Request for Help adding civs to my modmodmod SOI Expanded


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Jul 9, 2013
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I have a modmodmod of SoI called SoI Expanded with 15 extra tiles to the east (Greece and Libya)

I want to add the following civs to it:

Saffarids - spawn at Zaranj in 861
Kara Koyunlu - spawn at Tabriz in 1375
Jalayrids - spawn in Hamadan in 1335 (dependent on unstable or collapsed Ilkhanate, and unstable or collapsed Abbasids
Muzzafarids - spawn in Esfahan in 1314
Kartids - spawn in Herat in 1244
Shirvanshah - spawn in Qazvin in 799
Axum/Ethiopia* - spawn in Axum at start (750)
Serbia* - spawn in Stari Ras in 1101
Bulgaria* - spawn in Pliska at start (750)
Crimean Khanate* - spawn in Bakhchiseray in 1441
Ilkhanate - spawn in Maragha in 1256

*-only if I expand the map North and South

Could someone please help me?
I can help you add the civs. you need to list the new civs in 4 places, all in the same order:

1. the WBS
3. Civilizations.xml
4. CvEnums.h

you also need to add the new leaders to the WBS, and Leaderheads.xml

then you need to compile a new DLL

you will also need some flags
and do the civs have to be in chronnological order?

It seems the ones that spawn at the start (which is 750 AD in SoI) MUST be the first in the list. The ones that spawn later can be swapped.

I'm not sure if this is really true, but at least I didn't get any error this way with RFCGermania.

But it's the safest way to do it chronologically. Then you should be sure.
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