Requests for new components (and features)

Can we add a tab to the Espionage screen that is similar to the GLANCE screen except shows EP spend by leaders against leaders and include the delta for the current turn.
Can the spying/espionage screen be sorted from high to low showing the leaders that have more spy points over you at the top? This would make it easier to allocate your points against them, especially when you are playing against a lot of other Civs.
guys is there any sort of notepad function in BUG? I'm sure one of the hints and tips on startup mentions this but i may be getting confused with reminders.

I'd love to see something like this. I keep pretty extensive notes in an external text editor but it'd be really handy to have some kind of pop-up window where I could write stuff and have it saved off to a text file.

And no, one-line stickies don't cut it.
I'd love to see something like this. I keep pretty extensive notes in an external text editor but it'd be really handy to have some kind of pop-up window where I could write stuff and have it saved off to a text file.

And no, one-line stickies don't cut it.

The only text-editing control Civ4 has is on the little popup windows and in the options screens. It's a one-line text edit field, the same one you use to create signs. At most the notepad would be a list of one-line notes. At least it could be presented in a scrolling list rather than as colored signs on the map, but we couldn't make multiline editing happen.

As with Reminders, this would never work in multiplayer for anyone but the player that saved the game.
I have added columns for pop and corporations to the Production and Food screens in Dom. Adv. but these get added to the right-hand side of the display. This is OK for corp'ns, but I'd prefer to show pop as column 2. How can I get this, other than by deleting the present columns (taking careful note of their references in the r/h panel), adding the pop column, then replacing all the original columns, and finally adding that for corp'ns ?
The only text-editing control Civ4 has is on the little popup windows and in the options screens. It's a one-line text edit field, the same one you use to create signs. At most the notepad would be a list of one-line notes. At least it could be presented in a scrolling list rather than as colored signs on the map, but we couldn't make multiline editing happen.

Bummer :sad:
I have added columns for pop and corporations to the Production and Food screens in Dom. Adv. but these get added to the right-hand side of the display. This is OK for corp'ns, but I'd prefer to show pop as column 2.

On the edit view click the up and down arrows below the left list to move the selected column(s).
I saw someone had a good idea on the strategy forum, about wishing there was a feature to set up air-ships to AUTO-SCOUT after you set them.
I saw someone had a good idea on the strategy forum, about wishing there was a feature to set up air-ships to AUTO-SCOUT after you set them.

I could see that being a mission like intercept except that you'd specify the target point. The air unit would then do Recon on that tile every turn. It would be best done in BULL since it would require a new MissionTypes.
I could see that being a mission like intercept except that you'd specify the target point. The air unit would then do Recon on that tile every turn. It would be best done in BULL since it would require a new MissionTypes.

That would be amazing, hopefully it would go into a future BUFFY release too.
Something I discovered in my current game: while the latest patch finally added "Wait! Let me look" when you take a city, it still isn't present when a city culturally flips to you. Any way we can get a peek into such a city before deciding whether to accept it?
When ever I try to take a quick glance at the battle-log screen, it's rather hard to see quickly the details because all the text is one crappy mono-tone color.

Is it possible you guys could add colouring to this for easier reads?
Something I discovered in my current game: while the latest patch finally added "Wait! Let me look" when you take a city, it still isn't present when a city culturally flips to you. Any way we can get a peek into such a city before deciding whether to accept it?

I noticed this the other day, great idea. It would have to go into BULL, but I bet it's possible.

When ever I try to take a quick glance at the battle-log screen, it's rather hard to see quickly the details because all the text is one crappy mono-tone color.

Is it possible you guys could add colouring to this for easier reads?

All of the text and colors should be in one of the many CIV4GameText.xml files. Use a text editor like Notepad++ that will search a folder hierarchy for some static text in those messages. You can easily modify them yourself by copying those XML files to your CustomAssets folder and changing the values in the [COLOR_XXX] tags. Look in CIV4ColorVals.xml for the valid values. If you create some good color schemes, I'd be happy to include them in BUG.
Emp -post #1149 - thank you very much. However, with "pop" added at the end of the list, it won't move up until I've moved the entry above it down; after that, I can run pop up as I want.
Another point: to add a column you need to select it by clicking in the right-hand panel, whereas to remove one you need to slect it in the left-hand panel. Could this perhaps be added to the "Help" display ? It took me a while to discaover this mechanism.
All of the text and colors should be in one of the many CIV4GameText.xml files. Use a text editor like Notepad++ that will search a folder hierarchy for some static text in those messages. You can easily modify them yourself by copying those XML files to your CustomAssets folder and changing the values in the [COLOR_XXX] tags. Look in CIV4ColorVals.xml for the valid values. If you create some good color schemes, I'd be happy to include them in BUG.

It's file Civ4GameTextMisc1.xml: search for "COMBAT_MESSAGE". But the combatants are referred to as "s1_CivName" for the round winner and "s2_CivName" for the loser, and I'd like the messages to be in green if I win a round and red if I lose. This section makes no mention of colour. So is there a way to identify the player's civ as being "s1" or "s2" and set the colour appropriately ?
With "pop" added at the end of the list, it won't move up until I've moved the entry above it down.

Sounds like a bug. I'll take a look, thanks.

Another point: to add a column you need to select it by clicking in the right-hand panel, whereas to remove one you need to slect it in the left-hand panel. Could this perhaps be added to the "Help" display ? It took me a while to discaover this mechanism.

Yes, I've added hover help text to all those buttons in the latest BUG version.

It's file Civ4GameTextMisc1.xml: search for "COMBAT_MESSAGE". But the combatants are referred to as "s1_CivName" for the round winner and "s2_CivName" for the loser, and I'd like the messages to be in green if I win a round and red if I lose. This section makes no mention of colour. So is there a way to identify the player's civ as being "s1" or "s2" and set the colour appropriately ?

Ahh, so there is only one message regardless of who won? That means it will have to be addressed in the SDK (BULL) rather than BUG. You use colors using [] tags:

<English>[COLOR_GREEN_TEXT]You won![COLOR_REVERT]</English>

Note: the closing tag doesn't have a / like BBCode. It is exactly as I wrote it.
Bushface, you also may want to add a color to the battle-odds modifiers. It seems again Firaxis made this in a very misleading way. Often it shows a -30 when in fact I feel it should be +30, etc.
The odds modifiers other than those from Combat promos are, remember, applied to the defender, so that instead of showing (say) +30% for an attacker who gets this situational boost it shows as -30% applied to the defender. But I agree that who gets what is not always clear: whether it would help to show these effects in colour I am uncertain.
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