BUG mod version.

I also get a strange error message saying I don't have the right voice capture something-or-other installed. It lets me load through though after hitting OK a few times on the message.

Any idea why the BUG version isn't launching? I assume it may have something to do with Steam, but I don't know what.

EDIT: OK, I uninstalled all data related to the DVD install of BTS. That leaves only the Steam version installed. Now when I try to run the BUG installer, I'm prompted for an installation folder that must contain the ini file. So I browse to the Steam folders and there is no ini anywhere so the option to hit "next" for a destination folder remains greyed out. That means I can't install the mod. What do I do from here?

EDIT 2: Had the idea that the problem might be that I haven't actually started a game and allowed it to save yet and therefore not create some of the folders necessary for a BUG install. So I started a game, dumped out and voila there are folders in the My Games folder. So I run the BUG installer again and it auto installs. Seems like everything is OK. I launch the game but don't see the "BUG MOD XX" text I used to see (prior to the Win 7 re-install) at the top right of the loading screen. On the other hand, once in game, hitting ALT+CTRL+O does seem to bring up the options screen. But I can't shake the feeling that *something* is wrong given the loading screen. Have I done something wrong? (And I'm still getting that "voice capture" error message at launch.)
It looks as though you're now having BUG launch with every game, meaning that it's running from Custom Assets. That means it is not running as a mod, which is why you don't see the text in the top right. There's nothing really wrong with that, actually, unless you want to be able to play games without BUG. It's only then that you have to install it as a mod, and specifically load it on startup. In that case, you would see the text.

As for the voice capture, you just need to edit the Civ4 ini file and set the voice capture device tag to zero, and then save the file. It's a weirdness caused by Windows 7.
It looks as though you're now having BUG launch with every game, meaning that it's running from Custom Assets. That means it is not running as a mod, which is why you don't see the text in the top right. There's nothing really wrong with that, actually, unless you want to be able to play games without BUG. It's only then that you have to install it as a mod, and specifically load it on startup. In that case, you would see the text.

As for the voice capture, you just need to edit the Civ4 ini file and set the voice capture device tag to zero, and then save the file. It's a weirdness caused by Windows 7.

Ah, I see. Thanks. I found the fix for the voice capture issue. Odd that I never encountered that before despite still being on Win 7. I think it must have to do with the game being the Steam version (I previously ran the DVD version under Win 7).

Fortunately, I NEVER play without BUG. It's BUG or nothing for me!
Damn... I feel guilty of reviving this thread... Sorry about that...

I recently decided to install BUG mod (after seeing how awesome it was in AbsoluteZero youtube vids). I followed the directions given on the forums about how to download it. I went and got it from BUG's website. No problem so far.

I opened the folder and red the ReadMe file. Okay, got the instruction. Good. I installed everything in the Costum Assets. I replaced every old file. Good! Start the game, now! XML takes longer to load than usual, but I guess it's pretty normal.

Single Player -> Play now -> Enter game setting -> START! *Game loads*. What? Technology Advisor? Never asked for that... Oh, well... *Exit*. It returns me to the little intro... Weird... Anyway, I click "Play". However, there's something wrong with the screen... No top bar (the one that shows money, civilopedia, tech research, etc). No bottom bar either? (when you select the units, minimap, etc).

What the heck happened? Is it a common bug? You guys know where I messed up???

/e: I also have BULL installed (which worked perfectly before I added BUG). I'm on Civ BTS 3.19


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@Leyleth - Did you have anything else installed in CustomAssets besides BULL? The two don't have any files in common, so you should be able to copy both into CustomAssets (except the DLL which you obviously have in the correct spot since it works).

The problem you describe is usually the result of a Python problem or not upgrading to 3.19, though BUG works with 3.03 and above. Please follow the instructions listed on the Troubleshooting page in my sig and post the answers to the questions and log files here. The first thing to try is to merge BULL and BUG in a new, empty CustomAssets folder to make sure there aren't other Python files causing trouble.
How do i make lone BUG work on a Russian Windows ? It works fine, if its included with other mods, since i keep my Civ4 installation path in all latin chars, but lone BUG stashes itself in "my documents and settings", which is written in cyrillic, and i dont get some GUI icons, and all the small icons like hammers or coins are gone.
Do i HAVE to use some combi-mod to use just BUG ? Seems stupid. Why couldnt you just make it install itself into Civ4 mod folder...
It does install itself into the Civ4 mods folder if you choose to install it that way.

The installer lets you pick one of two different ways to install it. One of them installs it so that it is always active without loading it as a mod, which puts in into the Custom Assets which is in the My Documents folders. The other installs it as a mod so you have to load it like any other mod, which puts it in the regular mods folder.

So just pick the other type of installation when it asks you which type you want.
I have been attempting to install BUG mod in the Custom Assets folder. I have been using the installer. I use the "Play BUG Mod 4.4" button on the start menu to start the game. There is no sign that BUG Mod is active. I start a game and CTRL-ALT-O does not show an active interface. It did work when it was in the Mods folder but does not start when it is in the custom assets folder. I have tried running the installer as an administrator. It did not help.
Alright, started a game to test out the mod and this showed up after the loading screen:

Spoiler :

Ignored it at first and went through the mod, but when I checked the Technology Advisor, this showed up:

Spoiler :

:confused:I can't even scroll to the right of that:confused:

What's happening? Did I do something wrong with the installation?
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