Relative Military Power and how does it calculate?


Jan 12, 2010
On the lower right hand side of the screen, next to each opponent, there is a number which represents your relative military power. How is that calculated? Because it doesn't seem to be very accurate. I am not a code writer/reader.
I can't give you any math but it includes unit numbers, to a lesser extent unit tech (e.g. tank counts more than warrior), and military buildings (barracks, stables, etc). If you upgrade a large number of units in one turn but don't build any new ones that turn, you will still see the ratio rise. How accurate it is, I don't know but it does give you a relative idea of strength.
Is that number really the relative military power? I thought it was something else.

I've never noticed it going up or down when you build units. It does go up when you get a new tech and down when you lose population.
You can find the numbers and how they work in the war academy in the article "demographics explained". But basically each unit has a soldier count, as do several wonders, buildings and techs as well as your population, your power is the total number of soldiers and the ratio is that compared to others.

Heres as link to the article, it lists the soldier value for everything in the game.
Early in the game when all civs have relatively equal techs and population, the big disproportion in power comes from actual soldiers. Later in the game it is almost impossible to say if this power rating comes from the other nation having real military power or just enormous land/population/tech. Overall, I have found for myself that when you know what you are doing, you can win in one on one with any AI that have even twice your power rating easily :)
Thank you all for your responses, and Ghpstage, for the informative link. I see that what I have been thinking of as "Relative Military Power" is actually a measure of a much less specific relative "Power" and that explains a lot.

As a fervent user of espionage I usually have a very clear idea about the composition of my neighbor's military forces. The counting of not only military units but buildings and techs along with the weighting decisions made by the game's designers makes this "Power" number a lot less definitive (in my opinion) but since it apparently is used by the AI for making DoW decisions it is not entirely useless.
Is that number really the relative military power? I thought it was something else.

I've never noticed it going up or down when you build units. It does go up when you get a new tech and down when you lose population.

I think that you are looking at a different number than the one the OP refers to. The number to the left of the civ/leader name is the points, which varies as you indicate. If you are using BUG mod, there is a number immediately to the right of the civ/leader name. That is the power rating. It isn't there if you are not using BUG or another mod that incorporates that aspect of BUG.
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