Resources Placed in an Order?

Technically, any city connected to either and not the capital (I think that's the case), will have access to both, but because the resource is physically not in the radius of both on the map at the same time, it should mean that the Oracle can only be built in Delphi, and the Library and Lighthouse can only be built in Alexandria. Thus, although the bug exists, in this instance, it actually has no real effects :)

I'm using this effect to push it even further. I have 32 "normal" strat/lux resources, then 32*n bonus resources, then 32 "unique" strategic resources. (a multiple of 32 total)

The unique resources represent minor civs / city-states that allow the construction of improvements in the capital which generate extra unique units. Since the resources are useless outside of the capital, it doesn't matter at all if a non-connected city gets access to them. An unconnected city with one of these unique resources will still get ghosts of the normal strategic resources, but this will be rare since each unique resource appears only once on the map. Also most of my strategic resources are required in the city radius for special buildings, so that effect is useless as well.

Thus, the only side-effects are that a city connected to a unique resource but not the capital may be able to build units that it shouldn't, but even this can only happen at most once per unique resource.
mhh... with Civ IV as well as the console derivates having sold big and Civ V on the shelves, any hope Firaxis will finaly release the Civ III source code so the more able programing sherpas amidst us can give this thing another go? =(
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