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Revenge of the Nerds: An Amurite Story

Hmm, about govannon. I have the python def spellTeachSpellcasting in front of me. It works fine for creation, dimensional, ice, and force mana. The only problem I can see is that those aren't included in the requirements list - which means that the spell would be uncastable if those spellspheres were the ONLY ones Govannon had. but otherwise, it should work.

Are you certain it doesn't? I'll fix that little thing anyways...

Edit: I've just tested in the current release of FF. Gave Govannon Dimensional, Force, and Creation I. With anoher unit on the same tile, he was unable to teach spellcasting, as I described.

I gave him Fire I, he was then able to cast Teach Spellcasting. Doing so taught all 4 of the lv1 spellspheres he had to the scout. Fire, Creation, Dimensional, and Force.
Hmm, about govannon. I have the python def spellTeachSpellcasting in front of me. It works fine for creation, dimensional, ice, and force mana. The only problem I can see is that those aren't included in the requirements list - which means that the spell would be uncastable if those spellspheres were the ONLY ones Govannon had. but otherwise, it should work.

Are you certain it doesn't? I'll fix that little thing anyways...

Edit: I've just tested in the current release of FF. Gave Govannon Dimensional, Force, and Creation I. With anoher unit on the same tile, he was unable to teach spellcasting, as I described.

I gave him Fire I, he was then able to cast Teach Spellcasting. Doing so taught all 4 of the lv1 spellspheres he had to the scout. Fire, Creation, Dimensional, and Force.

Warkirby, thanks for looking into this and congratulations on getting added to the FF team. This particular issue I encountered in one of my previous Amurite games before I settled on the one that became this AAR. As such, it may have been fixed in a patch somewhere along the way. Because I thought it was still an issue, I avoided the new mana types; something I was sad to do because several of them seemed pretty interesting (at the very least, my Domestic Casters could really have benefited from creation mana).

I've tallied the votes and it looks like I will be writing my next AAR about the...

Congratulations Ms. Gabella (if you call her Mrs, she unsummons your skin) and Mr. Arbandi (he pities the foo' that calls him Mr. T). Those of us at Shatner, Shatner, Shatner and Bob promise to represent you two well in the upcoming after action report; we've had to expand our PR department by over 300% to put a positive spin on your account, what with the torture, open courtship of demonic powers and desire to see all of creation defiled and consumed by flames.

I'm not sure what the specific challenge criteria are going to be, and it will certainly be a while before any of this makes it into the forums, but that's what's coming up. In case you were curious, the runner ups were (in descending order):
- Belseraph
- Sidar
- Illians tied with Doviello
- Grigori tied with Ljos
- many others in last place

Thank you all for your suggestions. Oh, and if anyone is able to take the Revenge of the Nerds game to it's end, please tell me (and by extension, everyone else) about it; I really wanted to see this game to it's end but I was thwarted by computer limitations.
well, im not sure how challenging it can be if your allowed to build pyre zombies, although my initial reaction for a challenge would be build only magic, demon, undead, and planar gates- and to try and end the game at 100 AC

Perhaps another option is to win a religious victory as the AV, but to try and not have any other religions present in the city, especially order. If its anything like my last Shiam game, your main army will be mages + succubi, and demons will be your main concern (unless your playing FF, which makes things considerably more streamlined)

One interesting choice will be wether to summon Hyborem early and try to get on his good side, or to be an uber empire and summon him as a tiny ant. I tried the former and attempted to enlist him in my holy war against the FOL worshipping elves .... it was interesting to say the least, and my economy died severely. I would say turn Inflation OFF if you are dealing with appocalypse.
I would sincerely hope Shatner will be playing this AAR in Fall Further. Amongst other things, pyre zombies in FF are much weaker. Still extremely powerful and useful units, and still far superior to axemen, but no longer the everything-destroying abominations that they were. Vehem mathematically proved that you could kill an unlimited amount of literally anything with only 12 pyre zombies as they are in FFH.

FF now has pyre zombies doing the job they're supposed to do - keeping you alive in the early game so you can get your army of demons. As opposed to allowing you to steamroll the world before even getting AV.
What would be amusing is trying to run a ''good'' sheaim. You would have to switch to a good or neutral alignment by at least turn 100, and then win the game through the overcouncil (I think there's a resolution?) - without ever owning a demon or undead unit, including those that are summoned or gained through the planar gate.
they don't as its far too incommon in base ffh, the same location pyre zombies are overpowered.

Luckily, the mechanos civ practically gets hoards of magic resistance units, so even against base Shiam, you could start units off with 70% fire resist. (anti fire promo + magic resist, I think DemonHunter also adds magic resist, or maybe just spell resist, its a very good civ for killing the AV)
Mechanos, at least in Orbis are an awesome civ. A howitzer can do 3 ranged attacks per turn and kill enemies that way. A stack of 20 howitzers will decimate anything and everything, never risking themselves I have encountered. And eventually they can have 3 range for their ownage. Usually by end game I can build a howitzer in one turn in most of my old cities. If that's not enough for you, get a couple of adepti and a techpriest in the stack as well. Awaken machine spirit (from tech priest) gives one extra move. In layman's terms: 33% more ownage for absolutely free! If the enemy ever manages to hurt you, adepti can repair. Oh and howitzers in Orbis can use enemy roads by default.

As soon as Mechanos get howitzers, they pretty much autowin.
As an idea, I really hate the Mechanos. They are seriously out of place in my opinion.
Mechanos, at least in Orbis are an awesome civ. A howitzer can do 3 ranged attacks per turn and kill enemies that way. A stack of 20 howitzers will decimate anything and everything, never risking themselves I have encountered. And eventually they can have 3 range for their ownage. Usually by end game I can build a howitzer in one turn in most of my old cities. If that's not enough for you, get a couple of adepti and a techpriest in the stack as well. Awaken machine spirit (from tech priest) gives one extra move. In layman's terms: 33% more ownage for absolutely free! If the enemy ever manages to hurt you, adepti can repair. Oh and howitzers in Orbis can use enemy roads by default.

As soon as Mechanos get howitzers, they pretty much autowin.

Isn't half the fun of a game clawing your way to victory, not autowins?
Either way ... have yall noticed that culture is far more important in Fall Further? Its like a happy protective blanket. I hope the new Fall further patch for 3.19 overwrites the code which double's culture pops when no Espionage is enabled.

Either that or Espionage should be reintroduced, because I really dont think culture pops need such a massive nerf as requiring TWICE AS MUCH CULTURE ... x_x :nuke::sad:
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