RFC Europe: Small bugs/fixes

Why shouldn't it remove wonders as well?

Because 60 - 100 hammer units shouldn't be able to remove a 500 - 1000 hammer wonder.

You can still raze the city, but wonders were not destroyed by prosecutions. At most, mosques and cathedrals were converted to the a religion upon conquest, but not destroyed.
Because 60 - 100 hammer units shouldn't be able to remove a 500 - 1000 hammer wonder.

You can still raze the city, but wonders were not destroyed by prosecutions. At most, mosques and cathedrals were converted to the a religion upon conquest, but not destroyed.

Well then it should be possible to prosecute cities even with wonders of other religions in them. But remove their effects, so they are still in ther but not serving their initial purpose.
The polish UHV is already fixed in the svn
Because 60 - 100 hammer units shouldn't be able to remove a 500 - 1000 hammer wonder.

You can still raze the city, but wonders were not destroyed by prosecutions. At most, mosques and cathedrals were converted to the a religion upon conquest, but not destroyed.

Actually it's a little odd (gameplay wise) that you can destroy a city with everything in it - including those wonders - yet you cannot remove a single wonder from the same city after you kept it.
If a medieval ruler (a.k.a. the player;)) would go as far to raze cities, why would it be a problem to destroy a wonder?

I'm not sure if it's better, but maybe gameplay should win over historicity on this one
Do we really want to force a spanish player to raze a good and historic city just because the AI built a non-catholic wonder there?

Generally, we can add this option to every player, I don't see any harms in it.
The actual benefit is really small extra stability and happiness in the city for removing a non-state religion (and both only in the long term), while you lose all the bonuses, culture and GP points the wonder generates.
IMO if a player chooses this, so be it
You probably can remove the religion without it affecting the building anyway.
With the latest revision (703), I can't open the civilopedia anymore. (This is most likely a bug in the python code)

Even a CTD when I play the RFCEurope scenario.
With the latest revision (703), I can't open the civilopedia anymore. (This is most likely a bug in the python code)

Even a CTD when I play the RFCEurope scenario.

Yep, 3Miro made a small mistake
Just change line 393 in Victory.py to:
if ( city.hasBuilding( xml.iTempleMount )):

But I will upload the correct version to sourceforge in a few hours
3Miro, can you check the polish UHV for Beta 12?
The Temple Mount can cause some bugs there
The UHV should be: build those cathedrals, and own 2 jewish quarters

Yes, I see what you mean. I will look into it.

Tested this, and the Polish UHV is still not comlete
When you conquer/flip the Temple Mount from another civ (so you don't actually build it), you can still get into situations where you cannot win the UHV
Tested this, and the Polish UHV is still not comlete
When you conquer/flip the Temple Mount from another civ (so you don't actually build it), you can still get into situations where you cannot win the UHV

Conquest should work fine. The flip may be an issue.

For the Spanish UHV, I don't see much of a chance for a non-Catholic wonder. This would be something rather rare. Portugal making The Temple Mount is the main possibility, but vigilantly prosecuting Jews should solve this (move a prosecutor to the Portuguese city with Jews and then gift the unit). The Dome of the Rock can be blocked with fast conquest of Cordoba.
Conquest should work fine. The flip may be an issue.

Hm, can you check this then?
The save is with the latest svn version (703)

EDIT: Ehh, seems like the I cannot attach the savegame right now
The point is that it didn't work for me on city conquest either
I managed to attach it this time
So here is the save game:
Yep, 3Miro made a small mistake
Just change line 393 in Victory.py to:
if ( city.hasBuilding( xml.iTempleMount )):

But I will upload the correct version to sourceforge in a few hours

You don't have to anymore. I've included it in my art revision. It should be up in about 15-20 minutes after this post.
You don't have to anymore. I've included it in my art revision. It should be up in about 15-20 minutes after this post.

Great, I just saw your update to the svn :goodjob:
I will also upload my changes soon - in an hour or so
3Miro, then you are good to go with releasing Beta 12 whenever you are ready
My updates are also uploaded to the svn
My updates are also uploaded to the svn

I also found the issue with the Polish UHV, in your savegame it will register the next time your build any of the required buildings (temples or caths). I fixed it so that it registers immediately upon conquest.

I have to fix the thing with units blocking independent cities.
Can anyone using the latest svn see if they can start a new game with Moscow?

It is crashing for me and I don't want to release an unplayable Beta.
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