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quick question on AIs declaring

§L¥ Gµ¥

Oct 16, 2005
when is it possible that an AI can declare war within 10 turns of making peace?

I reckon if that AI vassalizes to another, and that AI declares, but when else?


I was playing a game as catherine, on a continent with cyrus, sury, hatty [cyrus closest, next sury, next hatty in a chain-like order]. I shared a religion with cyrus and sury until I got to steel, intentionally pissed off cyrus and sury by switching to FR, knowing that when I declared I was gonna get dogpiled anyway. Started hammering away at cyrus, sury declares, I fend off 2 stacks of sury while marching on the persian capital and get peace with sury for nothing. 2 turns later, just enough time to reposition troops, sury declares again. No vassal states came into play. Unless someone bribed him [although I don't think you can bribe someone to declare within the 10 turns of peace], I don't see how it's even possible that he could declare. Shouldn't a peace treaty automatically guarantee me 10 turns?
Did you get a truce or just make peace. You can make peace without a peace treaty (10 turns on normal). Otherwise, the apostolic palace can override a treaty i believe, but you'd have seen that in a pop up, probably.
Holy Wars can only be declared against civs that are not members of the AP. So if the OP shared a religion with his enemies that rules out the AP.

If vassals also didn't come into it I don't see how this was possible. I guess it wasn't a peace treaty, only a cease fire.
even a cease fire should get me 10 turns no? [no AP, it was on the other side of the world]

And if not, then that's definitely it, but then it seems like a waste to sign peace treaties.

Oh well, not like it's going to affect the outcome, it just means I have to change my tech priority, and that I'll probably burn his cities in retribution.
the same thing just happened to me. with a cease fire the AI declared one turn later... ah well, his stack exploded against my troops anyway
That's the rationale behind choosing a cease fire, isn't it? That you can declare again anytime.

Otherwise peace deals where one side concedes techs, gold or cities would not be possible because you could easily abuse the AI: Make peace for a high price, then attack the very next turn.

I never do cease fires. I don't get anything for them and if I want the war to continue, why would I want a break for a few turns? WW comes back full force anyway as soon as the war is resumed. If I do need a break (eg because another AI attacks me), it will be at least 10 turns long.
It makes sense that something that costs less (no gift) also provides less benefits (no fixed number of protection). You can use the absence of a treaty to your advantage, though. Stop the war to place your units in better position, then break the peace only a few turns later, for example.
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