[GS] Repurpose DLC Assets?


May 18, 2020
As far as I am aware you can't directely open and edit DLC Content (-Aztecs) in the Asset Editor

Is there still any way to change the behaviour of the Armor?

For example, I want to make a Land unit which uses the Tagma Armor, but of course If It's just floating mid air when equiped to a regular Land unit.

Changing the animation set for a particular Unit Armor is not possible without the Assets being released as part of the SDK Assets. Firaxis have released the assets for Rise & Fall and Gathering Storms expansions (as well as the original Red Death - not Red Death Season 2) but not any of the other DLCs at this point. The Attachment systems does mean that it is possible to re-use static unanimated elements of DLC units - e.g. I use the Mayan Hul'che hats for the Mayan Holcan unit in Steel & Thunder: Unique Units - see below.

Spoiler :

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