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Really Boring... or just me?


Jun 22, 2006
I have been playing for a week or so. I just get on and click around for an hour or so... and not much happens. Maybe the standard settings are just slower than I'm used to? Or maybe it's the overwhelming number of things to build and the confusion of the new rules?

I am just starting a standard game on Prince. I've tried four or five starts... finally I'm playing America into the 1500s... and it's still just dull. Russia started a war with me, and he's been sending one chariot over to be devoured by my pikemen or frigate... every few turns. No stack of doom as I expected.

I stole a settler from Greece, and she didn't really try to fight back. Same with Japan. I'm a warmonger, but no one is even trying to make me pay for it. I build beautiful wonders... but I'm not sure if I'm doing well. My cities grow really slowly, and everything seems to take forever and a day to build.

I'm going to tweak settings... but I'm wondering if it's just me?
I have been playing for a week or so. I just get on and click around for an hour or so... and not much happens. Maybe the standard settings are just slower than I'm used to? Or maybe it's the overwhelming number of things to build and the confusion of the new rules?

I am just starting a standard game on Prince. I've tried four or five starts... finally I'm playing America into the 1500s... and it's still just dull. Russia started a war with me, and he's been sending one chariot over to be devoured by my pikemen or frigate... every few turns. No stack of doom as I expected.

I stole a settler from Greece, and she didn't really try to fight back. Same with Japan. I'm a warmonger, but no one is even trying to make me pay for it. I build beautiful wonders... but I'm not sure if I'm doing well. My cities grow really slowly, and everything seems to take forever and a day to build.

I'm going to tweak settings... but I'm wondering if it's just me?

I've got a little bit of that too. In my case its absolutely because of the new mechanics. I don't know when I'm ahead, I often find myself with an abundance of goals that would have made sense for prior versions but make no sense in the new game. Its easy for me to feel aimless. Often times I find myself at odds with the Civ, the map, and what I want to do. Add in new tech and civics tree and its taking me awhile to get in a good groove. I've had good games and bad which has me hopeful that it'll be just like all the prior versions and my enjoyment will grow as I understand the mechanics more.

Reading the various threads by people who enjoy the game gives me inspiration and ideas.

Regarding the military I've found its no different than 5 was on prince. The AI isn't much of a threat, but I've had them do much better than two units. Think the best I've seen is 15 units spread throughout an empire, but they do struggle to take advantage when they have it.
Sounds like you should play on "fast".

Things will happen quicker and, perhaps, it will be a lot more interesting for you...
You should up the difficult to immortal, since prince is to easy. That 2 levels higher and it should be challenging for you. The district system does take awhile to get use to. The warmonger penalty real effects trade so you can not get any luxury or strategic resources that you may need. You can always check the score/victory progress in the upper right hand corner.
I am also having difficulty finding interest in the game. It's hard to put a finger on, but I think it's the maps being mostly lame combined with trying to decide what districts to build and where. You never know when or where your borders will expand and often I hit the district limit and have nothing I want to build. The wonders are pretty weak as well and they take up already limited space. Something is missing or off.
Try different speed, because Standard and slower are now unplayable. In Civ 5 i used to play on standard (couple of time even epic) but never picked Quick, just in hot seat. And it was pretty balanced in terms of scientific progression and production speed in my cities. The same thing i did for Civ 6 - reduced eurekas and inspirations a little (from 50% to 35%). This seemed fine to me, i felt comfortable with such tech progression. But the main issue is still remained - it's production and world dynamic. In mid and late game the process of managing your empire is becoming somewhat hard and boring. Many people say - "play strategically, build cities closer to each other and have industrial districts in range of 6 tiles from most of them". Okay, but game becomes sluggish even before I research factories. My only city that has acceptable production is capital. Until midgame there is nothing to do in other cities - districts/buildings and units are building twice as slower. The situation even worse on Islands which always was my favorite map type. I cannot enjoy the game after explored most of map because then i have to just click every turn and wait 5 minutes while AI is taking their turn. And as for the AI: it sucks. It did in Civ 5 too, but the only mod that made it acceptable is Community Patch. I hope our modders will make something for Civ 6, but until it happens I better continue playing 5 for now.
I never really get the feeling of having nothing to do. I keep scouts running around all over the place to see what's going on in the world, along with ships doing the same. I enjoy aspects of the religious game, so my roving pack of apostles is always on the look out for someone to strike with lightening. I keep a close eye on my foreign relationships, always looking to make some sort of deal. I try to set long term and short terms goals that align when it comes to civics, technology, and events in the game -- I get a rush when things come together. That's the little stuff I focus on to stay engaged.

But, I do think that there would be ways to better engage the player. IMO, random positive events is one way. More diplomatic options seem needed. More depth re: city states. Finding ways to open up the map so that more activity is visible on the planet. I believe the brown parchment look of the FOW really makes the world seem dull and lifeless outside of your visible lands.
Immortal, shuffle map, random leader, try to role play the leader. You'll have your fun at least 100-150 turns. I don't want to be rude, but it's almost insulting to say you play on prince and find it boring - that's because you are playing on too low difficulty for your skill. Try the difficulty where you won't get any wonders and try to defend early joint war from 2 aggressive AIs while barbarians are coming from the north. I get most from civilization experience playing perfect turns on crazy random maps on high difficulty - where i play catch up, not where everything is easy to get.
i just dont have the urge to play it... I am sitting here putting it off like a chore... it needs some patches, I also found it kind of boring, what happened to random events in the game? How did they just remove 80% of the good things in Civ 4 and still call it Civ? I feel like I wasted my money on this game, this is why I rarely buy games any more. They are not polished like they used to be, very rushed :( Perhaps I will become a modder
Gedemon's ludicrous size maps have been great fun for me.
Its one thing to say try a harder difficulty, but either because of the known bugs, the way barbs work or some other reason, the difficulty does not really scale.

Deity is just early war to take out an AI, spam cities close, and then pick a victory condition. As a meta that is still more fun for me than Civ 5 style 4 city empire, but its not much harder than prince (where atleast you seem to have a higher chance of getting barb spammed, as there is not the dozens of early AI warriors to attract them).
Civ games where there is no challenge, tend to be dull. Increase difficulty to immortal and check whether that is more to your liking. The AI won't come only with warriors and the initial 100 turns of the game can be very difficult.
You're just playing it too easy. I like to play it on Emperor or Immortal where you have enough of a challenge to keep you occupied, while it's relaxed enough to try out new strats and,, if you're like me, roleplay the civ you're playing as a bit. Also, go for larger maps, with more players, that keeps you on your toes if you're computer can handle it!
Immortal, shuffle map, random leader, try to role play the leader. You'll have your fun at least 100-150 turns. I don't want to be rude, but it's almost insulting to say you play on prince and find it boring - that's because you are playing on too low difficulty for your skill.

That almost sounds like a wife making excuses for her abusive husband.. ;)

Unless you're playing *way* below your own capabilities, the game should be fun on any difficulty-level - and it should be fun all the way through. I shouldn't have to "cheat myself" and "role-play" the game in order to make it fun.

I've been playing on three different levels now (prince, king, emperor) and the pattern is always the same (more or less).

1. AI will give you early/very early aggro but isn't really capable of threatening you. They can mess up your game by pillaging and/or by making you switch to full military production when you still only have 3 or 4 cities, but I've never, ever lost a city to the AI yet.

2. Once you kill enough of their troops, the AI will peace out - usually giving you excellent deals for no real reason (gold, GPT, even luxuries).

3. Since now you're in the full military-mindset and probably have a sizeable army too, you can easily declare on one of your neighbors, taking a city or two for yourself.

4. In some cases you'll get declared upon by other AI who often don't even bother to send troops towards you. They too will usually peace out and grant you good peace-deals (for no reason).

5. By now, you're at least in the classical era where the AI gets less and less likely to declare out of nowhere (plus you now have a pretty strong/experienced military to deter them anyway), so now it becomes a race to see who can grab the most land.

6. Unless you want to go for domination: Decide on victory condition, build up your infrastructure, while also grabbing all the land you can get and let the game run until you win.

The only differences between difficulties that I can see is that the early aggro is a bit more challenging the higher the difficulty-level gets. That and the fact that the AI-boosts get pretty insane the higher you go and that they don't *need* to build up their cities in order to be competitive.

Sadly, building up your cities and your government in a smart and foresighted way doesn't seem to get you the kind of rewards you got in Civ V. In the old game, you could easily out-tech AI civs that were focusing on other aspects (religion/military/culture). And once you adopted Rationalism, you could *really* leave the AI in the dust. Not so in Civ VI where the AI seems to compensate for its lack of science-buildings/policies with sheer population and "cheating"-boosts.
Personally, I really enjoyed going tall from time to time in Civ V - India and Venice are two of my favorite civs in that game. Sadly, Venice wouldn't even work in Civ VI with its current mechanics.

Example from my recent King-game as Germany: I had 13 or 14 cities (including three ex-capitals), most of which had fully upgraded campuses. I also had all the relevant instant and permanent science boosts through Great People (Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, etc). I had the GL and Oxford University. My closest rival (Scythia) had even more cities, but no campuses in any of them for much of the game (checking her cities in the spy-management-screen revealed that). She also didn't get any Great Scientists ... but she was actually ahead of me in tech for the longest time.

Unless you're playing *way* below your own capabilities, the game should be fun on any difficulty-level

No, it should not...
Every difficulty below your own makes the game less fun, obviously it varies from slightly less fun to totally boring depending on the gap, but there is no logical reason why a strategy game should be fun when played at a easy difficulty.
No, it should not...
Every difficulty below your own makes the game less fun, obviously it varies from slightly less fun to totally boring depending on the gap, but there is no logical reason why a strategy game should be fun when played at a easy difficulty.

But at the moment, ALL the difficulty levels in Civ 6 are easy, for even pretty poor players like myself.
But at the moment, ALL the difficulty levels in Civ 6 are easy, for even pretty poor players like myself.

Well calling deity easy is a bit too much, there is a lot of randomness in the early game, so yeah, if you restart the bad starting position, if you restart when you have the wrong opponents, if you reload some wrong maneuver and set up in a first war as a leader, yeah the game is easy cause you win the first war and harvest all the first territory and free wonders and its easy.
But even myself cant win honestly all the first wars cause some opponent have better UU, some blocks my placement too early, some occasinallly defend their settler and so on.

Also i dont abuse all the clear bugs like most ppl who complain of AI mistake does, which is always funny to read.
If you are bored now, I wouldn't have too much hope that a patch will change that. A patch might surely enhance the fun one is having, but when boredom is a thing right now, it won't change enough. (For me: hopefully no bigger mechanics get changed, as I like all the ideas behind them.) An expansion might be the thing to wait for if you are bored. See you in ~ a year.
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