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Requests for new components (and features)

I like that idea. My gameing style is to grow large cities with specialist, and knowing my base food would help with that alot.
The reason I didn't add it at the same time I added production is that there are no food multipliers in the game, though it's certainly possible to create a building to do so. I half expected the Supermarket to do +25% :food: or something, but I guess that would cause an explosion in cities, and that's not really what supermarkets do (though they maybe improve the efficiency and decrease the spoilage of food, maximizing its use?)

Now, however, there are enough sources of food other than worked tiles that I feel it deserves to be there . . . and for completeness as The Doc said. I guess it'll be called Raw Yields now. ;)
Since BtS now has a Favorite Religion tag for each leader I was playing around with the Sevopedia Leader screen and managed to add the Leader's Favorite Religion with a link.

Thanks again, this is now in SVN. :goodjob:
Here's a quick MSPAINT mockup of the new button placement for Raw Yields:

It seems a little cluttered, but I'd like to get some feedback before I do this. I'll add the :food: view anyway, but I may leave the buttons as they are now. The only real issue -- other than being in the middle of the view -- is that there's less room in the foreign language views.
How does this look?

The only thing I don't like is that the values and their icons don't line up with those in the trade table below or the commerce table above, so it looks a little weird. They could be shifted to the left, but when you have bonus multipliers, it would get a little squished:

Total 24:hammers: + 6:hammers: = 30:hammers:

I could drop the "Total" label to make room. Is it implied enough by the different color? Also, I could drop the yield icons for the subtotals:

Total 24 + 6 = 30:hammers:

I do, however, like the buttons on the left side like this, so I'm leaning this way.
How does this look?

Total 24 + 6 = 30:hammers:

I do, however, like the buttons on the left side like this, so I'm leaning this way.

I like the buttons on the left as well. And the option above, with only 1 icon at the end of total.
Because the icons are actually font glyphs, there's no way to highlight them. Currently, the selected view's icon is larger than normal, but this will likely be impossible to notice when they are vertical. Hopefully all the :hammers: icons on the right will be enough for you to realize that you're looking at the :hammers: view.

I could probably draw a little box around the selected view, but I'm not as familiar with this in the code.
If I'm reading that right, it would "change" the display to show a breakdown of your FOOD/Production/Commerce based on CITY natural income and possible Trade/Corporations?

Why not have the Toggles listed on top then ?
...( C )...[ F ]...\ T /...
Worked Tiles ............. 22 T
Specialists ............ 04 T
Trade Routes ............ 00 T
Buildings .................. 08 T
Corporations ............ 10 T
For which view?

In the case of :commerce:, only ones with non-zero values are plots and trade. So it doesn't really matter where buildings or specialists go, does it?

For :hammers:, tiles, buildings, specialists, corporations.

For :food:, tiles, buildings, specialists, corporations.

The reason I split buildings and specialists is because in the case of :hammers:, corporations don't show up until late in the game. This allows each line to have a single input for much of the game.
Lets make some room. Firstly, put a triangle icon on the top right of 'trade routes' bar so that it looks like there is a page behind it. If you click on the triangle, then the triangle goes to the bottom left and the trade route panel is completely replaced by the raw production / food / commerce panel. Click on the triangle again, and the trade route panel comes back.

The selected raw production icon can have a little * near it to signify it is selected (or put in in [ ])s.

Finally - about time we added food as you can also get food from specialists and some UUs.

Oh - do these amounts show the base items assuming all tiles worked or just the worked tiles?

Can we have (another) toggle to also show what they would be if all tiles were worked? That would really help for city planning.
Edit: I take this back. Instead ... can we have ANOTHER panel that shows the base food, production and commerce for all tiles that currently belong to a city. This would help me determine if I need a farm to work all the mines or I can put down a cottage. Now, don't complain about the space, just make it another page using the triangle method above.
No idea what I am talking about ... look at this (and forget about the triangles - stupid idea) ...

Click on TL and the two yellow text become TR and BC and the panel turns into a Tiles Worked / Production panel. Click on BC and the yellow text becomes TR and TL and the panel turns into a Base City panel.
Okay, I like taking over the Trade Routes table. How about this (sorry no screenshot): Change the header "Trade Table" to the :traderoute: icon, and then add the yield icons as well, so the gray bar you see above would have four icons in it, each one being a different view.

What I really like about this is that a) it expands the buildings list back to its original size and b) allows me to split out combined values since :food: and :hammers: have four contributing sources.

Since :commerce: has only two sources, I could split apart trade into "Domestic" and "Foreign", maybe even add "Intercontinental" to bring it to four.

As for switching between "worked" and "all" tiles, one simple but obscure way would be to make the "Worked Tiles" label a toggle, "Worked / All Tiles" and have it color (or underline) "Worked" or "All" depending on which is shown.
Great. How about a third ... "All", "Worked" and "Owned".
Great. How about a third ... "All", "Worked" and "Owned".

By "Owned" do you mean those available to the city rather than all inside your cultural borders and the city radius? And "All" would include all inside cultural borders and city radius, but not those set aside for other cities?

To clarify, nothing outside your cultural borders would be consider for any of the 3 groups. "Owned" would remove from consideration any tiles earmarked for other cities (fogged in this city's view). "Worked" would be as expected, only the ones currently being worked by a citizen in this city.

Sounds fine, but I fear this is getting cluttered again. And overloading a label like that a) probably will be too long for non-English and b) is highly non-obvious.
All = all within city's Big Fat Cross (BFC)
Owned = tiles currently owned by the city
Worked = worked

I was thinking regardless of cultural issues as it is pretty easy to change that :D. Happy if you exclude because of culture - up to you.
Bah, not as easy as I thought it was going to be. The current code calculates the plot yield total by subtracting the other values from the total base city yield -- it doesn't add all the plots. It's doable, but now I have to actually think about it. :lol:

In any case, I think it's important to consider culture. I guess that's another option: "All for realz". :)
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