Requested Mods

Are there any ways to make civilizations start farther apart? Even on the largest maps I generate, it's a really annoying thing that's almost breaking the game for me. I can only get decent distance on Earth, otherwise whenever I start a huge map I always have two or three AI civilizations starting right up next to me. It ruins the whole point of a massive map to explore and they're invariably always angry and coveting my land.
I'm looking for a mod (or just simply the code) which applies a ceiling to the number of prerequisite buildings required in all cities for natural wonders.

So, basically, one could specify that national wonders require x prerequisite buildings in the empire, but if someone's empire is smaller than x cities, they just need to build them in all their cities and they don't have to expand.

I'd appreciate any help; thank you. :)
I'm looking for a mod (or just simply the code) which applies a ceiling to the number of prerequisite buildings required in all cities for natural wonders.

So, basically, one could specify that national wonders require x prerequisite buildings in the empire, but if someone's empire is smaller than x cities, they just need to build them in all their cities and they don't have to expand.

I'd appreciate any help; thank you. :)

If you want this for a custom scenario, you can make a simple change in the DLL along the lines of (pseudo-code)

  iNumBuildingsRequired = math.min(iTotalCities, iPrereqBuildingsRequired)

in two places.

If it's for a specific wonder, don't give the wonder any prereq in XML, but implement it in Lua via the CityCanConstruct() event

If it's for all national wonders you'll need to add another table to store the required number of buildings, then remove all the -1 entries from the prereqs and also do the Lua code.
Please forgive me if these ideas have been mentioned. I did try searching before I posted this, but it's a HUGE thread and I just couldn't read every single page. :)

Overall, I absolutely love Civ5, but the one area I continually find frustrating is worker control. I know, to hardcore players worker automation is unspeakable, but micromanaging gets TEDIOUS. What really frustrates me is that Civ3 gave you pretty granular control over worker automation, letting you choose on a per-worker basis whether to automate the whole empire vs just one city, whether to build over existing improvements, whether to chop, etc. Civ4 also had an option to tell a worker to "Build Trade Network", so he would just be connecting cities and improving resource tiles. I used to use that option A LOT, because I could let the automated workers focus on that, and then micromanage the terrain improvements based on my specific needs for each city.

Redox developed a VERY nice mod he calls "Light Touch" which will let you assign a worker to improve around a single city, improving those tiles only. But there are two other forms of worker automation I would LOVE to see added in via mod.

1) Re-introduce the "trade network" automation in some form. I envision this as either telling a worker to just roam the empire connecting cities, or in a similar way to Light Touch, point the worker at one city and tell him to build roads to all the neighboring cities.

2) I would LOVE to see an option for a military unit to "escort" a worker/settler(I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one to suggest this). The last few games I've been playing, I've had a real problem with barbarians showing up in the early game and encroaching on my territory to capture workers. I'd be happy with either a "passive" escort(just staying on the same tile as the worker to discourage capture), or "active" escort(auto-attacking any barbarians or units belonging to civs I'm at war with).

I do have some coding experience, so I suppose with enough time and research I could learn how to do these myself, but I just don't have that kind of time in my schedule these days :(
As with the above forgive me if this has been mentioned before. But since the code has been released months ago how long would Rise of mankind or rhye's and fall of civilization take. They are mods from civilization 4 and i'd appreciate a rough estimate on how long it take to integrate them to civ 5. Or just take the main concepts and apply them there.
it depends of the author's free time. If it were a full time job, I'd say a few months, maybe less.
I could probably do it in a month or two, 40 hours a week. Of course unless someone's willing to pick up my salary, my modding time is more like 6 hours a week...
I would like to see canals that are like "rough" terrain for naval units. I hate playing in a game where the whole continent separates the oceans and I am restricted to one side.

I also would like to see long suspension bridges over one or two hexes.

both of these options would be modern era tile improvements and i think would enhance the game play slightly.
me, I want a mod that will create another unit line (ex: Archer line) that could travel in mountains
that is the only unit line that lacks in Civilization V
I have done a search on this site, and have found that there are mods for earlier versions of Civ that contain this scenario, but none exist for Civ5.

My desire is for a mod - or scenario - that represents Harry Turtledove's Worldwar / Colonization series of eight books published between 1994 and 2004. In the Worldwar part of the series aliens invade in May, 1942 during WWII. In the Colonization part of the series it follows the conflict nearly twenty years forward into the mid-1960s.

My thought is that if Gedemon would give his permission then the R.E.D. WWII modpack and Genghis Kai's G.E.M. map conversion (Earth 1942 scenario) would be the base for this scenario, but with the addition of an additional civilization: The Race, the aliens.

The Race would be given a number of settler units with which to create their bases and large amount of cash to build the infrastructure that each base would have. They would also have a a fixed inventory of advanced armor, mech infantry, fighters, bombers, nuclear weapons, and so forth.

Of course, if someone thinks that it would be simpler if I got a copy of Civ3 and installed the old Turtledove mod, I'll just do that.
i'd like to see the ability to select my start bias in the advanced setup.

I'm currently looking into this. If it's possible to implement, I plan on adding this option to the next version of my mod.
I would be super interested in a modpack of Rokugan, the world of the Legend of the Five Rings.
Would like a mod where u can get all the natural wonders to appear at the same time on the map.
How about the ability to attack improvements with ranged units? I would exempt archer-types from that, but it seems reasonable to allow artillery, tanks, airplanes, & ships to damage or destroy improvements.
Has anyone managed to pullout the 2d icons for hex improvements (dark blue disc with the improvement graphic in white) yet? I'm looking for them for a different mapping project I'm doing. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to look in the game files.
Has anyone managed to pullout the 2d icons for hex improvements (dark blue disc with the improvement graphic in white) yet? I'm looking for them for a different mapping project I'm doing. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to look in the game files.

Those are called Strategic View icons. Once you've unpacked the graphics you can find them in this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Resource\DX9

You can find them easily by doing a search for "sv_" which brings up all the strategic view icons for resources, features, improvements and units.
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