Read Before Playing With Patch!!!

This is definately happening. We're working on it now. Let me know anyone experiences this on non-XP systems.


OK. The patch has caused:
1) wierd darkening of the population #s of my cities, which looks terrible;
2) I can't hit more than one Function key, the second one I hit (doesnt' matter which) lets me into that screen but coming out crashes the game. Tried seven times, crashed seven times.

3) corruption is totally untouched, but again the corruption changes may be applicable only to new games -- but it sure doesn't do diddly for saved games.

4) On a plus, the custom graphics files still work.

Where am I at now? Reinstalling the game, NOT using the patch, reinstalling my custom graphics files, and modifying the .bic file to increase the "optimal cities" for Huge maps (my personal preference for map-size) and add "reduces corruption" tab to the library, bank, university, the Great Library and one other which I can't recall. The game was playable and corruption manageable (hard but manageable, as in no cities producing 1 shield/1 gold per turn after all the buildings are built).

I cannot recommend this patch, not with the graphic flub on the population # (annoying but not fatal) and the fatal crashes caused by trying to use the function keys. I often glance at F11, F9, and so forth as a measure of progress -- but can't under this patch.

And for the record, I'm using:
P4 1.5ghz
1gig RAM
40gb 7200RPM drive
GeForce Titanium500
SB Live

I have only praise for XP, as it has not crashed -- oops, pardon me; nothing EXCEPT Civ3 has crashed XP.
It also happends in Win2k SP2 both Pro and Server.


Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris
This is definately happening. We're working on it now. Let me know anyone experiences this on non-XP systems.


Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris
This is definately happening. We're working on it now. Let me know anyone experiences this on non-XP systems.



I have Win2k Pro.

The problem seems to be caused by the new shadowed city names.
Win 2k pro here also. Again, I didn't mean to come off as *****y, just odd that these get by QA (along with the AS bug etc).
Love the game! :goodjob:
Yea the opengl32 is causing stuff to crash with the new (And may i once again add UGLY) new numbers new transparency...

Firaxis... why dont you just UNDO the new number transparency? It wasnt that bad before had when a unit covered up the number... and its MUCH better than the new ugly left side first # right side second # shadow thats causing the crashes.... CTRLZ-- UNDO :)
OK. Now I'm home, have the patch installed on my Win2K SP1 PIII 500 w/256 MB and some F keys DO without question cause a lock up.

The F9 key caused my game to crash and burn. The F11 and F10, work OK. Plus the F1 thru F6 work ok. I never used anything but the F1 - F6 before. So, I probably won't have much effect on my current play.

The order I pressed the F keys was.
F1 no prob
F2 "
F3 "
F4 "
F5 "
F6 "
F11 "
F10 "
F9 crash :eek:

But, it sure is frustrating that the patch could break something so basic as a hot key.

Oh well. I'm off to Civ.
Well, hm. I made a serious mistake, I actually dared to save my game with the patch installed. Of course, since I'm one of those using XP, I had to uninstall Civ3 and reinstall it. And -- can anyone guess where this is going -- the saved-game file saved with the patch present WON'T LOAD in the reinstalled-but-not-patched Civ3. So, gee, because Firaxis QA couldn't make sure their patch would work with, oh, that little OS called WinXP (or any other using the Win2000 kernel, I hear), now I've not only had to delete and reinstall the game but LOST my saved game...

Here's to the Quality Assurance folks! Couldn't get it to work well with that poor-selling NVidia cards (it's not like there a lot of us), couldn't make it work with XP...

OK. That's my gripe. Hopefully, as I start a new game in my non-patched Civ3, I won't discover some other lingering issue. I've lost my favorite game from pre-patch times, and I can't even play with the patcH!!!!!

For the record, the patch:

1) graphical glitch with population #
2) crashes the game if you hit function keys;
3) crashes the game for no reason after playing for a few turns and then try to save;

Until the next, hopefully more-compatible patch.... Though this time I'm waiting to see if anyone gets hosed again like this time.
Game magazines have been saying for years than Win2k and WinXP are not yet adapted to games. These OSes are just broken when it comes to software written mainly for Win9x...
Hm. Let me see. I'm a rabid gamer who buys many games/month. I have tons of games written for Win9x. And the shocker? All the games I've tried -- Unreal, Unreal Tournament, XCOM, XCOM: Terror from the Deep, Operational Art of War, Age of Empire, Age of Wonder, Tomb Raider(s), Sim City 2k/3k, and more -- have all WORKED without a glitch. The ONLY one that has had "incompabilities" with WinXP so far is Civ3.

I'm more than happy to blame MS -- but I can't blame them when the only game I own that won't work properly (patched or otherwise) is Civ3.

It's the same thing as the whole "Nvidia card" problem with Civ3. The reaction: blame NVidia. Again, every game I have worked fine with the Nvidia drivers... except Civ3. But oh, it couldn't be a GAME problem, could it? Nope. Blame Nvidia. Now it turns out that Civ3 has problems with WinXP -- quick, blame Microsoft!

Sorry. Not gonna fly this time. The problem lies with the programming of Civilization3. Hopefully, they'll get it right this time, since they're working on a patch to -- oh, yeah, they screwed the patch, too. Well, hopefully they'll get the NEXT patch (to fix this patch) right...

I'm a diehard Civ player. I love Civ3 when it's working. I want it to work. I'm just getting VERY tired of it crashing, not working with this popular OS or this wildly-popular line of video cards. Tired of reinstalling, losing saved games, crashes, crashes, graphic glitches (and this AFTER the patch).
Imcopatibilities have been discovered between the 1.16f patch and windows 2k and XP.
Just a note - when an application crashes, a well designed OS will catch the crash and let application come down gracefully. If Civ3 manages to crash the entire OS, the fault is not on Civ3. The fault is on XP. Personally, I use Linux at work, W2K on my laptop, and Win ME at home. I have crashed all of these OS.

Linux crashed when I ran it into the ground
W2K crashed when I ran office 2000
Win ME crashed when I opened my email.

Go figure.
My error -- sarcasm got ahead of me. Civ3 did NOT crash WinXp. It crashed itself, and WinXP caught it and asked me if I wanted to report it.

So, no, the crash was exclusively Civ3 -- not XP.

My fault. As I said, sarcasm got ahead of me.
Download the NEW 1.16f patch and install it TWICE (yes twice) if you had installed the patch posted earlier today. The patch will UN-install the first patch (but it will look like it wants to uninstall the whole game. Don't worry it won't screw the game install at all.)
Then install the patch AGAIN. It worked fine for me. I had the "F" key crashes with Win XP Home with the earlier patch. Saved game working fine. Rock solid, so far. I played about 2 hours after patching twice. No probs.

Hope this helps, and I didn't think this up on my own. I read about it here! (Where else...great forum)

Well, This is what I did. Installed first patch, Cant play cive 3 it just crashes as soon as I click it. Dont even get the chance of reporting the trouble.Put in the new patch, and it uninstalled, rebooted and installed all that good stuff, went through this 5-6 times with both patches, and it still crashes everytime I try to start it, On my XP box. Should I install the new patch twice to maybe make it work?
I don't know if I was just lucky or what, but I have Civ3 running fine on Win XP home with the second patch and everything looks pretty!

Here's my recommended step by step guide.

1) If you currently have the patch installed, use add/remove programs (from Control Panel) and remove the patch.

2) Take a copy of your SAVES folder in Civ3 (I dumped it onto my desktop) - assuming you have saved games you want to continue.

3) Uninstall Civ3.

4) Reinstall Civ3 - don't use any modpacks or amendments - just plain vanilla Civ3.

5) Copy contents of your previous SAVES folder into the newly installed SAVES folder.

6) Apply latest version of Civ3 patch. If you're not sure you've got the latest - download it again! (I mentioned sizes of the two patchs in a previous thread but I was a little imprecise. If you check the properties of the civ3v116f.exe, the size should be 7,663,795 bytes - the first version was 7,663,745 bytes).

7) If you're running Win XP - try turning on CLEARTYPE (available via the CONTROL PANEL - display/appearance/effects - choose CLEARTYPE in the pulldown box after ticking the 'Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts' box). This step should get rid of the shadowy text (or at least reduce it).

8) If you normally run your system in a resolution higher than 800x600 (for instance, I use 1152x768) - edit your Civilization3.ini file and add a line saying KEEPRES=1.

9) Cross your fingers and try the game.

That was what I did - everything seems fine.

I'm not running the programs using compatibility mode - didn't seem to need it.

Note: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RELOAD A SAVED GAME IF YOU SAVED IT WHILE THE FIRST PATCH WAS INSTALLED. You'll have to revert to a previous version (you kept them didn't you?) or maybe a previous AUTOSAVE version.

Finally, if are running an nVidia video card on XP and you still have the slow scroll problem that people previosly had (which is not related to the patch) checkout the thread somewhere on this forum which offers a link for some beta drivers - they solved the scroll problem for me. Alteratively you can revert to older version of the drivers (but I don't know version numbers etc.)

Keep the faith people - I think we may just be able to get through this crisis. ;)
well i didn't do any of that and it works fine for me.I just ran the wizard.No problem.2nd patch applied and no more bad f keys.I didn't even restart.And I am using a modified citizens thingy.Old saves(pre patch and patch #1) load fine.

It did crash "gracefully" with first patch f keys.No biggy.I haven't rebooted all day.I don't think its an XP problem per say...
i have win98 se and i have the f-keys crashes as well, so i dont think its the os fault...
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