Revolution #2


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
Deadlines for orders and rapid updates will be posted at:

The Story​

In the year 1780, the American people signed a treaty with the United Kingdom after four years of victorious combat and a brutal struggle pitting brother against brother. As the smoke cleared, the War for Independence turned out to be a greater success than any of the Founding Fathers could imagine. Canada and Quebec had been brought into the Union following Benedict Arnold's successful invasion late in the war. Spain and France's entry in 1777 soon brought the British navy down, and it was only a matter of time before the final surrender of British soldiers at the battle of Manhattan in early 1779. But to many of these leaders, it seemed that the victory was a hollow one.

In the wake of the war, charismatic leaders rose from a multitude of the states, calling for a plethora of demands, often in conflict with one another. The debate over the fledgling nation's new government quickly fell apart and the regime established was a weak one. The power rested with the states, not the neutered federal government. As the next fifteen years passed, impotent Presidents watched as the states have grown further and further apart. As of now, the central regime barely has any control at all. As the states grow more ambitious, some have expressed concern that new war may rise, this time among those who not too long ago fought for freedom.

In Europe, the shock of the American War for Independence landed as a tidal wave. The vicious bloodshed of the French Revolution and a multitude of related wars tore France and Western Europe apart. A radical new government now sits in Paris, with the support of the military, hoping for new greatest, and some even calling for the end of monarchy as an institution. The crowned heads of Europe sit anxiously in this brief calm in the midst of the storm, waiting for a new war.

In Asia, the European influence has been briefly set aside in many locations, as Europe has become highly distracted in the west. Several strong empires remain in place, but internal issues and division may be the death of some ancient governments. The imperial ambitions of Europe remain unresolved and some feel that a return is quite likely, particularly as European corporations continue to push their own political agendas. The next war could be independent Asia's last.

1795 is the doorway to a new era in human history, one likely paved with fallen empires and vicious wars. The French Revolutionaries say that it's the institution. Well, you know, they all want to change the world. To create a brave new world even.


For those who do not know, this NES is a remake of my oldish and rather large series, A Brave New World Parts 1, 2, and 3. My reasoning behind creating this new NES is within several parts. Part of this is a dawning realization is that I’m rather good at industrial/modern era NESes, with all due humility. Why leave something I’m good at? The other big reason is that there’s many parts of A Brave New World that I rather feel I botched up, both in its creation and its moderating. This is my chance to revise it in a more realistic and entertaining fashion.

The rules you will see below are hardly original, working mostly off the final variation of the ruleset from ABNW 2. Nonetheless, there are some variations. I have adapted the said ruleset to include Westernization and several other elements unique to the nineteenth century. I highly recommend reading it through at least once, as I get irritated by repeated questions which are clearly outlined in the first post. If you don’t like reading, go to hell where you belong.

Due to the debates on the preview thread, I will make the following confession. Yes, the ruleset, unit terminology, and various other elements are rather Euro-centric. I apologize for this, but this time period is a rather Euro-centric one, based on my own education and written history. Deal with it.

My long-term goal here is to make this ruleset and NES last consecutively (without pause or Boring Time) all the way to 2015, for proper perspective with our own history. Depending on circumstances at the time, assuming no Chinese invasion of the US or an apocalypse, the NES may continue on from there. Hope to see you all then, and I hope you enjoy this NES!

Sample Stats​

Absolute Monarchy: Tsarina Yekaterina II
Capital: St. Petersburg
-Aristocracy: 1%/90%/10
-Middle Class: 4%/8%/8
-Lower Class: 5%/2%/7
-Serfs: 90%/0%/6
Economic Power: 40
Research: None
Manpower: 62
Army: 113 Infantry Regiments, 17 Artillery Regiments, 48 Cavalry Regiments
Limit: 310 Regiments
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 3 Men-of-War, 6 Frigates, 6 Sloops, 5 Transports
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions: +1 EP
Spoiler :

Alaska: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: None


The government of your nation is important for a variety of reasons. Holding elections, having regime change and your government in general will effect the rise and fall of stability and economy in your nation. For democratic nations, you must determine your party names, or you’ll be stuck with the generic following: Socialist, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Reactionary. Most countries will be monarchies at the start however, which allow for a great deal of difference. My advice is that you remember that it is your god-given divine right to rule and the ignorant masses don’t understand the nuances of good government.

Factions will also be watching closely at changes in your government, and support from the various factions could lead to political change or stagnation. So appease your power base, if you want to keep your nation going intact.

Factions and Stability​

Rather than the flat rate number of Stability that was present in the original A Brave New World stability here is measured by national factions and their own loyalty/feelings towards your rule. Each faction has its own goals and perspectives which will likely change over time as new ideologies become available. There are three elements under each faction which depict their involvement in your nation. They are arranged as such:

Size of the Faction/Influence of the Faction/Loyalty Level of the Faction

The Size of the Faction is a rounded off percentage of that faction which the people widely attribute themselves to. The size is important, because the larger the size of the faction, the larger any revolt or potential influence they could hold would be.

The Influence of the Faction is the hold the faction has over the government, its ability to control it, and the likelihood they will react violently against anything they oppose. While it may be tempting to abandon the 1% of aristocrats for the 90% Lower Class, the aristocrats are far more likely to intervene in any change you make and to be able to gain the military's support in the process.

The Loyalty Level of a Faction is depicted by a number from 0-10, with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best. The lower the loyalty level, the more prone to acts of disorder or unrest the faction tends to be. The level is raised by undertaking acts that gain the faction's support and lowered by doing things which anger them.

I will also mention that if you feel a faction is required by your nation that may have been left out, feel free to mention it to me and it will readily be included for the next update.

Common Factions and Their Goals

Aristocracy: This faction is generally found in nations steeped with tradition and usually monarchial systems. While they are not found in all locales, they generally possess more power than their small size would suggest. They are generally reactionary and against most reforms which could be undertaken. They will stand fast against liberalism and anything which could reduce their power.

Plutocracy: This faction is a growing group in the nineteenth century and late eighteenth century. These are the merchants and people who have begun to grow very wealthy off of the growth of European empires. They usually socially are ranked below aristocrats, and are usually more liberal, supporting reforms, as long as they don't hurt business and their cash flow.

Middle Class: The middle class is a small group at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but one destined to increase as urbanization occurs at an astonishing rate. They are mostly city dwellers, and are generally in possession of what we refer to as "white collar" jobs. Usually they have little political power, and are known to lean towards liberal reforms in all elements, having the time and inclination to fight for causes.

Lower Class: The lower class generally is the majority of a nation's population. This includes independent farmers, laborers, and otherwise. Only in the rarest of cases does the Lower Class wield any true political influence. The lower class usually does not follow specific ideologies or causes, unless they feel it will improve their lot in life. They are the most easily manipulated of the factions, but if they feel they have been betrayed, can usually cause the bloodiest of uprisings.

Slaves/Serfs: At the dawn of the nineteenth century, many nations still possessed slaves, particularly in the Americas. Likewise, the feudal structure of serfdom still existed in some backward European nations, binding workers to the land. They will always be unruly and a nation which possesses slaves or serfs must always be vigilant against rebellion.

Economy and EP​

Economic Power represents all elements of the economy, not just industry. This means not just factories, but agricultural and trading based wealth as well. Economic power (or points, whichever you prefer) is spent on all other elements of your nation: economy, stability, military, and projects. The EP listed at the top of your stats is the total EP, including both colonies and the home country.

In order to improve your economy, you can perform a multitude of various means and methods to bring in the cash. Research can lead to new opportunities which will give your nation a boost over others in various fields. Researching in the various economic fields are more likely to give a boost than in army or navy. Conquest of other nations can lead to increased EP, but land can take some time to recover from a bloody war or change in national management. Vassalization or subjugation of your foes may prove a more successful strategy. Colonies are a reliable source of income, and more can be established abroad to increase your overall wealth. Keep in mind that colonies with resources make more than ones that have to import. Lastly, projects and policies can lead to an intake of more funds for your nation. All of these methods are detailed further in sections below.

Research, Technology, and Westernization​

Research for this NES will be conducted in similar lines as with the last version of the A Brave New World ruleset. Spending can be done into one of five different elements of research; Army, Navy, Mechanical, Agricultural, and Scientific. Brief descriptions of the prospective advances of each of these fields are below. A new tech is developed from research whenever a nation reaches a certain level of EP, assuming they are a fully westernized state. Typically this will be 100 EP spent into the selected field.

When a technology is researched, it will immediately confer a bonus upon the researching nation and begin a spread throughout the world. Technologies can be a bit grab-bag in their effects and there’s no way to guarantee the result of your research or what will be developed. Despite this, the 1800s were a decisive time in human technological development. There were multiple paths which could have been taken, and unlike the original ABNW, there’s no tech tree here to clearly outline them. The order in which techs are researched as a whole globally will dictate what sort of technologies will emerge. The choices made by not just you, but all researching nations put together, will dictate the course of the world’s progress.

Fields of Research

Army: As the name says, this is strictly the development of better weapons and tactics for the ground forces. For nations which are not top quality land powers, army research generally reflects modernization of existing forces to be more in line with other, higher quality, armies. Bonuses for researching in army generally involves an army quality increase, but occasionally can lead to a new unit.

Navy: Like Army, this is a very specific field, directed at solely creating better weapons and tactics for forces at sea. For nations which are not top quality naval powers, naval research reflects the modernization and restoration of existing ships and equipment. Bonuses for naval research generally involve naval quality increase or a new unit for production.

Mechanical: Mechanical research is the development of new devices to aid in production and industry. This generally includes steam type inventions and the typical apparatus of industry. If you are not an EP power, this may merely reflect industrial modernization and development for your country. Typical bonuses for Mechanical research include EP boosts.

Agricultural: Agricultural research involves the creation of improved farming methods, techniques, and equipment. While some of these may be of a mechanical nature, they generally reflect non-industrial techniques. Research bonuses for Agricultural may be either a manpower boost or EP boost, depending on the type of advance made.

Scientific: Scientific research lays the groundwork for the theories that lead to more traditional advances represented by the technology above. This reflects the simple creation of theories leading to scientific breakthrough. Bonuses from research here could be pretty much anything or even everything.

Westernization and Tech Groups

Westernization has been the bane of my previous attempts to create a realistic depiction of the nineteenth century. To combat this difficulty, I have turned partially towards Europa Universalis 3 for my answer. Nations are now divided into "tech groups" as displayed one of the below posts. To westernize into the Western Tech Group, you must research one time in each technology field (it will be kept track of in your stats). As tech groups multiply the cost of technology, this will not be an easy task. The lower tech groups also do not have access to some types of units, creating a severe disadvantage upon the battlefield.

For the purposes of this NES, Manpower is a representation of the amount of recruitable, military-age individuals. Each point of manpower is roughly equivalent to 1,000 people. There are several different ways manpower can be gained or lost throughout the course of the NES and these include: Immigration/Emigration, disease, war devastation, and natural growth. Every ten updates (beginning with 1810) the manpower stat will be adjusted for natural growth through that period.

Military Matters​

Key in the thoughts of most NESers is how to win and fight wars in any NES. It has been said to me that NESes are generally not much more than wargames, with peace merely being the time between betrayals. Whether or not this is correct, it cannot be denied that NESing has a lot to do with fighting wars.

Warfare and Planning

Warfare in the nineteenth century was primarily based upon campaigns in which pitched battles between armies were the norm. Wars are still generally lengthy affairs, taking place over several years, and occasionally longer. In order to best conduct your wars in the span of this NES, there’s a few key things to consider for your benefit when sending in orders. First, try not to micromanage too much, create an army, give them an objective, and I promise they will do their best to achieve it. Second, units produced in a turn may not necessarily be available for when you want to launch your campaign.

In terms of updates, all wars will be conducted in campaigns dictated by player army distributions and objectives for those armies. In other words, make sure you make it clear what armies are where and what they are supposed to be defending or attacking. It will save us all angst and confusion in the long run. Each campaign will have a series of battles take place, the decisive ones occasionally getting special mention in the updates. For battles, I will be using a combat system created for the Eagle Games board games, Napoleon and American Civil War. Depending on the length of the campaign, both in time and distance, numerous battles could be fought in one turn. Some may be bloody, some may be bloodless. One thing you should consider though, it is possible for an army to be completely destroyed in the course of battle. When this happens to you, it may be time to consider surrender, to spare yourself further destruction.

That brings us to another rule of nineteenth century warfare: Very few people fought to the last in terms of countries. It’s OK to just fight for a couple of small provinces. People will understand.

Military Limitations

All nations have limits of troops that they physically supply and support. You are only allowed a limited number of regiments, which is dictated by a combination of your economy and available manpower, as well as numerous other elements, which would take up too much space here to list. Under no circumstances may any player build over their limit. Build up your army accordingly. This of course does not include irregulars which may pop up in rare circumstances due to partisan activity or desperate defenses of major cities. If you go over 60% or greater of the said limit, you are likely to begin experiencing some political trouble from your major military drive. BE PREPARED FOR THE CONSEQUENCES.

Military Quality

Military Quality stats reflect the comparative doctrines and training of your soldiers compared to others across the world. The higher the numbers, the better your military is. These numbers are primarily raised in two different ways. First, through Army Research and development, which occasionally symbolizes military modernization. Second, through a history of warfare and success on the battlefield. Occasionally, you may also catch a lucky break and get a prime lot of graduating cadets via random event.


Conscription levels are the main way to raise up large forces over wartime. There are four levels of conscription for westernized nations and three for all nonwestern nations. You may not end or switch your level of conscription until after the current war is over, and you MUST return to peacetime levels first. You can only begin conscription when a new war begins. If the number of free units raised goes over your limit, you will be unable to recruit new untis in the typical fashion until you've led them disastrously enough to lose them to below the limit. When you return to peacetime, all remaining conscripted units will disappear. Any economic or qualitative change due to conscription will typically only be temporary. The levels of conscription and their benefits are as follows:

Western Conscription

Peacetime: All unit costs remain the same and there is very little natural stability or quality change. The typical level of conscription for all nations when not at war, the default.

Militia Callup: This option calls up all civilian militias within your nation for the duration of the conflict. New militias may be raised up over time. The amount of militias are determined by a number of factors, namely, the availability of arms to private citizens and the likelihood they will raise up militias. Frontier nations are more likely to have a higher proportion of militia groups than those not on the frontier. The best example is that North American nations will recieve more proportionate militias than a European nation. No negative effect will occur for quality, but economies may take a small hit.

Conscription: This option does NOT create any new units immediately, but instead reduces the cost of all army units by 50% (rounded up) and doubles the limit you can make of soldiers. This will decrease army quality by 1 and may or may not cause a small economic hit against you.

Levee en Masse: This option immediately creates a large and diverse army, consisting of all units. The amount of units raised will depend on your manpower and national stats. The army quality of your nation will be decreased by 2 and a moderate to large economic hit will occur, depending on how many units are raised.

Non-Western Conscription

Peacetime: All unit costs remain the same and there is very little natural stability or quality change. The typical level of conscription for all nations when not at war, the default.

Tribal Bounties: The uncivilized tribes of your nation are called up to serve in the military, providing a number of Irregular units dependant upon the amount of tribes and smaller ethnic groups in your nation. This will not decrease army quality and will have no economic effect.

Levied Masses: Regular citizens are called up to serve as Irregular units. This depends on the population size of your nation. This will also decrease your army quality by 1. This will also have a detrimental effect upon your economy.

Unit Build Costs

All unit build costs will be permanently listed on the below post.

Colonies and Imperialism​

Colonies have stats of their own within the larger nation stat. I will be listing the exact amount of EP that the colony provides to the overall empire, so that you may determine its overall value to your cause. The colonies will have their own borders on the world map, and this can be determined by you, should you decide to shuffle things around a bit. This is to help you understand what areas provide what help to your cause. Larger colonies with more settlers from the motherland can provide manpower to your nation, but it takes significant development or manpower investment to make this the case.

Colonies also have their own stability stat which is gauged on a scale of 10, with 10 being the best and 0 being the worst. The stability generally will decrease over time, though this largely depends on the colony. Colonists generally have their own opinions and interests, and if your government fails to keep them happy or things become unstable at home, expect unrest to spread abroad as well.

Creating Colonies

You may only create new colonies if you have at least 10 EP already. Also required is a fleet size of at least ten ships, five of which have to be transports. New colonies can be acquired via warfare without these restrictions. Exploitation of this rule will be harshly stopped.

To actually create the colony you must provide the following: 5 EP for creation, a name for the colony, and some sort of description or map depicting the location where the colony is supposed to be founded.

Vassals, Protectorates, and Satellites​

The elements of protectorates are taking a bit of a change from previously in the A Brave New World series. In the original, they acted as a method for uncivilized nations to develop at the coercion of a more modern imperial power. The sequel to the original had protectorates play a smaller role, but still significant, providing benefits to the leader, while exploiting the lesser, but still providing aid to both sides.

For this NES, I wish to provide a better representation of the exploitation of vassal/puppet states, and here’s how it will work. Your vassals will be listed in the colonial section of your stats, with a note specifying that they are a vassal/protectorate/etc. Despite this, they will maintain stats and existence separate of your own in their proper location.

When a nation is forced or agrees to become a vassal of another nation, they immediately lose 25% of their EP, which immediately qualifies as imperial income for their overlord. This is a very easy way to make money, admittedly, but as a warning, a nation with less than 4 EP will not provide any income to the overlord.

The United States and Holy Roman Empire​

The United States of America and the Holy Roman Empire are two separate but somewhat similar organizations for the purposes of this NES. Both are decentralized entities which contain states which effectively function as independent powers. There are theoretical central governments for each, and the power they possess will be widely up to the nations involved with both groups. There are however, some specific details and rules which differ between the two. Both can be disbanded, whether by internal matters or conquest by an outside foe which imposes it by brute force. If either occurs, neither organization can be rebuilt.

The United States of America

The United States are in theory a democracy, holding elections every four years (keeping with our timeline as to not confuse things more than they are). The capital of the United States is located in New York City, the center of American federalism. The President will always act as an NPC, based on the principles on which he was elected. The President will be elected by a popular vote (measured by manpower stats and voting rights by state) which is out of player control. This could be a good gauge of public opinion and thoughts as well. There will generally be two candidates, but sometimes more. Upon being elected, the President will attempt to (or will not attempt to) bring about legislation which reflects his particular viewpoint, which will also be voted upon by the states. States can also introduce legislation for the wider groups plus the President to vote upon. With the sole exception of a declaration of war, all legislation must pass with at least 80% of the vote. Declaration of an offensive war against a foreign power must be unanimous among the involved states. So with a total of 19 states, at least 16 of those states must approve. Finally, the last element standing is that the states all maintain a policy of mutual defense and non-aggression.

The above section may sound very specific and limiting, so I want to stress several details. As a member of the United States, you are free to introduce ANY legislation you feel is suitable. Anything not specifically mentioned above are free to your interpretation and creation. Even the items mentioned above are subject to change if you choose to change them. If you're a state which disagrees with the outcome of legislation, you can choose whether or not to even respect its authority. Simply put, the power of the United States as a centralized entity is solely up to you. All existing legislation will be in a post below underneath stats for the United States.

The Holy Roman Empire

As an empire, rather than a democracy, the Holy Roman Empire has a bit more freedom not needing to worry about passing legislation or such things among the masses. The Holy Roman Emperor has the ability to pass whatever laws he feels fit, but this should come with a warning. As with the United States, the member nations of the Holy Roman Empire may choose whether or not to obey the legislation passed by the emperor. The power he has is solely supported by those who agree to follow along with his laws. While he does have the legal right to enforce such laws upon the members of the HRE, this may well provoke a bloody civil war if done improperly. These are words for careful consideration. The only preexisting law will be an act of mutual defense, as if any member comes under attack by an outside power, all other members are expected to come to its aid.

As with the United States, there will be a separate section in a post below which contains all existing imperial laws and facts. I have previously stated that everything the emperor does is only as strong as the power and influence he is able to project over the member states of the Empire.

Projects and Policies​

Projects are the equivalent to wonders in this NES. You may devise any sort of Great Project you please, as long as it fits with your nation and capabilities. Simply inform me of the project and your intended goals for it, and I will give you a price.

A policy would be a government law you enact that doesn’t always require spending. This can be anything from civil rights to education spending. Sometimes this will require EP, and will therefore be kept track of in stats. Policies can help in a variety of ways but are not always needed, so don’t go overboard.

Player Points and National Goals​

In the abortive Legacy of Civilization NES, I introduced the Legacy stat, which was used to gauge your nation’s overall influence on history. As this NES will (at best) cover only 200 years, the Legacy stat need not apply here. To replace it, I have determined to add a relatively OOC element to the NES as a whole. When the NES begins, all players will receive a private message from me with a brief description of the nation’s background and a National Goal. National Goals are private objectives for the nation you control. They are based upon the in character goals of your nation and what the people want to achieve. National Goal reminders and updates will be sent via PM every 5 updates. Goals may change based on the events of those 5 updates.

Successfully achieving a National Goal will present you with two measurable results. First, you will likely raise support from factions within your nation, giving you a more stable country overall. Second, you will receive a “player point” to be kept track of in a post below. All players who participate in this NES will be kept track of and their points tallied together. If you lose your nation for whatever reason or leave and come back as another nation, your points will remain intact, and will be added upon by whatever goals you achieve as the new nation.

I realize the “player point” system may raise some concerns from some of you, and therefore, let me explain my reasoning for introducing this system. I hope that the National Goal setup and player points will provide players with the motivation they need to act in character as frequently as possible. This will hopefully somewhat discourage metagaming and help further ensnare you all in the clutches of this NES. Escape is futile. You will be assimilated.

Updates and Orders​

Updates will hopefully be once a week.

Orders are typical orders, give me spending, and then anything else you feel you need to send.

Final Notes and Hints​

Possibly to be added.
Unit Costs

The following can be built by all tech groups except the Native tech group.
Note: Despite nations having the same names for units, this is solely for simplicity. A Chinese Man-of-War does not equal a European one and so forth.

Infantry Regiment: Costs 2 EP and 1 manpower per regiment. This represents the typical infantry regiment, with variations for every nation. In this era, infantry is typically armed with muskets, though some nations continue to have supporting melee forces as well.

Cavalry Regiment: Costs 3 EP and 1 manpower per regiment. This represents the typical cavalry unit, armed with a combination of melee weapons and firearms. We are in the late days of the successful cavalry charge, and these elites of the military are still known to win battles. They also serve vital roles as scouting elements in most modern armies.

Artillery Regiment: Costs 4 EP and 1 Manpower per regiment. This represents any long range weapon, at this point represented by rockets in Asia and increasingly effective artillery from Europe.

Man-of-War: Costs 3 EP per ship. This represents the largest warships of this era, including all variations of ships of the line and other heavy vessels.

Frigate: Costs 2 EP per ship. This is a lighter vessel, but still powerful in its own right. This includes medium vessels in service in European and Islamic navies at this point in time.

Sloop: Costs 1 EP per ship. This is the lightest vessel available, representing the smaller raiders and attack ships, rarely used in large-scale battle.

Transport: Costs 1 EP per ship, carries 1 regiment of any type. Transports are required to ship soldiers from one continent to another. If you have a far flung empire, they will be your best friend. As a warning, they don't fight very well, and you may want them to have an escort.

The following can only be built by fully Westernized nations.

Militia Regiment: Costs 1 EP and 1 Manpower per regiment. The militia is a collection of citizens defending their land. When fighting upon their own soil they are much more effective than being involved in offensives, almost as much as regular soldiers in the right circumstances.

The following can only be built by non-Western nations

Irregular Regiment: Costs 1 EP and 1 Manpower per regiment. This is the less developed man's militia. On the plus side, they don't suffer from chronic disloyalty when fighting away from home. On the downside, they are usually poorly armed and organized, and easily chewed up by modern forces.

Westernization Technology Groups

Any not mentioned in the below groups are assumed to be fully westernized and therefore exempt from this section. I would like to make something clear: in some cases, not being westernized does not necessarily mean being inferior on the battlefield. Also, other powers can provide EP to assist in westernization, and there will be events which could assist in the process, based upon your decisions or the completion of national goals. See above unit costs for units for each tech group.

As a warning, just because the enemy you may be facing may be in a lower tech group, DO NOT underestimate them. They can still defeat you on the battlefield, and doing so may give them an unwanted boost towards modernization.

Islamic Tech Group: All techs are 200 EP for process of westernization (Total cost of Westernization=1000 EP)
Members: Algiers, Ethiopia, Funj, Georgia, Hedjaz, Morocco, Najd, Oman, Ottoman Empire, Persia, Tripoli, Yemen

Asian Tech Group: All techs are 300 EP for process of westernization (Total cost of Westernization=1500 EP)
Members: Assam, Ayutthaya, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, China, Durrani, Gakwar, Hyderabad, Japan, Kazakh, Khmer, Khiva, Khorasan, Kokkand, Korea, Maharasthra, Malacca, Mataram, Mysore, Nepal, Oudh, Punjab, Shaybanid, Sind, Sulu, Travancore, Vietnam

Native Tech Group: All techs are 400 EP for process of westernization. Natives cannot build any types of ships. (Total cost of Westernization=2000 EP)
Members: Muscogee

The United States of America

President: Thomas Jefferson (Conservative)
Capital: New York City
Next Presidential Election: 1796
Member States: Berkshire (Free), Bingham (Free), Canada (Free), Connecticut (Slave), Delaware (Slave), Georgia (Slave), Kentucky (Slave), Maryland (Slave), Massachusetts (Free), New Hampshire (Free), New Jersey (Slave), New York (Slave), North Carolina (Slave), Nova Scotia (Free), Pennsylvania (Free), Quebec (Free), Rhode Island (Free), South Carolina (Slave), Tennessee (Slave), Vermont (Free), Virginia (Slave)

Standing Federal Laws

-No American state may declare war or engage in combat with any other state.
-No American state may take offensive action against an outside power without unanimous votes for war from all states.

The Holy Roman Empire

Emperor: Francis II (Austria)
Leading State: Austria
Electors: Austria, Mainz, Cologne, Bavaria, Prussia
Member States: Anhalt, Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Cologne, Genoa, Hamburg, Hesse, Mainz, Mecklenburg, Modena, Oldenburg, Parma, Prussia, Salzburg, Wurtemburg, Wurzburg

Standing Imperial Laws

-No member of the HRE may attack any other.

National and International Projects

Erie Canal

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal

Swedish Infrastructure Development

Durrani Infrastructure Development
Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: Duke Leopold III
Capital: Dessau
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Middle Class: 10%/15%/8
-Lower Class: 89%/5%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Army (3)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Austria: Nuclear_Kid
Absolute Monarchy: King Franz II
Capital: Vienna
-Aristocracy: 2%/90%/10
-Middle Class: 5%/5%/7
-Lower Class: 93%/5%/6
Economic Power: 25
Research: None
Manpower: 29
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 37 Infantry Regiments, 12 Cavalry Regiments, 8 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 145
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 4 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions:
Spoiler :

Austrian Italy: 3 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Austrian Netherlands: 2 EP
-Stability: 5
-Garrison: None

Absolute Monarchy: Margrave Karl Friedrich
Capital: Karlsruhe
-Aristocracy: 1%/70%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Middle Class: 8%/15%/7
-Lower Class: 90%/5%/6
Economic Power: 1
Research: Army (3)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Batavian Republic: bombshoo
Republic: Liberal Party
Capital: Amsterdam
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/3
-Plutocracy: 1%/15%/6
-Middle Class: 10%/45%/10
-Lower Class: 88%/30%/9
Economic Power: 32
Research: Navy (12)
Manpower: 11
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 11 Infantry Regiments, 6 Cavalry Regiments, 5 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 55
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 8 Men-o-War, 18 Transports
Navy Quality: 4
Colonial Possessions: 13 EP
Spoiler :

Ceylon : 2 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 3 Man-of-Wars, 5 Frigates, 1 Transport
Curacao: 1 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 2 Frigates, 3 Sloops
Dutch Virgin Islands: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Man-of-War, 1 Frigate, 4 Sloops
Guyana: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Man-of-Wars, 2 Frigates, 1 Transport
Java: 2 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 3 Man-of-Wars, 5 Frigates, 1 Transport
South Africa: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 3 Man-of-Wars, 5 Frigates, 3 Transports
Sulawesi: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Frigate
Sumatra: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 3 Man-of-Wars, 1 Frigate, 1 Transport

Absolute Monarchy: Prince-Elector Karl Theodor
Capital: Munich
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Middle Class: 8%/15%/7
-Lower Class: 90%/5%/6
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (2), Agricultural (10), Mechanical (3)
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Archbishopric: Maximilian Franz I
Capital: Cologne
-Clergy: 1%/60%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Middle Class: 10%/5%/7
-Lower Class: 87%/5%/6
Economic Power: 3
Research: Agricultural (6)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: King Pasquoale
Capital: Corte
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/7
-Military: 1%/70%/10
-Clergy: 1%/10%/9
-Middle Class: 10%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 87%/0%/9
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Militia Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 1 Sloop
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: Peter
Capital: Mitau
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/8
-Middle Class: 5%/5%/6
-Lower Class: 93%/5%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Crimean Khanate
Absolute Monarchy (Vassal of Ottoman Empire): Sahin Giray II
Capital: Bahceseray
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 7
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 6 Irregular Regiments, 2 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 35
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Sloop, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Denmark: Lord of Elves
Absolute Monarchy: Christian VII
Capital: Copenhagen
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/8
-Middle Class: 6%/5%/6
-Lower Class: 92%/5%/7
Economic Power: 16
Research: None
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 10 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2 Men-of-War, 6 Frigates, 7 Sloops, 8 Transports
Navy Quality: 3
Colonial Possessions: 8 EP, 3 Manpower
Spoiler :

Danish Virgin Islands: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: None
Iceland and Greenland: 1 EP, 1 Manpower
Norway: 5 EP, 2 Manpower
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: None

Don Voisko
Cossack Assembly
Capital: Cherkassk
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/4
-Military: 2%/80%/10
-Tribal Leaders: 1%/10%/9
-Middle Class: 1%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 10%/0%/8
-Serfs: 75%/0%/8
-Tribes: 10%/0%/7
Economic Power: 5
Research: None
Manpower: 10
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 10 Irregular Regiments, 6 Infantry Regiments, 8 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 50
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

France: Heraclius49
Republican Dictatorship: The Directory (Radical Liberal)
Capital: Paris
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/5
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/9
-Military: 2%/30%/10
-Middle Class: 10%/30%/9
-Lower Class: 86%/10%/7
Economic Power: 50
Research: None
Manpower: 49
Conscription: Conscription
Army: 11 Militia Regiments, 32 Infantry Regiments, 9 Cavalry Regiments, 5 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 245
Army Quality: 4 (5)
Navy: 8 Men-of-War, 9 Frigates, 5 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 3
Colonial Possessions: 4
Spoiler :

French Guyana: 1 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Regiments
French Leeward Islands: 3 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Regiments

Oligarchy: Doge Giacomo Maria Brignole
Capital: Genoa
-Plutocracy: 1%/90%/10
-Middle Class: 9%/8%/10
-Lower Class: 90%/2%/7
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 8 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 2

Imperial Free City
Capital: Hamburg
-Plutocracy: 1%/60%/10
-Middle Class: 30%/30%/10
-Lower Class: 69%/10%/6
Economic Power: 2
Research: Mechanical (2)
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 7 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 3 Men-of-War, 2 Frigates, 3 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 3

Absolute Monarchy: Frederick V
Capital: Homburg
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Middle Class: 8%/7%/7
-Lower Class: 90%/3%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Army (3)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Archbishopric: Friedrich Karl
Capital: Mainz
-Clergy: 1%/70%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/7
-Plutocracy: 1%/5%/6
-Middle Class: 8%/3%/6
-Lower Class: 89%/2%/9
Economic Power: 2
Research: Agricultural (4)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Charles II
Capital: Mecklenburg
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 20%/8%/6
-Lower Class: 78%/2%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Mechanical (2)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: Ercole III
Capital: Modena
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 13%/7%/7
-Lower Class: 85%/3%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Navy (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2 Sloops, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy (Ottoman Vassal): Mahai IV
Capital: Iasi
-Ottoman Interests: 1%/50%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/8
-Middle Class: 3%/2%/6
-Lower Class: 80%/8%/7
-Slaves: 15%/0%/6
Economic Power: 1
Research: Army (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Naples: qoou
Absolute Monarchy: Ferrante IV
Capital: Naples
-Aristocracy: 1%/90%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/5%/7
-Middle Class: 2%/1%/7
-Lower Class: 96%/4%/8
Economic Power: 7
Research: None
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 13 Sloops, 6 Transports
Navy Quality: 2

Absolute Monarchy: Peter Frederick
Capital: Oldenburg
-Aristocracy: 1%/85%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/9
-Middle Class: 8%/1%/6
-Lower Class: 90%/4%/8
Economic Power: 1
Research: Scientific (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 1 Sloop, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Papal States: RoboPig
Theocracy: Pope Pius VI
Capital: Rome
-Clergy: 1%/90%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/0%/5
-Middle Class: 7%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 90%/0%/7
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Conscription
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 12 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 2

Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinand
Capital: Parma
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 15%/5%/6
-Lower Class: 83%/5%/8
Economic Power: 1
Research: Scientific (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2 Sloops, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Poland: reserved for Kamilian
Military Dictatorship: Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Capital: Krakow
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/5
-Military: 1%/40%/10
-Middle Class: 3%/20%/10
-Lower Class: 95%/20%/9
Economic Power: 5
Research: Army (5)
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 13 Infantry Regiments, 5 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Queen Maria
Capital: Lisbon
-Aristocracy: 1%/90%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/9
-Middle Class: 9%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 74%/0%/9
-Slaves: 15%/0%/5
Economic Power: 18
Research: Navy (10)
Manpower: 10
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 8 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 3 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 50
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 32 Men-of-War, 19 Frigates, 23 Transports
Navy Quality: 3
Colonial Possessions: 6 EP
Spoiler :

Angola: 1 EP
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Brazil: 3 EP, 3 Manpower
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Mozambique: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Timor: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: None

Prussia: Tyrion
Absolute Monarchy: Friedrich Wilhelm II
Capital: Berlin
-Aristocracy: 1%/50%/10
-Military: 2%/40%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 91%/0%/9
Economic Power: 7
Research: Army (18)
Manpower: 22
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 28 Infantry Regiments, 14 Cavalry Regiments, 5 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 110
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 14 Sloops, 7 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Republic: House of Sorgo (Conservative)
Capital: Ragusa
-Aristocracy: 1%/95%/10
-Middle Class: 20%/5%/7
-Lower Class: 79%/0%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment, 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Russia: Abaddon
Absolute Monarchy: Tsar Alexander
Capital: St. Petersburg
-Aristocracy: 1%/90%/8
-Middle Class: 4%/8%/4
-Lower Class: 5%/2%/3
-Serfs: 90%/0%/2
Economic Power: 25
Research: None
Manpower: 32
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 32 Infantry Regiments, 9 Cavalry Regiments, 3 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 160
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 2 Men-of-War, 4 Frigates, 4 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions: +1 EP
Spoiler :

Alaska: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Regiments

Archbishopric: Hieronymus von Colloredo
Capital: Salzburg
-Clergy: 1%/60%/9
-Aristocracy: 1%/35%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/5%/7
-Middle Class: 15%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 82%/0%/9
Economic Power: 2
Research: Scientific (2)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Sardinia-Piedmont: Adrognans
Absolute Monarchy: Charles Emmanuelle IV
Capital: Cagliari
-Aristocracy: 1%/95%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/5%/7
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 94%/0%/8
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment, 2 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 1 Frigate, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: George III
Capital: Dresden
-Aristocracy: 1%/85%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/15%/8
-Middle Class: 8%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 90%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: Scientific (4)
Manpower; 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 6 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 15
Army Quality; 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Spain: Milarqui
Absolute Monarchy: Carlos IV
Capital: Madrid
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/6
-Clergy: 1%/25%/7
-Middle Class: 2%/5%/6
-Creoles: 20%/5%/4
-Natives: 15%/0%/3
-Lower Class: 51%/5%/7
-Slaves: 10%/0%/5
Economic Power: 30
Research: Army (12), Navy (6), Agricultural (12), Mechanical (10), Scientific (6)
Manpower: 39
Conscription: Militia Callup (12 Militia Regiments at home; 31 Militia Regiments in the colonies)
Army: 15 Militia Regiments, 12 Infantry Regiments, 10 Cavalry Regiments, 3 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 195
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 39 Men-of-War, 18 Frigates, 52 Sloops, 46 Transports
Navy Quality: 2
Colonial Possessions: 19 EP
Spoiler :

Canary Islands
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Cuba: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment, 13 Men-of-War, 18 Sloops, 20 Transports
Florida: 1 EP
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 1 Militia Regiment, 1 Infantry Regiment
La Plata: 2 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 5 Militia Regiments
Louisiana: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
New Spain: 4 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 10 Militia Regiments, 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Peru: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 5 Militia Regiments, 2 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Philippines: 3 EP
-Stability: 6
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Puerto Rico: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Militia Regiment
Santo Domingo: 2 EP
-Stability: 6
-Garrison: 4 Militia Regiments, 3 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments
Sao Paulo:
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 1 Militia Regiment
Tejas: 1 EP
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment

Sweden: ZeletDude
Absolute Monarchy: Gustav IV
Capital: Stockholm
-Aristocracy: 1%/70%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/9
-Middle Class: 6%/10%/7
-Lower Class: 92%/0%/8
Economic Power: 12
Research: None
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 4 Man-of-Wars, 11 Frigates, 1 Sloop, 6 Transports
Navy Quality: 3

Switzerland: Haseri
Republic: Bern Canton (Conservative)
Capital: Bern
-Bern Canton: 25%/50%/9
-Zurich Canton: 30%/15%/4
-Luzern Canton: 10%/10%/7
-Schwyz Canton: 5%/5%/7
-Fribourg Canton: 10%/5%/6
-Solothurn Canton: 10%/10%/8
-Basel Canton: 10%/5%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Militia Regiments, 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 4
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Terek Voisko
Cossack Assembly
Capital: Vladikavkaz
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Military: 2%/70%/9
-Middle Class: 1%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 35%/0%/7
-Tribal States: 61%/20%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 7 Infantry Regiments, 5 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Archbishopric: Clemens Wenceslaus
Capital: Trier
-Clergy: 1%/50%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/7
-Middle Class: 15%/10%/5
-Lower Class: 83%/0%/8
Economic Power: 1
Research: Scientific (3)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinando III
Capital: Florence
-Aristocracy: 1%/65%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/35%/9
-Middle Class: 8%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 90%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: Navy (4)
Manpower: 13
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 10 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 65
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 7 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Military Dictatorship: Vladimir Ivanovich
Capital: Kiev
-Aristocracy: 1%/0%/3
-Military: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 8%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 90%/0%/8
Economic Power: 7
Research: None
Manpower: 14
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 6 Irregular Regiments, 9 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 70
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

United Kingdom of Great Britain: warman17
Constitutional Monarchy: George III
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/10
-British East India Trading Company: 5%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 5%/10%/8
-Lower Class: 83%/10%/7
-Slaves: 5%/0%/5
Economic Power: 82
Research: Army (24)
Manpower: 23
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 26 Infantry Regiments, 10 Cavalry Regiments, 5 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 115 Regiments
Army Quality: 5
Navy: 30 Men-o-War, 19 Frigates, 22 Transports
Navy Quality: 5
Colonial Possessions: +23 EP
Spoiler :

Australia: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 2 Man-of-Wars, 1 Frigate, 2 Transports
Bahamas: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Belize: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Bengal: 3 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: None
British India: 3 EP
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment, 6 Man-of-Wars, 4 Frigates, 14 Transports
British Virgin Islands: 3 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 2 Infantry Regiments, 6 Men-of-War, 4 Frigates, 5 Transports
Cayman Islands: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Columbia: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 10 Man-of-Wars, 6 Frigates, 1 Transport
Hanover: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Hudson Bay: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Hyderabad (Vassal): 2 EP
Ireland: 5 EP
-Stability: 6
-Garrison: 3 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Jamaica: 2 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment
Newfoundland: 1 EP
-Stability: 10
-Garrison: 1 Infantry Regiment, 2 Man-of-Wars, 1 Frigate, 2 Transports

Venice: Terrance888
Oligarchy: Ludovico Manin
Capital: Venice
-Plutocracy: 1%/100%/9
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/9
-Lower Class: 93%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: Mechanical (3)
Manpower: 7
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 35
Army Quality: 3
Navy: 2 Men-of-War, 4 Frigates, 4 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 3

Absolute Monarchy (Ottoman Vassal): Alexandru VIII
Capital: Curtea de Arges
-Ottoman Interests: 1%/50%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/50%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 96%/0%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Scientific (1)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Friedrich II
Capital: Wurttemberg
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Middle Class: 10%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 88%/0%/8
Economic Power: 1
Research: Scientific (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Archbishopric: Georg Karl
Capital: Wurzburg
-Clergy: 1%/60%/10
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/7
-Plutocracy: 1%/0%/6
-Middle Class: 10%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 87%/0%/9
Economic Power: 1
Research: Mechanical (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0
The Americas
Spoiler :

Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Pittsfield
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Militia: 1%/30%/9
-Middle Class: 35%/40%/10
-Lower Class: 63%/30%/10
Economic Power: 2
Research: Mechanical (2)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality; 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Gubernatorial Dictatorship: William Bingham
Capital: Falmouth
-Plutocracy: 1%/90%/9
-Middle Class: 20%/10%/6
-Lower Class: 79%/0%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Militia Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Gubernatorial Dictatorship: James Livingston
Capital: Toronto
-Plutocracy: 1%/80%/8
-Middle Class: 4%/20%/8
-Lower Class: 45%/0%/8
-Natives: 50%/0%/5
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Militia Regiments
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Sloop
Navy Quality: 1

Tribal Republic: Little Turkey
Capital: NA
Tribal Chiefs: 1%/100%/10
Tribesmen: 99%/0%/9
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: None
Army: 6 Irregular Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Connecticut: Matt0088
Constitutional Monarchy: King Benedict/Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Hartford
-Plutocracy: 1%/60%/9
-Middle Class: 25%/40%/9
-Lower Class: 73%/0%/9
-Slaves: 1%/0%/6
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 5
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 25
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Frigate, 1 Sloop, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 0
Colonial Possessions
Spoiler :

Connecticut Western Claims
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: None

Delaware: JulyFool
Republic: Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: Dover
-Plutocracy: 1%/40%/6
-Middle Class: 25%/60%/9
-Lower Class: 61%/0%/6
-Slaves: 13%/0%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 3 Sloops
Navy Quality: 1

Georgia: luckymoose
Gubernatorial Dictatorship: James Jackson
Capital: Savannah
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Plutocracy: 1%/40%/7
-Middle Class: 13%/30%/7
-Lower Class: 55%/10%/8
-Slaves: 23%/0%/2
-Natives: 7%/0%/2
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Militia Callup (4 Regiments)
Army: 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Haiti: crezth
Presidential Dictatorship: Toussaint Louverture
Capital: Port-au-Prince
-Military: 2%/100%/10
-The People: 98%/0%/10
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 13 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Sloop
Navy Quality: 1

Kentucky: Omega124
Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Danville
-Aristocracy: 1%/20%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/7
-Middle Class: 4%/20%/7
-Lower Class: 62%/40%/10
-Slaves: 16%/0%/5
-Natives: 16%/0%/4
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Militia Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Maryland: conehead234
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry/Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: Annapolis
-Aristocracy: 1%/50%/7
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/9
-Middle Class: 10%/20%/8
-Lower Class: 58%/0%/8
-Slaves: 30%/0%/5
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 5
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 25
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Frigate, 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Massachusetts: spryllino
Republic: Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: Boston
-Plutocracy: 1%/40%/8
-Middle Class: 30%/40%/8
-Lower Class: 54%/20%/6
-Natives: 15%/0%/5
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 4 Sloops, 1 Frigate
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions
Spoiler :

Huron Territory
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: 1 Militia Regiment

New Hampshire
Gubernatorial Dictatorship: John Gilman
Capital: Portsmouth
-Plutocracy: 1%/40%/9
-Middle Class: 19%/30%/8
-Lower Class: 80%/30%/10
Economic Power: 1
Research: Mechanical (2)
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Militia Regiments
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

New Jersey: 1stcitizen
Republic: Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: Trenton
-Plutocracy: 1%/100%/9
-Middle Class: 22%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 72%/0%/7
-Slaves: 5%/0%/9
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 4 Sloops
Navy Quality: 1

New York: Justo
Republic: Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: New York City
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/8
-Middle Class: 30%/40%/8
-Lower Class: 52%/40%/9
-Slaves: 5%/0%/5
-Natives: 12%
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 7
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 35
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 2 Transports, 1 Frigate
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions
Spoiler :

New York Western Claims
-Stability: 6
-Garrison: None

North Carolina:
Republic: Federalist Party (Liberal)
Capital: Raleigh
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/8
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/6
-Middle Class: 14%/30%/7
-Lower Class: 59%/0%/9
-Slaves: 25%/0%/5
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 7
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Militia Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 35
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Sloop
Navy Quality: 1

Nova Scotia: D'Artagnan89
Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Halifax
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/6
-Middle Class: 25%/60%/7
-Lower Class: 74%/30%/10
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Militia Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 20
Army Quality; 1
Navy: 3 Sloops
Navy Quality: 1

Pennsylvania: The Farow
Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Philadelphia
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/7
-Middle Class: 35%/70%/8
-Lower Class: 64%/20%/10
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 9
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 45
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Quebec: Circuit
Republic: Liberty Party (Conservative)
Capital: Quebec City
-Plutocracy: 1%/20%/5
-Middle Class: 10%/40%/6
-Lower Class: 69%/40%/8
-Natives: 20%/0%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Rhode Island
Republic: Country Party (Conservative)
Capital: Providence
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/6
-Middle Class: 40%/30%/8
-Lower Class: 59%/40%/10
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Militia Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Sloop, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

South Carolina: SS-Pz.Gren.1562
Constitutional Monarchy: King John/Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Columbia
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Middle Class: 9%/20%/7
-Lower Class: 48%/0%/9
-Slaves: 42%/0%/5
Economic Power: 2
Research: Agricultural (2)
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Militia Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Tennessee: bestrfcplayer
Gubernatorial Dictatorship: William Blount
Capital: Knoxville
-Plutocracy: 1%/100%/9
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 62%/0%/9
-Slaves: 13%/0%/4
-Natives: 20%/0%/3
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Militia Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Republic: Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Windsor
-Plutocracy: 1%/10%/8
-Middle Class: 15%/30%/7
-Lower Class: 84%/60%/9
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Militia Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Virginia: Agent 89
Constitutional Monarchy: King Henry/Democratic-Republican Party (Conservative)
Capital: Richmond
-Aristocracy: 1%/50%/10
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 15%/20%/8
-Lower Class: 39%/0%/10
-Slaves: 39%/0%/6
-Natives: 5%/0%/3
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 10
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Militia Regiments, 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 50
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Africa/Middle East
Spoiler :

Sultanate (Vassal of Ottomans): Hasan Muhammdid
Capital: Algiers
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/7
-Ottoman Interests: 1%/60%/9
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 92%/0%/7
Economic Power: 5
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Man-of-War, 2 Frigates, 9 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: Giyorgis
Capital: Addis Abada
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/8
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 3
Research: Army (4)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Funj: Swissempire
Sheikdom: Badi VI
Capital: Sennar
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Military: 1%/20%/10
-Middle Class: 1%/0%/9
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 5
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy (Vassal of Ottoman Empire): Erkle II
Capital: Tbilisi
-Tribal Chieftains: 1%/30%/10
-Clergy: 1%/10%/6
-Persian Interests: 1%/60%/10
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/7
Economic Power: 1
Research: Army (1)
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Irregular Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Morocco: SoldierChild
Sultanate: Sulayman
Capital: Rabat
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/9
-Lower Class: 70%/0%/9
-Tribes: 24%/0%/6
Economic Power: 6
Research: Navy (12)
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 4 Men-of-War, 2 Frigates, 8 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Sheikdom: ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Saud
Capital: Riyadh
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/9
-Lower Class: 60%/0%/8
-Tribes: 39%/0%/6
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Oman: andis-1
Sultanate: Said bin Sultan
Capital: Muscat
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 8%/0%/6
-Lower Class: 65%/0%/7
-Slaves: 26%/0%/4
Economic Power: 9
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Man-of-Wars, 6 Frigates, 4 Sloops, 5 Transports
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions: 3 EP
Spoiler :

Bari: -1 EP
-Stability: 9
-Garrison: None
Mombasa: 2 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: None
Dar-es-Salaam: 2 EP
-Stability: 7
-Garrison: None

Ottoman Empire: Behind the Mask
Sultanate: Selim III
Capital: Istanbul
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/5
-Clergy: 1%/30%/3
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/9
-Lower Class: 77%/0%/6
-Tribal States: 15%/10%/6
Economic Power: 26
Research: Army (83), Navy (60)
Manpower: 46
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 15 Infantry Regiments, 8 Cavalry Regiments, 5 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 235
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 18 Men-of-War, 10 Frigates, 20 Sloops, 23 Transports
Navy Quality: 1
Colonial Possessions: 7 EP
Spoiler :

Algiers (Vassal): 2 EP
Crimean Khanate (Vassal: 1 EP
Georgia (Vassal): 1 EP
Libya: 1 EP
-Stability: 8
-Garrison: None
Tripoli (Vassal): 1 EP
Tunis (Vassal): 1 EP

Persia: das
Absolute Monarchy: Fath Ali Shah Qajar
Capital: Tehran
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Clergy: 3%/10%/9
-Middle Class: 3%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 60%/0%/8
-Tribal Groups: 33%/10%/8
Economic Power: 10
Research: Army (11)
Manpower: 8
Conscription: Tribal Bounties (5 Irregular Regiments)
Army: 7 Irregular Regiments, 2 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 40
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Sheikdom (Vassal of Ottomans): Yusuf Pasha
Capital: Tripoli
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 80%/0%/8
-Slaves: 17%/0%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Navy: 1 Frigate, 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Sheikdom (Vassal of Ottomans): Hammouda Pasha
Capital: Tunis
-Aristocracy: 1%/50%/7
-Ottoman Nobility: 1%/50%/9
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 80%/0%/8
-Tribes: 13%/0%/5
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Infantry Regiment, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Man-of-War, 10 Sloops, 3 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Spoiler :

Ahom Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Suklingpha Ahom
Capital: Rangpur
-Aristocracy: 1%/60%/7
-Military: 1%/40%/8
-Lower Class: 98%/0%/6
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Sultanate: Wazir Ali
Capital: Lucknow
-Aristocracy: 1%/70%/8
-British East India Trading Company: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 94%/0%/8
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Irregular Regiment, 3 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Theocracy: Jigme Dragpa II
Capital: Thimphu
-Clergy: 1%/80%/9
-Aristocracy: 1%/10%/6
-British East India Trading Company: 1%/10%/8
-Lower Classes: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 1
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Irregular Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 5
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Sultanate: Muhammad Tajudden
Capital: Brunei
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 93%/0%/7
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Men-of-War, 2 Frigates, 2 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Emirate: Ma’sum Shah Murad
Capital: Bukhara
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Lower Class: 99%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 11 Irregular Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Burma: Nailix
Absolute Monarchy: Bodawpaya Konbaung
Capital: Amarapura
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 1%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 68%/0%/8
-Cassays (Slaves): 30%/0%/6
Economic Power: 9
Research: Agricultural (5), Army (2)
Manpower; 5
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 2 Irregular Regiments, 7 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 25
Navy: 2 Sloops, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

China: TheLastJacobite
Absolute Monarchy: Qianglong Emperor
Capital: Beijing
-Aristocracy: 1%/98%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/2%/10
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/9
Economic Power: 45
Research: Army (125)
Manpower: 84
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 28 Infantry Regiments, 6 Artillery Regiments, 16 Cavalry Regiments
Limit: 420 Regiments
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Man-of-War, 1 Frigate, 33 Sloops, 14 Transports
Navy Quality: 2

Durrani Empire: Karalysia
Sultanate: Zaman Shah
Capital: Kabul
-Shah Aristocracy: 1%/55%/10
-Other Aristocracy: 1%/35%/2
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/5
-Lower Class: 35%/0%/5
-Tribal States: 61%/10%/4
Economic Power: 10
Research: None
Manpower: 10
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Irregular Regiment, 7 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 50
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Frigate, 1 Sloop, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Absolute Monarchy: Govind Rao Gaekwad
Capital: Ahmedabad
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/8
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/10
-Lower Class: 92%/0%/9
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 1

Sultanate (Vassal of United Kingdom of Great Britain): Asaf Jah II
Capital: Hyderabad
-Aristocracy: 1%/55%/6
-British East India Company: 1%/45%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/7
-Lower Classes: 96%/0%/7
Economic Power: 3
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: British East India Company Detachment (10 Irregular Regiments, 2 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment)
Army: 11 Irregular Regiment, 6 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 2
Navy: 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Japan: Ninja Dude
Shogunate: Ienari Tokugawa
Capital: Edo
-Shogunate: 1%/70%/10
-Daimyos: 1%/20%/6
-Samurai: 2%/10%/8
-Commoners: 96%/0%/8
Economic Power: 15
Research: Agricultural (30)
Manpower: 9
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 6 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 45
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 14 Men-of-War, 3 Frigates, 13 Sloops, 12 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Sultanate: Mahmud Shah III
Capital: Perak
-Aristocracy: 1%/70%/9
-Plutocracy: 1%/30%/8
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 93%/0%/8
Economic Power: 5
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 1 Irregular Regiment, 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Frigates, 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Kazakh Khanate
Khanate: Uali
Capital: Turkistan
-Khans: 1%/100%/7
-Lower Class: 99%/0%/8
Economic Power: 3
Research: Army (4)
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 8 Irregular Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy (vassal of Vietnam): Ang Chen
Capital: Phnom Penh
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 3%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 96%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 1 Sloop, 2 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Khanate: Abu’l Ghazi III
Capital: Khiva
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Lower Class: 99%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: Army (5)
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Khanate: Alim
Capital: Kokand
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 6 Irregular Regiments, 1 Infantry Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Jeongjo Joseon
Capital: Seoul
-Royal Court: 1%/70%/10
-Yangban: 2%/30%/8
-Free Lower Class: 70%/0%/8
-Slaves: 27%/0%/7
Economic Power: 14
Research: Army (10)
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 10 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Men-of-War, 1 Frigate, 7 Sloops, 4 Transports
Navy Quality: 1

Maratha Confederacy: kentharu
Absolute Monarchy: Baji Rao II
Capital: Raigad
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 93%/0%/8
Economic Power: 18
Research: Army (58)
Manpower: 5
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 12 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 4 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 55
Army Quality: 0
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0
Colonial Possessions: 2 EP
Spoiler :

Punjab (Vassal): 2 EP

Absolute Monarchy: Tipu Sahib
Capital: Mysore
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 9%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 90%/0%/8
Economic Power: 10
Research: Army (10)
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 7 Infantry Regiments, 4 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Nagpur Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Raghoji II
Capital: Nagpur
-Aristocracy: 1%/65%/9
-British East India Trading Company: 1%/35%/10
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 92%/0%/7
Economic Power: 14
Research: None
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Levied Masses (45 Irregular Regiments)
Army: 45 Irregular Regiments, 9 Infantry Regiments,3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 0
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Girvan Yuddha Bikram
Capital: Kathmandu
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Military: 1%/20%/9
-Middle Class: 1%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 97%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 1
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments
Limit: 5
Army Quality: 2
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy (Vassal of Maratha Confederacy): Maha Singh
Capital: Gujranwala
-Aristocracy: 1%/40%/8
-Military: 1%/60%/9
-Middle Class: 2%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 96%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 3 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Scindia Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Daulatrao Scindia
Capital: Gwalior
-Aristocracy: 1%/70%/10
-British East India Trading Company: 1%/30%/10
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 94%/0%/7
Economic Power: 8
Research: None
Manpower: 4
Conscription: Levied Masses (30 Irregular Regiments)
Army: 30 Irregular Regiments, 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 20
Army Quality: 0
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Absolute Monarchy: Rama I Chakri
Capital: Ayutthaya
-Krom Wang (Royal Court): 1%/60%/10
-Kroma Na (Ministry of the lands): 1%/40%/10
-Lower Classes: 98%/0%/8
Economic Power: 7
Research: Army (1)
Manpower: 5
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 7 Infantry Regiments, 3 Cavalry Regiments, 2 Artillery Regiments
Limit: 25
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Sultanate: Mir Fath Ali Talpur
Capital: Sakrand
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 5%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 94%/0%/8
Economic Power: 2
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Sloops, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Sultanate: Muhammad Sharraf-ud-din
Capital: Jolo
-Aristocracy: 1%/80%/10
-Spanish Interests: 1%/20%/7
-Middle Class: 7%/0%/8
-Lower Class: 91%/0%/8
Economic Power: 4
Research: None
Manpower: 2
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 10
Army Quality: 1
Navy: 2 Frigates, 1 Transport
Navy Quality: 1

Travancore: bestshot9
Absolute Monarchy: Dharma Raja
Capital: Trivandrum
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/10
-Middle Class: 6%/0%/9
-Lower Class: 93%/0%/9
Economic Power: 7
Research: None
Manpower: 3
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 5 Infantry Regiments, 2 Cavalry Regiments, 1 Artillery Regiment
Limit: 15
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0

Vietnam: anonymoose
Absolute Monarchy: Quang Toan
Capital: Thanglong
-Aristocracy: 1%/100%/8
-Middle Class: 4%/0%/7
-Lower Class: 95%/0%/7
Economic Power: 10
Research: Agricultural (11)
Manpower: 6
Conscription: Peacetime
Army: 7 Infantry Regiments, 1 Cavalry Regiment
Limit: 30
Army Quality: 1
Navy: None
Navy Quality: 0
Colonial Possessions: 1 EP
Spoiler :

Khmer (Vassal): 1 EP

All right, you may post beyond this point, this post can act as a handy reserve for a rainy day occasion.

A few quick things:

National Goal PMs will be sent out within the next couple days. Please read the rules, as some sections have been revised since the preview thread.
OOC: Confirming Kentucky.

Also, I noticed a typo in the first sentence. The revolution started in 1775, not 1776, so it should be five bloody years, not four bloody years.
Ottoman Empire reporting for duty and awaiting further instructions, capt!

Can we go ahead and start with the diplomacy and such or would you prefer to wait until said goals are issued?
No it's right, I was assuming four years from 1775 to 1779, then the treaty in 1780.

Feel free to diplomize to your heart's content, just don't send me anything yet for the NPCs.
Officially confirming my reservation of the glorious republic of North Carolina. God bless these United States.
His Majesty, the King of South Carolina, is here
From: Ferdinand III of Sicily/Ferdinand IV of Naples
To: The Mob ruling Paris

The execution of my cousin, and my wife's dear sister, have not been forgotten; I will not rest until they are avenged.
His Excellency, Governor Richard Howell of New Jersey has confirmed his slot.
are indentured servants part of the lower class or slave class?
OCC: EQ, I don't really understand what you said about battles in the rules. Could you please explain it more clearly?

From: France
To: United States of America

Please aid your republican brothers from the Monarchist powers of Europe.

OCC: COnfirming France
OCC: EQ, I don't really understand what you said about battles in the rules. Could you please explain it more clearly?

From: France
To: United States of America

Please aid your republican brothers from the Monarchist powers of Europe.

OCC: COnfirming France

North Carolina has no response as of yet to this.
North Carolina has no response as of yet to this.

We concur with the Honorable Representative from North Carolina.

To: New York, (whenever you get to checking in)
From: New Jersey

We wish to make a mutual agreement between our states, to promote international commerce in the New York City - Newark area.
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