Raging Dragon


Jul 22, 2002
Fayetteville, Arkansas
(the Following is an After Action Report based upon my experiance playing as the People's republic of China in case's wonderful "Raging Dragon" scenario.)

President Zemin smiled on as "We love the comrade day" was celebrated in the city of Xuzhou. While Xuzhou was once little more than a collection of peasants, it was now a modern city. Television stations provided the people with news and entertainment. The liberated proletariat worked in modern factories- building the newest in heavy artillery. Truly, Xuzhou's amazing growth in the past ten years was a result of President Zemin's enlightened rule. It is fitting that the people of Xuzhou should celebrate the man who has given them so much- our glorious President Zemin!

Yet, beneath the smile, our President seemed troubled. The obsolent Taiwanese and their Russian pimps have thrwated our President's attempts to unify our socialist motherland. While our initial advances into the stolen maritime provinces have been sucessful, the task of occupying all of Russia would have daunted even great Mao.

By the end of the celebration, I was on an airplane bound for Teheran with an offer from Zemin himself. For this is not to be merely a battle between our socialist mother country and our imperialist neighbor. This is a battle for the fate of all of the third world. It is our duty to smash the Russians and humiliate them as they humiliated us. If the Imperialists obstruct us in our desire to reunify with the out of line island province, then they would certainly smash Syrian attempts to regain the Golan, Palestinian attempts at self determination, or Iranian attempts at acheiving greatness for their nation.

All of China is united in joy over our early sucesses. Soon all the world will be united in joy as we break the chains that fetter humanity to imperialistic thought, customs, and institutions....

By mid morning on the third day of Janurary, I was in Teheran. The Iranian President, Khatami, was most eager to recieve Chinese ambassadors. After a plesant discussion, I was able to convince President Khatami to comment on the status of Iran's satellite program. Though they have made much progress, they were desperately in need of Chinese aid.

While Khatami was initially not very eager to aid us in our war against the Russians, brilliant Chinese victories began to bring the Iranians into our orbit. During our summit, I recieved confirmation that Khaborovsk and Vladivostok had fallen to our forces. Furthermore, our forces captured modern Russian SU-27 Flanker fighter jets on the ground in Khaborovsk.

Feeling that Iran could benefit from joining us in our war against the Russians and their "Commonwealth of Independant States," Khatami made an offer. He wanted the latest in Chinese robotic manufacturing technology as well as aid in developing their space program further. After a breif phone call to President Zemin, I was able to seal the deal.

President Khatami would begin his campaign as soon as possible and he promised aid in getting the whole of the Arab world on our side. Within hours, Egypt and Syria offered their support. Soon the entirety of the Arab world was supporting the war effort in one way or another.

That evening, my business completed, I returned to Beijing. I have done my duty to the motherland. I hoped that my small effort would be of great assistance in the battle to liberate Asia.

I had very few hours to sleep off my jetlag before my motherland called me to serve her anew. President Zemin was concerned that the Russian Pacific fleet continued raiding our shipping from its bases in Kamchatka. The Chinese navy was simply not large enough to deal with the threat. President Zemin demanded that I meet with APEC representatives to see if our asian brothers would join us in the war. While the Japanese navy would certainly be helpful in our war, I was concerned that the Chinese people would be concerned by Japanese naval actions off of our motherland's coast. Zemin dismissed the fears. "China's people have big hearts. They are able to forgive the events of years ago. They will understand. You do your countrymen a disservice by underestimating them so."

I was immediatly placed on a plane for Tokyo.

By the time that I had landed in Tokyo, our armies had captured Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan was now free from Russian imperialism and our power was on the verge of liberating all of Central Asia.

The Japanese were eager for talks. Though they made certain to remind my delegation of their ability to construct nuclear weapons, I informed them that any nuclear attack on the motherland would be likewise countered.

The Japanese were eager for war. They had been deprived of their rightful lands in the Kuril islands and in Sakhalin by the Russian war mongers. We promised them Chinese assistance in taking control of these lands. Furthermore, we promised Chinese satellite technology and other aid for their Space program. In exchange, Japan joined the motherland in our war against the Russians.

During the conference, I was informed that our glorious paratroopers had occupied Alamaty. With the fall of Alamaty, Kazakhstan's government surrendered. Within the city, our forces captured Russian SU-25 Frogfoots. This was most fortunate as CIS troops still occupy a large percentage of the great nation of Kazakhstan. Our newfound air power is doing wonders for the war.

When I returned to Beijing, I was informed of European financial and material aid being sent to the Russians. It is just like the Europeans to prop up despots like this Putin. We will eventually have to deal with the Europeans as they seem to be funding the rebel island province as well. Such actions towards the motherland will be met in kind.

The first month of our war with the Russians was going well. However, we were losing several J-7 Fishbeds in an air attack on Cita. During a politburro meeting, held immediatly upon my return from Tokyo, it was decided that priority should be given to the development of the J-12 Founder. This plane would be China's first stealth aircraft-our answer to the F-22 raptor. If we are to beat the imperialists, we must be willing to use their weaponry and tactics against them.

By the end of the week, most APEC governments had pledged support to the Japanese war effort. Our out post in the Spratley islands noticed a fleet from the Phillipines disembarking and heading north. We are pleased to see such asian solidarity.

With the fall of Cita, our forces were able to gain control of Ulan Ude. This city was a major point on the Tsarist railroad system. We were able to take control over significant quantities of rolling stock and several railway workshops.

With the war effort going so well, the politburro decided to send me to Islamabad to meet with General Pervez Musharraf, the leader of Pakistan. It was hoped that I may be able to convince our friends in Pakistan to join the war for Asian independance.

My meeting in Pakistan was plesant and a deal was quickly made to gain Pakistan's entry into the war. Robotics technology and a little money was enough to secure Pakistan's entry into the war. While in Pakistan, I learned that our zealous allies have already declared war on the NATO alliance. While we respect their zeal, I told them that we were not able to aid them in their war against NATO at this time.

Politburro fears of a CIS counter offensive in Janurary proved to be unjustified. The Russians were unable to capture any of the cities that we had liberated, though they have made great gains into Iranian territory. Iranian defenders are valiently holding onto Tabriz and we have high hopes for an Iranian offensive in the spring.

The CIS airforce made bombing raids on Pakistan and Iran, but the damage from these raids seem to be mostly psychological, rather than material. While our Muslim allies are holding the line, our APEC friends have brought much suffering to the Russian fleet. The bulk of Russia's pacific fleet has been destroyed by Japan and Japan's navy has begun an opperation to retake the islands stolen from her so many years ago....

It is now Feburary of the western calender year 2000 A.D. and Asia stands united against the CIS. We pray that such a fortunate alliance will last until the bear has been destroyed.

In depth meetings were held with NATO officials, offering them a shot at carving up Russia. Though these capitalist mercenaries are willing to help destroy their so called ally, they demanded far too much money for China to possibly take them up on their offer. Perhaps had I of gone to Berlin personally, a deal could have been arranged. However, I was sick with a cold after having visited the frontlines with President Zemin.

During this time of war, our President was forced to start a rationing system for food and gasoline. The people realize that their lives will improve in the long term and have joyously taken towards a more ascetic lifestyle. Already, most of China's cities are building modern manufacturing plants and factories.

The people have much reason to rejoice. Our armies have taken Oskemen and Novokuznetsk, which fell before our paratroopers and air force. A city called Bratsk was also liberated. However the Russians were able to re-capture it and submit its people to suffering. Before our armies left, we destroyed Bratsk's industrial facilities rather than allow them to fall into the hands of the Russians.

The CIS has now changed its government type. Its now turned itself into some sort of federated Republic. This is nothing short of a loss of soverignty for all non Russian CIS states.

President Zemin is displeased that the rulers of these states would rather give up their soverignty have allow their people to know true liberation. Our army will see to it that they are punished.

History will rejoice and remember that our socialist motherland was able to begin production of stealth aircraft in March of the western calender year 2000. J-12 founder production begins immediately in our most advanced cities! Funding for the development of battle cruisers was increased during this glorious month.

Our army was making great gains in land as well as in equipment. Zhambyl was occupied on the first of march. Krasnoyarsk captured by paratroopers hours later. A massive Russian tank column destroyed by Chinese air force as it drove towards Bratsk.

However, the People's Liberation Army was not invincible. We lost several planes to Irkutsk's anti aircraft batteries. So many in fact, that the Politburro enacted a plan to starve the city out. which is not to say that our leader is without mercy. Our benevolent leader showed hs mercy by beginning constriuction of a harbor to feed the starving people of Vladivostok.

However, Irkutsk was one defeat amid a sea of victories. Bratsk had been liberated. Irkustk was surrounded. Qaraghandy had been liberated. Then, tashknet fell and all of Uzbekistan rejoiced for they had been liberated by our glorious armies.

That devil Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan, was executed. Soon afterwards, Namangan fell to our armies. Then, Smarkand's garrison surrendered. President Zemin himself traveled to see the capital of the great Tamerlame.

The peasants of Uzbekistan believe that if the body of the Khan Tamerlame were disturbed, then a major war would begin within three days. As socialism has no place for such superstitions, our President ordered that the grave be destroyed.

Freedom has come to these peoples at last.

Three days later, the peasant's legend turned out to be true. Our forces were able to take control of Novosibirsk, the largest city in siberia, which prompted a declaration of war from the NATO governments. In Moscow a government of national unity has been formed. We hoped that this new government to agree to a cease fire, but this is not the case.

Pavlodar,Omsk,Kurgan, and Yekaterinburg surrendered to our armies. We gained control of several t-90s in Yekaterinburg.
Tobolsk was liberated soonafter.

However the CIS was able to retake Tobolsk and Samarkand in a well planned counter offensive. On the bright side, we shot down an attempted airlift into Berlin! Though NATO and Taiwanese vessles quickly retaliated with coastal bombardments.

Hundreds of our civilians were killed by these callous bombardments and our President mourns for all of them. All of China feels the greif of our deceased countrymen.

Our socialist motherland shall triumph. Our humanity and our respect for live will ensure our eventual triumph over the destructive forces of international capitalism and imperialism.

April was a good month for the peoples of free asia. Samarkand was liberated from the Russians. Our government traded Chinese stealth technology to Japan in exchange for Japanese
amphibious assault technology. Yet our conventional merchant marine was more than capable of launching an invasion of Taiwan.

Taipei was captured very early in the fighting after a massive tank battle on its outskirts. Our nation was united in joy, for soon our motherland would be reunited.

After this, Tobolsk was liberated as was Baikonur. Russia's cosmodrome was thus captured and the Russians were forced to make use of American satellites for their surveilance . It is so unfortunate that this nation can not even watch its own demise with its own equipment.

Meanwhile, our Fighters shot down an airlift attempt into Irkutsk and an attempted airlift into strassbourg.

Nato bombed Novosibirsk heavily, but as our main production facilities are far from the front, this will do little to stop our war effort. It does show the depravity that capitalists will engage in- they'll eagerly murder the civilians that they are supposed to be "saving."

May began with a major victory for the forces of liberation. Kaohsiung is in Chinese hands. All of Taiwan is now reunited with the motherland. Our President was planning to go to Taipei for a ceremony devoted to this great victory but American air raids from Okinawa have forced us to postpone the victory celebration in Taiwan.
Dushanbe, Mary, Ufa, Orenburg, and Orel have been liberated from the CIS.

Several Russian ships were destroyed in a naval engagement off of Vladivostok. Yet we are not entirely safe. NaTO continues its dastardly bombardments and India has made aggressive moves on our mutual border.

History has made its verdict clear- we must begin an operation to liberate Moscow. Once Moscow has fallen, the Russians may be persuaded to give up their misguided ways and join with us in our war with international capitalist tyranny.

All of Asia will be united in joy very, very soon.

The month of June will be long remembered as the month that saw Chinese troops in the Kremlin. Our initial offensive went off without a hitch. Our troops secured Samara, Tambov, and Tula with minimal resistance.

A unit of Type 90s from Xian had the eternal honor of being able to occupy Moscow. As this impressive group rolled into Red Square the CIS economy collapsed entirely. All the railway junctures were now under our control. There was nothing more of Russia to seriously obstruct us. The CIS moved its capital to Baku and Putin has escaped to there.

With the loss of Moscow, defenses around Russia begin to collapse. Astrakhan and Saratov surrendered that very day.
After a week of fanatical defense, Volgagrad fell. Novgrod and
St Petersburg also capitulated to our valient armies. The Baltic fleet was destroyed and the capitalist meddelers in NATO promise more aid to the Russians. We capture a cruiser from the Russians and now have a naval presence on the Baltic sea! With this cruiser we promptly bomb Tallinn, Estonia. Soon our troops enter Tallinn and Liberate Estonia from NATO.

With that, the NATO governments agree to a peace treaty with China, promising to end their aggression and join China in a war to end the threat of Russia forever.

Our armies then had the ability to circle around and capture NizhniyNovgorod and Kazan without fear of NATO repraisals.

We should never have trusted NATO.

NATO occupied Smolensk and then "liberated" Tallin. NATO also captured Sevastopol. Perhaps the CIS would be inclined to meet with us and discuss the threat from NATO. I am prepared to travel to Baku as soon as possible.

July brought more glory to the People's Liberation Army.
Kirov, Perm, Voronezh, and Smolensk joined the worker's paradise.

While I was hoping to travel to Baku, our enlightened President saw no need to deal with the CIS. He ordered a full scale assault on Baku. It fell after two days. Several Arab nations declared war upon us and this sent our President into a rage. If the Arabs wished to be pawns of the Imperialist aggressors, then they should suffer the same fate as their masters.

Aschabad is captured and the Turkmenbashi's government is exiled. All of Turkmenistan is now free. In response, the Arab League pledged to "liberate" central asia.

Our troops also captured Kharkov and liberated Tallin. Our President hopes that next month we can destroy the Russian enclave in Irkutsk and the obstinant Georgians.
Thanks a lot Archer! I'll have more here hopefully by the end of the weekend. This is as far as I've gotten in the scenario thus far. I'm really rather stuck. I don't know how I'll get transport ships to Diego Garcia and Okinawa and I don't see how I'll be able to take out Europe. I'm in for a tough fight. But I will have all of Russia. Should be an interesting game.
Wow! You're going really well. (I've never been able to get far beyond Novosibirsk :o ).

This is a fantastic AAR - keep up the good work :goodjob:
Man that's a LOT of typing, pretty cool though, it's inspired me to try this scenario.
I'm glad that you guys appreciate my "work." I have to say that you have a swell scenario here, Case. I'll probably do a NATO or Ruskie AAR, should the Chinese ever move out of the mainland-you know how the Ai can be. :crazyeye:

Perhaps a Pbem of this could be arranged sometime? That'd be hella fun. It might need a bit of tweaking and some more events.

Well, I'll have more here very soon. The game is crashing a lot right now whenever I boot it up. But the only Russian/CIS cities west of Moscow are Irkutsk (which I lost 10+units on) andAralsk (which is size one and gets destroyed if I take it).

Once again great scenario, Case. I want everyone to go out and download this sucker asap.

Despite the best efforts of our diplomatic corps, NATO and the CIS have been able to come to terms with one another. The two have had talks with Berlin that outlined a seize fire. Our armies will break their newfound resolve, of that we are sure.

Our Politburro has been busy as of late. Our allies in Pakistan have taken the city of aralsk, destroying it in the process. It has been agreed that Chinese settlers will reestablish the city at some point. All seems well, our army is in top form and our airforce has been sucessful in shooting down airlifts into Riga and Irkutsk. Our most important agenda has been our "body armour" project, that shall commence now that our battlecruiser research is complete.

Our general staff devised a daring plan to invade Okinawa and it worked without a hitch. It seems that the NATO top brass thought it was necessary to sink our massive invasion fleet with the brunt of their airforce based in okinawa. We had to merely bombard the island from the air and land elite paratroopers in to secure it.

NATO desired a peace treaty, but I argued against signing such a document. President Zemin agreed with me. He demanded that we capture Riga before even contemplating such a settlement.

Our troops quickly made our President's dream a reality and Latvia was now free from NATO's clutches. NATO offered a peace treaty and our President accepted. "We must bid our time," he told me. "We must make certain of our victory before we move any further into Europe."

I am a diplomat, not a military tactician. Our President fought alongside Mao, who am I to question him?

Once more, I've had to butt heads with the President during a Politburro meeting. He has ordered me to make peace with the Arab nations while they occupy Aschabad. Chinese partisans have sprung up around the city, prepared to return the former capital of Turkmenistan to the worker's paradise. Yet, our President will betray our own countrymen to make peace.

That our President would sell out our people for measly reparations is unthinkable. This weighs heavily on my heart and threatens to smother my soul.
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