

Space Travel is Boring
Mar 16, 2004
Do they wanna make this game more accurate? Well than in Civ4, Well than, they should have revolutions in Civ4. Like if a some of a nation goes into civil disorder, some of it can get bad enough, that they become their own nation! :evil: (Ex: America to England , Canada to France, India to England) Nations also have the ability to grant Cities thier indepenndance.
This was in Civ2, and I think Civ1 as well. If you had enough cities in disorder, or had a city in disorder long enough (I don't remember which) then it could bring the whole government down. I don't remember if they actually split into thier own country or not.
Don't like the idea of having part of my empire break off and form another civ. I know it has happened in RL but this is a game, not RL. Just imagine all the whining and moaning about this if it was implement. And we thought people whined alot about culture flips.

Oh, and I would never grant one of my cities independence. Why would anyone?
There is a thread about this called Civil Wars. It has been discussed a lot. It can be worked so that I for one think it as one of the most important changes I want to see in cIV. Though I must point out that I do not support them as simply as you have put it, but read the thread. I'm sure you'll find it interesting.
Ok guys. Thanks for giving your opinion. I wouldn't know about the stuff in CIv2, cause I never had it! :wink:
The giving cities independance was ust a suggestion.
Sorry if I wasted your time. :nospam:
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