RFC: BtS Bug Reports

Try to completely erase the old RFC folder and then zip the newest patch.
For the independent thing, that's not a bug, try to use the mouse and right-click your units on the indy's territory, that should make it ask you if you want to declare war or not.
These are three MAJOR bugs I found:

1) The graphics randomly glitch, then the game crashes

2) I can't move units into independent territorty, so I can't attack them

3)Whenever I download the latest version, the game crashes as I load it (luckily I saved a backup original version)

1) graphics is likely to be your computers fault, check your driver installation and the options you selected

2) already solved

3) you need the latest CIV/Warlords/BtS patch for the latest RFC version
here's the link to the problem i'm facing (i dunno if its a bug)

if its too long, i'll summarise it, i played a RFC game halfway, saved, the next time i tried to reload, it fails. the saved file "shrink" from the supposed size to 1kb. i've had this problem twice.

it doesn't happen at the first time i saved it. kind of after random number of saves.
here's the link to the problem i'm facing (i dunno if its a bug)

if its too long, i'll summarise it, i played a RFC game halfway, saved, the next time i tried to reload, it fails. the saved file "shrink" from the supposed size to 1kb. i've had this problem twice.

it doesn't happen at the first time i saved it. kind of after random number of saves.

that normally happens when you have insufficient diskspace left on the hard-drive your save games are saved to
World size in events is not scaled well for the mod. For example the quest asks you to build 20 Forges.

Somehow I thought it used to be unreasonable, but less so (like 12 forges) and then was fixed... but I forget.

Probably a result of the same problem - the mother lode gold mine event gave me 200-400:gold: which I think is actually fine, but probably not "intended".
Load the save in 1.184 and press Enter. My cities in China, which have a lot of Independent culture, suddenly gain four points of "we yearn to join our motherland" unhappiness. (Actually, 4 points in one city and 1 point in another - the other one already had 3 points, but that might be partly from Japanese culture.)

I think it is not coincidental that Greece collapsed at the same time. I would guess that the motherland unhappiness calculation takes into account the population of the motherland civ.

If I am right about the cause, it would be nice if the independent cities in Greece didn't have this effect on China. Other effects, like independent cities sharing great people generation and technology, don't really bother me, but this effect kind of does.


  • 1520 AD Turn 285 motherland.CivBeyondSwordSave
    747.3 KB · Views: 65
only one. now i started another game. will see how it turns out :)

remember that save games are on your C: partition which could have disk space eaten up by virtual memory usage.
In my last game i was England and the Americans spawned next to my city (Annapolis) and declare war. They captured my city (Boston) which was unprotected, but left their all settlers protected by only one cuirassier that flipped from me. Next turn I recaptured Boston and the settlers so America was destroyed in 1 turn.

In my other game with Germans the Netherlands keep most of the units ouside their only city (Amsterdam). Only 4 longbows were guarding it so i attacked with few knights and Netherlands was destroyed.
I am not sure if those are bugs, but my latest Inca game posed my with some questions:

1) How can Maya research Horseback riding if they have no clue what kind of animal is horse?
2) How can the fort built on Jungled Silver make my citizens happy if the lack of Iron Working prevents me even from mining that Silver?

And the most inportant one:
3) How can I hire Knights, Maceman and Pikeman if I don't even know what iron and horse are?:crazyeye:
2) How can the fort built on Jungled Silver make my citizens happy if the lack of Iron Working prevents me even from mining that Silver?
Forts on resources that are linked to your trade network give you that resource just like you had built the appropriate improvement on top of it.
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