RFC: BtS Bug Reports

The only people who would feasibly take it are Babylon, Carthage, and Rome. If he is getting Babylon confused with one, I am betting Rome.
Yet I've never had a game were Babylonian's lived to the time of the Barbarian pressure on both Rome and Greece.

BTW, why does Greece have Barbarian pressure? Constantinopolis, Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, survived until 1453 A.D, when Turks took it. During the barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern part was fine, and untouched.
Yet I've never had a game were Babylonian's lived to the time of the Barbarian pressure on both Rome and Greece.

BTW, why does Greece have Barbarian pressure? Constantinopolis, Capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, survived until 1453 A.D, when Turks took it. During the barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern part was fine, and untouched.

yes, and Greece would be better to represent the Byzantines than Rome because Rome would have tons of penalties from Italy getting slaughtered
Well, the barbarians actually went past The Eastern Roman Empire into the Western Rome Empire. So technically, the barbarian pressure is justified. The Barbarians came from roughly Russia and at least a few of them dipped down into the Eastern Roman Empire before going to the west. Also at around 1200-800 B.C.E. A group called the Dorians invaded Greece.
Actually a ton of barbarians invaded the eastern empire, but for various reasons, none of them managed to sack Constantinople, though other cities, like Adrianople and the whole Thrace region, were greatly damaged. And this was during the 4th century, right when the Western empire was getting hammered as well.
How did the Babylonians get to Athens? Are you sure you're not mixing up with another city? A screenshot and a save could help Rhye or anyone else who knows a bit of coding find the problem.

I think I just proved myself wrong.. 3000 BC Russia:
Babylon had about 6 cities including Byzantium and Vassalised India. I think they also conquered Persia but I'm nut sure.


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Well, Byzantium is slightly different from Athens. For one Byzantium is closer to Asia and Babylonia itself, while Athens is relatively deeper into Europe.
Yes that is true, but think of it, Babylon taking one of Greece's cities? Unimaginable, even AI Persia almost never gets to Greece.
I guess that is true... Which is weird because I have seen Persia expand into Eastern Europe, while totally bypassing Athens and Sparta.
Spoiler fixed :
I was starting as the Americans, the first city I settle, it says Portland, the second one says Pittsburg, the only thing I can think of is the fact I did my civic changes before I settled, also the cities don't flip also, I got 1500 gold

EDIT: was just poking around in world builder, and there is no trace that the Portugese spawned (except perhaps the fact that Lisboa and Oporto exist)

On a separate Matter, If you look in the upper right corner, you will see it is turn 210, and in what I am trading, you see Agriculture, what is wrong with this picture?! (no, I didn't WB)

On yet another matter, the French built a city at Aix-la-Chapelle, which promptly got take by the Nederlands and caused them to wage war, also, if they manage to get a Monument there, the Nederlands has trouble settling Amsterdam (side-note, why do the Dutch get 4 workers while England gets 3?)

Also, can the Celts have a city where London is which builds Stonehenge a little after 1500 B.C.E (is there a way so that England gets that culture?)


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In the newest patch as Japan, I got a quest to build 32 forges.
Spoiler fixed :
I was starting as the Americans, the first city I settle, it says Portland, the second one says Pittsburg, the only thing I can think of is the fact I did my civic changes before I settled, also the cities don't flip also, I got 1500 gold

EDIT: was just poking around in world builder, and there is no trace that the Portugese spawned (except perhaps the fact that Lisboa and Oporto exist)

Could the Spanish have captured their cities?

On a separate Matter, If you look in the upper right corner, you will see it is turn 210, and in what I am trading, you see Agriculture, what is wrong with this picture?! (no, I didn't WB)

On yet another matter, the French built a city at Aix-la-Chapelle, which promptly got take by the Nederlands and caused them to wage war, also, if they manage to get a Monument there, the Nederlands has trouble settling Amsterdam (side-note, why do the Dutch get 4 workers while England gets 3?)
I believe civilizations get a three by three area given to them right when they spawn, pushing back foreign cultures so that they can settle their capital.

Also, can the Celts have a city where London is which builds Stonehenge a little after 1500 B.C.E (is there a way so that England gets that culture?)

You can do that yourself using World Builder, but pre built wonders should only be for the 600 C.E. start up... That would also make beating the Egyptian UHV slightly harder.
Answered questions in quote so this is filling up ten character limit.
I don't want to WB it in, because I like competing
Zaragoth, I think he meants that if the game starts at 3000 BC then the "London" town will be set to try and build SH by a certain date, to make it just a bit more challenging as Egypt to get the UHV (SH is one of the first wonders you should get anyway).
So building it won't be a set event, just change something in the code to make the Celts "want" to research mysticism and build SH in "London". That sounds kinda realistic, no?
Edit: Oh, and I think when flipping a city one get's to keep all the cultural buildings and they'll still give culture (to test it start a 600 AD Arabia game and check Qahir after you flip it).
I was playing as the U.S. (with France as a vassal) and had signed defensive pacts with the greatest military powers: Britain and Spain (Spain's vassals: Mali, Netherlands and Portugal). What happens when Spain invades France? Every one of the seven listed nations are at each others' throats (with the exception of France and America thankfully).

Spoiler :

What's even more confusing is the fact that Spain's vassals declare war on me faster than Spain which causes Mali and the Netherlands to declare their independence for some reason and Spain to declare war on all three of its vassals (due to the US-Spanish DP). Portugal, being the butt monkey of this game, forgets to declare itself independent and soon it is at war with Spain and Spain's vassal at the same time.

Spoiler :

I love situations like this:D.

wow, a big mess.
I'll take a look into the code
It's not a BTS bug (rather, it's in Warlords), but I don't feel like making a new thread for it.
Japan's UHV is not working correctly. I don't remember exactly what the victory advisor says the requirements are, but I believe they are "no foreign culture on Honshu", "be first in score", and "be first to finish the tech three." However, as soon as Japan loses a city, the UHV counter goes gray. When I played as them once, I decided to invade China, and lost a city in a counter-attack. I checked the victory advisor, it appears I failed the last one, "be first to finish the tech tree." However, this was in the 1400s, so unless someone somehow managed to research all those techs that quickly, I doubt that was it.
So I'm pretty sure the game still thinks that the last condition is that you can't lose a city, which isn't what I'm told by the Civilopedia or the victory advisor. I hear it's working fine in BTS though.

There is a bug in RiseAndFall.py in hitNeighboursStability. On a civ spawn, instead of looping through the pre-defined list for which existing civs should take a stability hit (this list is n elements long), the stability hit is applied to first n civs as ranked by ID. This hit is applied to "Foreign" stability. This explains why Egypt (ID = 0) has such bad foreign stability, as most civs have at least one neighbor defined in lOlderNeighbors and thus actually hit Egypt upon birth. See my suggested fixed line (in red):

def hitNeighboursStability( self, iCiv ):
                if (len(con.lOlderNeighbours[iCiv])):
                        bHuman = False
                        for iLoop in range(len(con.lOlderNeighbours[iCiv])):[COLOR="Red"]
                        for iLoop in con.lOlderNeighbours[iCiv]:[/COLOR]
                                if (gc.getPlayer(iLoop).isAlive()):
                                        if (iLoop == utils.getHumanID()):
                                                bHuman = True                                        
                                        utils.setStability(iLoop, utils.getStability(iLoop)-2)

fixed both
Fairly sure it is a bug rather than something I am just misunderstanding, but the first UHV goal in my Germany game didn't trigger properly. Note: I am using version 3.15

I controlled all of Greece, Rome (and the rest of Italy), and France in 1870 as required.
Notably, I only owned two of the four cities in France, as the other two were owned by Vichy France (my vassal, obviously). Also, it was a 600 AD game, so Rome and Greece never specifically existed as nations, but I still controlled the area.

Just in case it helps you diagnose the problem, I have attached a save file from shortly before the 1870 cut-off.


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I do not know how it works for vassals, but you need the most cities in an area to control it. In another words try playing the game but taking three of the four French cities.
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