RE: state property


May 13, 2008
Playing a huge empire in 18 civ (Russia, if you must know, expanded to RL proportions, thank you very much)
I wanted to stick to free market but I see that State Porperty provides equal maintenance costs for each city + extra food from workshops + no corporations + !! + 15% PRODUCTION IN EVERY CITY!!

IT's this last part: I can't find confirmation anywhere about this, not even the manual; and it wasn't there before; is this new from BTS? Is it accurate?
It's only 10%, but otherwise is accurate, and yes, comes from BTS. Perhaps in the BTS changes section of the civilopedia ?
I think the added it because Free Market has corporations now. To keep these civics balanced, they made State Property even more powerful.
Makes sense because if the Free Market is powered by Corperations then State Property is powered by the people/workers

makes more sense for the 10% more reason to use SP then ever before
Basically, disregard the manual. Go with the Civilopedia and in-game information if there's a conflict. The manual was wrong about some things when the game was released -- now after three official patches, it has definitely been overtaken by events. The +10% figure is correct, and it was put in to balance the fact that civs running State Property cannot use corporations at all.

If you have a large empire and don't have much in the way of corporations, State Property may be the thing for you. In the abstract, I'd rather have Free Market + Mining, Inc. + Sushi, but each situation on the ground is different, and it can be a useful civic no matter how you slice it.
State property can be really good if you're looking for a quick fix for a big empire ... if you're really large, and planning on trying for a Conquest or Domination victory sooner rather than later, it's better to go the State Property route than to bother with corporations. You get all the bonuses (hammers etc) instantly, across your entire empire, for no cost ... whereas with corporations you must invest great people to found the corps, hammers to build the execs, and then gold to spread and maintain the corps. The latter is more of a long-term strategy, whereas State Property tends to be a short-term route.
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