RBTS5 - Multiple Personality Disorder

lurker's comment: Just a question, but how do you use the WB to change to a different civ and leader?
OP said:
* All research progress invested in the current tech disappears, although all techs learned so far are still present. Production in all cities also drops back to zero on all builds (it's like starting at 0 shields again on everything). This could make wonder construction very "interesting"! In addition, all units get to move again, even if they previously moved on the same turn! (We will avoid abusing this feature by simply ending their turn.)
Looks like you have a heck of a position in line :)
(0) 1875BC Ordinarily, at the start of my turnset I would immediately swap us over to a new leader and civ. However, since this is our first trip through the rotation, I'm willing to cut Dantski a little slack. With us sitting ONE turn away from finishing Animal Husbandry research, I'll perform our swap on the next turn. I don't plan on doing this in the future, so beware on that last turnset!

I make one other change: I swap production from a barracks to a warrior, since it's pretty much a warrior or nothing in terms of getting something out of our forest chop. All progress on the monument in Barcelona is going to get wiped away, nothing we can do about that.

(1) 1850BC Here's our civ right before I make the swap:

I go to the random number generator and our new leader is... (drumroll) Peter. Eh, not particularly exciting (Expansive/Philosophical). At least we can benefit from double-speed granaries and faster worker production. I don't see us getting much use from Great People at the moment, however.

Our new civ is a little bit more interesting. Spanish citizens all across the land are feeling less and less attached to religion. They're feeling a little more... aggressive. Warlike. Full of a desire to do some damage, go out and hurt someone. We are now - the Zulus! :viking:

The new look of our civilization. There are some definite differences! Our science rate has dropped slightly because we're no longer Financial. The unit graphics and civ colors have all changed. Barcelona's shield production has been completely wiped out. Also notice that our civ score (as well as Toku's) have actually DROPPED. What's going on? Well, I can actually answer that... A major component of the civ score is based on control of land. However, you don't receive any points for land until it's been within your borders for a set number of turns (I think it's about 10); this was added to the game for Multiplayer reasons, so that players couldn't detonate culture bombs on the last turn of the game and leapfrog in score past everyone else. Our land score is currently zero, since this info isn't stored in the Worldbuilder save, and should return to normal eventually. Kind of weird though! :crazyeye:

I select Sailing as our next tech to research. I also note that the Worldbuilder save does NOT track whipping anger duration. This is especially useful since Dantski just whipped a work boat at the end of his turn; that whip anger is totally gone. We can and will use this to our advantage. Now... is this fair to the AI? Of course not! But this game isn't going to be about pushing Civ4 to its limits. It's about having fun, and so we're just going to roll with the oddities that crop up, rather than trying to ensure a truly level playing field. I hope that makes sense.

I swap Madrid to max food, because we can now grow to another size without the whip anger. I also change the build from barracks to a settler. With progress wiped out on the monument in Barcelona, I swap over to an Ikhanda there. (Yes, we can now build the Zulu UB! Make sure to get a few of them in the next 50 turns!) I'm going to gamble on religion spreading at Barcelona to expand borders, and since we can't build a granary there yet, plus we only have 50 turns to get that UB constructed... it seems like the best option!

Settler in Madrid, swap to lighthouse when Sailing comes in, whip, overflow finishes the settler, then we'll evaluate the next build after that. Got it!

(5) 1750BC Uh, not much going on. Pretty slow turns. :sleep:

(6) 1725BC Toku converts to Christianity. Looks like one of our religions has spread over there. We'll have to think about how we want to deal with that side of the gameplay. Remember, all diplo modifiers reset back to zero every 50 turns when we swap leaders and civs!

(7) 1700BC Barcelona magically becomes the Holy City for Hinduism and Judaism... What?!

Uh, looks like the rest of the religions got handed out randomly, and Barcelona drew more than its fair share. That's... not what we want, so I go into the Worldbuilder and remove these extra religions. Having FOUR religions when we only actually researched and founded two of them would just be unfair. :mischief:

We've also hooked up copper, and can build axes. Yay.

(10) 1625BC Clams hooked up at Barcelona. Great Wall built in a faraway land.

(12) 1575BC Sailing discovered. I elect to research Pottery next, to get our Expansive double-speed granaries into play. Cottages won't hurt either. Madrid swaps to lighthouse and will 2-population whip it next turn.

(13) 1550BC Christianity spreads to Barcelona. I think that settles our religion of choice, doesn't it? (Poor Islam! Even in this game it's fated not to shine.) Whip Madrid:

(14) 1525BC Lighthouse finished, settler due in 2 turns. I queue up an Ikhanda next, but this can be swapped around as desired. An axe for defense or a granary would also be good calls.

(15) 1500BC Thus my turn comes to an uneventful close. We have a settler due next turn, and the Ikhanda in Barcelona will soon be within whipping range. (I would probably wait until we discover Pottery tech, then whip the Ikhanda and swap Barcelona over to granary next.) The big question is, where do we send the settler next?

Here are some possibilities. Red and green dots remain in the same location as before. Purple dot shifts to the southwest slightly to bring the newly-revealed horses resource into range. I'm a little unhappy with the city spacing up there in the north, but this is the best I could come up with. Alternate suggestions welcome. I actually think that we should go for purple dot next to lock down the northern part of the continent.. and keep horses out of the AI's hands. White and black dots remain long-term fillers that have low priority. Also note that there is more land to the south of black dot; I don't know if it's a separate island or more of the same continent. If we can get the horses hooked up, we should send a chariot down there to scout.

We're back on even numbers, so 10 turns from here on out. Good luck and have fun! :D

I'd go for Purple next, but I'd move it 1SE to grab the second sugar and the oasis, which I think would compensate for losing the coastal location.
Looks good Sullla. Purple dot next seems good, and I can't think of any better city spacing up there either.

The roster:

Sullla - just played
TheArchduke - up!
sunrise089 - should have put money behind his pick for the Giants.
Swiss Pauli - will never forget to make an OOP post again.
Dantski - recovering from his stiff drink.

(Look - I made a Devient Minds style roster :) )
1500 BC

Everything looks fine.

1475 BC

The settler and our 3rd warrior begin to move to our future 3rd city.

1400 BC

Kwaduza is founded taking us down to 60% Science.

1375 BC

Tokuwaga has founded a city close to Barcelona. Not on the channel though.

1300 BC

I whip the Ikhanda in Barcelona and the Granary in Madrid.

1250 BC

Not much happens, the forest near Madrid is soon chopped.

1225 BC

Tokuwaga has iron, I repeat he has Iron.
A swordsman of his just defeated a barb warrior near Barcelona, so 1-2 Axes should be a priority, maybe in both Madrid and Barcelona.

Sunrise is next.


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*deleted* archduke posted turns at same time
(7) 1700BC Barcelona magically becomes the Holy City for Hinduism and Judaism... What?!

Uh, looks like the rest of the religions got handed out randomly, and Barcelona drew more than its fair share. That's... not what we want, so I go into the Worldbuilder and remove these extra religions. Having FOUR religions when we only actually researched and founded two of them would just be unfair. :mischief:
lurker's comment: My guess is your going to have problems like this the next go round. The game thinks those religions have been founded, thus they won't be available when the tech is finally researched. You probably need to go into WB and assign a couple of AI cities to be the holy city for those religions. Otherwise they will be reset when you generate the next round and they'll be randomly assigned on turn 7 (and you'll probably get one of 'em back).
Tokuwaga has iron, I repeat he has Iron.
A swordsman of his just defeated a barb warrior near Barcelona, so 1-2 Axes should be a priority, maybe in both Madrid and Barcelona.
Handy that we're now AGG, so we can match up well against his units :mischief:
Also notice that our civ score (as well as Toku's) have actually DROPPED. What's going on? Well, I can actually answer that... A major component of the civ score is based on control of land. However, you don't receive any points for land until it's been within your borders for a set number of turns (I think it's about 10); this was added to the game for Multiplayer reasons, so that players couldn't detonate culture bombs on the last turn of the game and leapfrog in score past everyone else.
In case anyone really wants to know it is 20 turns for land score to be counted (on quick speed that is, but I would guess it is the same on Epic).

I elect to research Pottery next ... Cottages won't hurt either.
I wonder if your cottage growth will reset back to each interval?
I wonder if your cottage growth will reset back to each interval?
We should run a book on these sorts of things. I'm going to put $20 on NO - cottages will not reset. Any takers?

Edit: Oh - that said, I bet the counter does. So a town will not revert to a cottage but the counter that says how many turns were invested will reset to 0.

Edit2: All of the above is a total WAG (wild a$$ed guess) on my part. I didn't dig into the game to see.
Edit: Oh - that said, I bet the counter does. So a town will not revert to a cottage but the counter that says how many turns were invested will reset to 0.
This would be the correct answer. :thumbsup: Once a cottage has grown to, say a village, it will stay a village during the reset. But all turns invested in growing that village to a town will be lost. Once it is a town, though, it will be fine. Hope that makes sense.
Archduke, you've attached the 1500BC save file, which is the same one from the end of my round. We'll need the 1225BC one to proceed. ;)

If Toku's already got swords running around, we definitely do want at least one, probably two axes to counter. We're doing pretty well overall, I think, and look set to get a nice core of 5-7 cities, plus whatever we can grab in the south. Hopefully we'll get religious spread in Kaduza for a border expansion soon, to get some horse units going. Chariots make great early game scouts.

I'd comment more on the save, but, err, we don't have a save to look at. :lol: I can say this though: we're not Aggressive, Swiss Pauli. Our leader is Peter, so our traits are actually Expansive/Philosophical. Our civ is the Zulus, but we're not Shaka. Yes, it's already getting a little silly. :crazyeye:
Lurker's comment:
1. Could be difficult but you might want to rearrange your lineup after every trip through the roster so that everyone gets to play the last turnset at least once (which I think is the most interesting one to play)

2. Don't forget to make good use of your unique buildings (especially now that you're Zulu) ;)

all in all pretty good idea sullla, should be fun to lurk!
Edit: Oh - that said, I bet the counter does. So a town will not revert to a cottage but the counter that says how many turns were invested will reset to 0.
Yeah, that is what I meant, if you had 10 turns until your village turned to a town then it would be reset. We will see :)
this will definitely make this game very interesting.
just one question: if you build an ikhanda now will it be a barracks when you switch to another civ?
Lurker's Comment:

Can you get a unique building and its non-unique counterpart in the same city? e.g. Ikhanda + Barracks :mischief:

Could lead to some interesting possibilities...

...Ziggurat + Rathaus + Sacrificial Altar + Courthouse? :crazyeye: :crazyeye:

Edit: crosspost with mystyfly
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