Reminder: Today (September, 13th) at 1 PM PDT Civ5 live gampelay

Has anybody else noticed the wierd looking borders? The controlles area seems to be a lot more focused on utility, than in Civ4. What I mean is that the cities seem to built brides of tiles to resources (such as the marbel, seen in the stream), to gain controll. While this might be a nice thing gameplay-wise, I dislike the shape of that thing. I love to see a colorful dot on the map grow, as my empire increases in strength and slowly devours anything else. I don't want the map to look like someone spilled colurful pasta.

I couldn't disagree more. I loved seeing the borders of Japan following the course of the Nile river. That's very realistic imo. Plus this was relatively late in the game, his opponent was almost to Modern tech, so it seems there will be plenty of territory for barbarians throughout the whole game...
Why call it ruins? Why make that change, it makes no sense?! Why would ruins pepper the land in 5000BC?!

It is in the realm of plausability that people in 4000BC would have access to ruins that would have completely disappeared by the age of enlightenment, and thus unkown to modern science.

It dissappeared because they looted it and used the bricks and stone for building materials. So it's your fault for discovering it so early before modern excavation techniques could preserve the data!
hmm.. that was awesome in some ways and disappointing in others. The crash during the save game load up was disappointing. The AI didn't launch any amphibious invasions which I thought would have made great sense at time to flank the player.. No Espionage, religion, Random events, just left us with social policies and war and not much else it seems - sure We have only seen a section of game but it just doesn't seem as "rich" as Civ IV before it came out - I mean that game had sooo many more goodies to consider and toy with :)

Still the game looks visually great and the tactical combat is a VAST improvement over Civ IV.. which was it's worst feature. Yeah - I'll be getting it :)

wel... that´s what you will get... a nice looking but shallow piece of civ.. and as long as they dn´t say anything about the modability of civilizations i guess it will also in this way be much worse than civ iv .. for the sake of dlc :(
wel... that´s what you will get... a nice looking but shallow piece of civ.. and as long as they dn´t say anything about the modability of civilizations i guess it will also in this way be much worse than civ iv .. for the sake of dlc :(

I disagree entirely. The new combat is so much better. I always thought that moving stacks of death across the map killing everything in their path was a stupid combat mechanic. Actually needing to worry about the terrain and placement of each unit makes this a much more interesting game to me.

Also, they have said plenty about the mod-ability. It will be much more modable than civ 4, and a mod browser is built into the game, so you won't need to go hunting for them online to find them.
I disagree entirely. The new combat is so much better. I always thought that moving stacks of death across the map killing everything in their path was a stupid combat mechanic. Actually needing to worry about the terrain and placement of each unit makes this a much more interesting game to me.

Also, they have said plenty about the mod-ability. It will be much more modable than civ 4, and a mod browser is built into the game, so you won't need to go hunting for them online to find them.
I know exactly what they said... and they didn´t say a word about the modability of new civs... even when directly asked. So please lighten up and look through the PR blabla...

if you could easily mod new civs they wouldn´t make any money with their dlc Civs..
I know exactly what they said... and they didn´t say a word about the modability of new civs... even when directly asked. So please lighten up and look through the PR blabla...

if you could easily mod new civs they wouldn´t make any money with their dlc Civs..

You could have added everything they added in the BTS and Warlords expansions to Civ4 yourself through the SDK, but they still made plenty of money from both of those expansions.
I know exactly what they said... and they didn´t say a word about the modability of new civs... even when directly asked. So please lighten up and look through the PR blabla...

if you could easily mod new civs they wouldn´t make any money with their dlc Civs..

There will always be people who don't know enough about installing civs themselves or people who are just overly paranoid about downloading anything not from the game company for them to easily make money off of.
Well.. it´s only one week left, and we will see who is right, right? ;)

If i´m wrong i will be happy... but i fear otherwise..
well that was 2 hours well spent this morning.

i really liked the steam cloud for storing saved games, that was spiffy.

as for the graphics crash, i wouldnt be surprised if the streaming client they were using to upload all the video wasnt at fault.

i really liked though how they actually spent the time to show off the game in a good bit of live detail before launch.
If you've pre-ordered the game, you can examine the directory structure of the xml assets (the contents are encrypted until release, but you can see the file names) by pre-loading the game. There's a directory Assets/Gameplay/XML/Leaders that contains an xml file for each Leader and Assets/Gameplay/XML/Civilizations appears to have info for the civs, regions, city-states, etc. I see no reason to make them modular like that, or to expose the files if they weren't going to let you alter them or add new leaders or civs.
Are the videos of this stream also available on other sites? or for download somewhere?

I have some serious troubles with this ustrean site, since the picture of the video freezes every 2 Minutes there.

So if somebody has another link to offer please tell me!

or just something to download!! please, I'd really like to watch this stream.
Yeah, a download would be great.
Great presentation.

Reminded me of the film 'Last Samurai' ;)

Poor guys stayed up till 2AM, fighting off the French with highly promoted units, and that one awesome trebuchet.

Then it's "The fans want to see want happens when you assault a city", abandon that great defensive position and attack.. :)

Against rifles, cannon...
Thanks for the preview Greg, Garrett, and Elizabeth. (I just finally finished watching both parts.)
Is it really that hard to get another source for the videos than ustream?
The advertisements on this site make the picture crash every time no matter what I do.

I'd really love to watch those videos, there must be a way to download them..
I was very skeptical of the new combat model until I watched the videos of the streams.

Bring on Civ 5!!!:goodjob:

P.S. I somehow doubt he was playing on what "I" consider a beast of a computer.
Is it just me but there are so many negative posts ..... i thought the stream was really good and gave a good over view of the game the combat looks great fun and I am looking forward to seeing how the diplomacy works but the visual presentation and the look of this seems great....

hurry up 24th September that's all I say...
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