Raging Dragon

After a breif conference with the President, I was able to understand why the socialist motherland needed to make peace with the Arab world. With a heavy heart, I was able to perform my duty and soon met with Khatami in Pakistan. The negotiations concluded as our President had foreseen. Khatami returned to Teheran and Presented himself as the liberator of Turkmenistan.

This business leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But, in the end I know that what I did was for the best.

By the end of September I was back in Beijing. There was a joyous feeling in the air. We had captured Kiev and gained control of the Ukraine's rich feilds. Furthermore, our army has secured Minsk and deposed the despot Lukashenko and forced Putin's government to flee once more. Belarus was now another voice in the joyous chorous of socialism and progress.

September also heralded the fall of Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Rostov, and Krasnodar in the Ukraine. Georgia collapsed under the power of our armies. Tbilisi and Batumi fell in less than 56 hours.

Our glorious country's influence reached even the black sea now.

Almost all of Asia is united in the one song- the song of triumph over capitalism and imperialism.

History shall never forget the month of September of the Western calendar year 2000. This was the month that our victory over the Russian imperialists was complete. Forever and ever, the praises of our people and our President shall be sung across the mountains and plains of liberated Russia!

The offensive began with the swift capture of Kherson, Vinnitsa, and Odessa. Irkutsk was also occupied and we captured several SU-24s from the city. Putin called for the creation of partisan groups in response to the city's fall. While this was seen as a frusterating development, we knew that our forces would eventually prevail.

Kaliningrad was liberated by some of our valorous paratroopers. The last stand of the CIS was in the city of Lvov, which surrendered without a substantial fight.

A type 90 corp from Shanghai had the honor of surrounding the airfeild at Lvov. After a breif firefight, our troops were able to aprehend the vile Vladimir Putin. He is being transported to Beijing as I write this. I look forward to working out surrender terms.

Certainly, we shall have him on the state television, calling for the pesky partisans to put down their arms and embrace their new government- the most progressive and forward looking government of all time.

Long live my socialist motherland.

All of Russia and of China shall be united in joy forever.

Long live President Zemin.

Long live the heroes of September.
Ahh I see that I need more objective cities for a marginal victory.

I will have to keep going.

The only question is where next? Should NATO and the Arab world pay for their insolence? Or shoul I turn on Apec, Pakistan, or India?
Go after NATO - they should offer a major challenge.

BTW, could you post some saves?
Sure, I'll gladly post some saves! How exactly do I go about doing that?

Compress them with winzip (or a similar program), and then attach them to your posts using the 'attach file' box on the 'reply to topic' screen (just under the box where you enter the text)

And how can I take screen shots in Civ2?

During the game hit the 'print screen' key on your keyboard, and then past the resulting image in MS paint, or whatever graphics program you use, and save the result as a .jpeg or .gif file.
Thanks for your assistance! :)

This is dead week starting on Monday and next week is finals over at the university. So, I won't have a chance to play this fine scenario for another two weeks. :( When I get done with the Uni for the semester I'll have the time to continue playing. :D

Case, after nations develop the declaration of war tech they seem to be completely unable to form a lasting peace. They make treaties with me and then go back on the attack come their move. So whether I want to or not I have to continue fighting NATO and the Middle East.

The Chinese general staff is considdering holding actions in Europe while devoting energy to taking out the Middle East. I don't know how feasible this is. But the chinese mainland seems to be safe (barring APEC intervention) so I figure I'll move the huge Garrison forces out and send them to their new homes in Belarus, the Baltic states, and the Ukraine. The Arab League seems much weaker that NATO, so I'd just as well get them out of the way- destroy Israel and then drive on up into Turkey.

What is particularly distressing is Diego Garcia. I have no clue how I am going to take that out. Thats going to be a long journey and I'm going to need a lot of transports and Marines. I'd have to take out India to get in bombing range. Very frusterating. :mad: Not that mainland Europe will be a breeze, but the nice railroads will make it logistically possible.

Anyway, you have a great scenario here and we should try and get a Multiplayer PBEM game going sometime.

Some images
The Map in September 2000

The Partisans in Turkmenistan resist Arab imperialism

The front lines in September
WOW, first person from Arkansas that i've seen on here other than me. Nice story btw
I'm all about some Arkie solidarity. Glad to have met you.

I might wish to inquire a few things about West Memphis sometime in the future, I'll send a PM one day.

Glad you enjoy the story.
Have you tried talking with India to declare war on NATO? That would mean B-2 Spirits weaking the Indian airforce and army. The Indian Navy will also face severe casualties. This will divert the Indian military in the opposite direction of China and distract Diego Garcia.

Also, I am also playing this scenario and I do not have the success rate that you do. I'm hoping for some advice here. It is June and I have captured Vladivostok, Khaborovsk, Cita, and Ulan Ude. I have full control of the railroads. In central Asia, I am on the defense only, pillaging the CIS forts in the mounains along the roads to Namangan and Bishkek. My strategy is to go straight through Siberia to the Urals. I will ignore the branches of the railroads and avoid unneccesary battles. After taking Omsk, I'll turn on central Asia, leaving a small patch of CIS cities to keep the Indians and Muslims distracted. I'm alredy readied the coast of China for a war with Taiwanese forces. Garrisoned Lhasa and border towns with with Vietnam with fighters and increasing the troops there. After central Asia, onwards to Moska. I still need a bloodless way of taking Okinawa and Taiwan, but I can manage. Tactically, the J-12 is amazing, but the Type-85 is not. It is not good enough for leading city attacks so I use massed artillery instead. Any advice is appreciated, but make it fast, I'm planning on moving the PLA and PLAAF westward soon. Long ranged NATO Tornado and B-2 Spirit's are my main worries.
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