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(RFC) The British Empire


Aug 3, 2008
I'm kind of bored of CiV so I decided to replay CIV. So I'm playing RFC as the British on Monarch cuz they're my favorite civ to play in that scenario. They're the best to play because you get to battle people on every continent even into the modern age. So let's get started.

I'm not a very good writer, so this story is going to be strictly an After Action Report. So, no weird story line or dialogue. I've already played into about 1400 or so, and I have 35 pictures already, so I'm pretty invested in this story already.

For this story, I'm playing from the 3000 start and then I'm going to change into the British. I've been playing the 600 start so many times that I've memorized everything in advance, so hopefully the 3000 start will change things up a bit. Hopefully, I'll actually get to invade India while they're still alive. So for the 3000 start, I'm starting as the Romans. I have three goals to play as the Romans:

1. Settle and Conquer most of Western Europe.
2. Found Christianity
3. Build the Apostolic Palace.

Normally, I can win with the Romans, but trying to beeline for theology usually means that I don't get mathematics in to win. Oh well, not trying to win as them anyways.

So, let's start: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
I found Rome on the spot. With its position on the Mediterranean, I'll have great trade and with enough mines, Rome can become a great production city.

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It's time for immediate war, so I load up my praetorians onto my galleys and I send them south. I also sent a settler south to found Pompeii.

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As my galleys sail toward the Greece, Mendiolinom revolts and Joins the growing Roman Empire.

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My galleys sail through Pompeii and make their way to the western border of the Greek City States. War is declared and my soldiers move up to Athens. Attacking from the galleys, my praetorians make short work of Athens lone warrior guarding the city. Athens falls to Rome's victorious legions!

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Next Up, The start of the Punic Wars!
Hoping to get another city on the Mediterranean, I sent another settler and archer west of Italy toward Spain and founded Tarracona.

After spending a few turns placing an archer in Athens and loading my praetorians onto my galleys, my Roman fleet sails to the border of Carthage. As usual, Carthage has very few troops guarding the city, with their entire fleet within Carthage's harbor. My Praetorians fight from the boats, killing the Carthaginian defenders with only one casuality. Carthage falls and my soldiers burn the the Carthaginian ships.

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Carthage didn't have many soldiers in the city, so his army must be away somewhere. So after a turn of healing my remaining troops, I move my forces west to attack Hippo.

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Amazingly, my army only suffered one loss as my praetorians made short work of Carthage's defenders in Hippo. I choose to burn the city to the ground to make sure Rome can't win the game through its historical victory when I switch to the British. Captured workers are sent by galley back to Rome to connect my Italian cities together.The Carthaginian civilization is destroyed.

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Next Up, The Gallic Wars!
It will also act as a canal (unless he's playing a modmod).

Yah, I was using it as a canal so I could get my ships to Greece more quickly. BTW for everyone, this is just RFC normal, no modmod.
Nice, will be following this. hope you can recreate the entire British Empire of Victoria, and of course, destroy the USA! :mwaha:
don't forget to get Chicago between the Corns, very nice city. settle some GGs in it and you have a city pumping super Modern Armors every turn later in game.
Nice, will be following this. hope you can recreate the entire British Empire of Victoria, and of course, destroy the USA! :mwaha:
don't forget to get Chicago between the Corns, very nice city. settle some GGs in it and you have a city pumping super Modern Armors every turn later in game.

I wish I had done that. I've already played to about 1700 and I mostly settled in Canada :lol: That city would have really come in handy though...
While I was in the process of conquering Carthage, I had made a deal with Babylonia to trade them my priesthood for their monotheism and archery. Immediately after that, I began researching theology so I could found Christianity. Not researching mathematics and Monarchy means I'm definitely not going to win this game, but oh well.

After razing Hippo, I load my praetorians onto my galleys and drop two off in Rome, leaving a third to defend Carthago. My workers have been working hard to connect my Spanish city of Tarragona to Rome, so I have a nice road system developing. A few turns after my praetorians get to Rome, Independent kingdoms start springing up in Gaul.

I send my praetorians to conquer the two cities.

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Having set Athens long ago to the Great Lighthouse, Athens finishes the wonder. That's really great because my science slider keeps going down as I have to pay more maintenance for all these new cities.

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Tomorrow's chapter: One Empire under One God!
Finally, theology is researched! I found Christianity! Rome becomes Christianity's Holy City (technically the game assigned Athens as the Holy City, but I used World Builder to change it to Rome because I think its slightly more accurate).

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Immediately Christianity begins spreading to all my cities. Within five turns, most of my cities have converted to Christianity. Another independent kingdom appears in Gaul, so I dispatched a praetorian guard to capture the city. With only a warrior guarding the city, Roman forces suffer no causalities.

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Having sent a galley and a trireme around Hispania and Gaul, they reach the British Isles. I send a settler and an archer to establish a Roman presence in Britain. So, Londinium is founded on the mouth to the Baltic.

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A few turns later, the last Roman settler and archer makes their way toward Hispania, where I found a roman city in the middle of the Peninsula.

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The Empire, has reached its greatest expansion at 11 cities, with over 50% of the cities following the one true religion of Christianity. The Roman Empire is on the cusp of glory and although the people don't know it, the empire is about to be rocked to its core...

...For Tomorrow's chapter, The Fall of the Roman Empire!
Here is a map of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent.

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Just as the Roman Empire has reached its greatest expansion, barbarian hordes descend on the Empire from every direction.

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I have to move archers and praetorian guards around constantly to meet the growing threat. Those roads are really useful. I can move my troops from side of the empire to the other in a turn or two. Fortunately, Rome just finished the Flavian Amphitheater so I can make a steady stream of military units to fight back.

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Even better though was that now that I had researched construction, Athens built the Great wall and all the barbarians in Europe were ejected from the empire.

Just as the Empire was beginning to gain a sense of stability, Spain revolted!

At this point, my stability is dropping as barbarians are still attacking Carthago in Africa (great wall only affects my european cities) and I'm losing multiple cities to the new states spawning.

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So, I'm building wonders to help with stability. Athens completes Hanging gardens.

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But that doesn't stop the barbarians from overrunning Carthago. Having killed my two soldiers garrisoning the city, the barbarians raze the city to the ground. :mad:

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On top of that, France appears and takes three of my cities in Gaul! He demands 60 gold from the ailing Roman Empire, so I give in, hoping to get an open borders agreement with him so I can still ferry troops and workers from Londinium and Rome. Here is a map of the remnants of the Roman Empire so far:

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Hoping to at least have a great role in diplomacy among the expanding European Nation-States, I finish building the apostolic palace in Rome and try to get elected to head the Christian states.

I meet the Vikings now, and they declare war on me. Apparently, they have a city in northern Britain around the edges of map, so I assume they want to invade Londinium. Sensing the failing health of the empire, I order all cities to build walls and build up more troops to defend the remnants of the Great Empire. This is killing my stability, so here is the current rating:

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Taking stock of my cities, I took the liberty to examine Londinium as it's one of my largest and most well developed cities at this point.

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It's all for naught though, as one turn later the British Isles rise in revolt against their Roman masters!

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With the Roman Empire fragmenting and on the verge of collapse, the British make their appearance on the world stage. From the ashes of the Roman Empire, its time the British play their part as the masters of the world.:king:

Tomorrow's chapter, From Humble Beginnings The Rise of Britain.
can't see any of your SSs.

I don't know why any of the SSs aren't showing up for you, but here's a copy my last post without spoilers:

Here is a map of the Roman Empire at its greatest extent.

Just as the Roman Empire has reached its greatest expansion, barbarian hordes descend on the Empire from every direction.

I have to move archers and praetorian guards around constantly to meet the growing threat. Those roads are really useful. I can move my troops from side of the empire to the other in a turn or two. Fortunately, Rome just finished the Flavian Amphitheater so I can make a steady stream of military units to fight back.

Even better though was that now that I had researched construction, Athens built the Great wall and all the barbarians in Europe were ejected from the empire.

Just as the Empire was beginning to gain a sense of stability, Spain revolted!

At this point, my stability is dropping as barbarians are still attacking Carthago in Africa (great wall only affects my european cities) and I'm losing multiple cities to the new states spawning.

So, I'm building wonders to help with stability. Athens completes Hanging gardens.

But that doesn't stop the barbarians from overrunning Carthago. Having killed my two soldiers garrisoning the city, the barbarians raze the city to the ground. :mad:

On top of that, France appears and takes three of my cities in Gaul! He demands 60 gold from the ailing Roman Empire, so I give in, hoping to get an open borders agreement with him so I can still ferry troops and workers from Londinium and Rome. Here is a map of the remnants of the Roman Empire so far:

Hoping to at least have a great role in diplomacy among the expanding European Nation-States, I finish building the apostolic palace in Rome and try to get elected to head the Christian states.

I meet the Vikings now, and they declare war on me. Apparently, they have a city in northern Britain around the edges of map, so I assume they want to invade Londinium. Sensing the failing health of the empire, I order all cities to build walls and build up more troops to defend the remnants of the Great Empire. This is killing my stability, so here is the current rating:

Taking stock of my cities, I took the liberty to examine Londinium as it's one of my largest and most well developed cities at this point.

It's all for naught though, as one turn later the British Isles rise in revolt against their Roman masters!

With the Roman Empire fragmenting and on the verge of collapse, the British make their appearance on the world stage. From the ashes of the Roman Empire, its time the British play their part as the masters of the world.:king:

Tomorrow's chapter, From Humble Beginnings The Rise of Britain.
yea, got them now.
Kill the Frenchies! :mwaha: :mwaha:
and settle south africa, egypt and india :) (to india i would advise suez, i think that way you would get to india about the same time some galleys reach south africa)
I'm glad I finally get to start with the British empire now. Britain starts off in better shape than most of civilizations already present. I inherit a lot from my days under the Romans. From the Romans I inherit Londonium, a well developed English countryside and from the Vikings I received a city to the north. Most of my soldiers from my Roman days are gone; all I have are four settlers, a handful of workers and longbowmen, and a few galleys and a trireme. Here's a picture of what I received.

I load up settlers and my longbowmen onto the galleys and send them to settle the rest of the British Isles while I start researching calender. I switch civics to Hereditary Rule, Vassalage, slavery and organized religion and then I convert to Christianity.

When I play from the 3000 start sometimes I get this bug that doesn't allow me to gift money to civs for a few turns, so I couldn't get open borders to send my extra settlers to africa. But in the meantime, I settle Dublin one tile north of where the game usually has Dublin spawn and Bristol to the west of London:

I'm not going to settle anywhere else in Britain until the eighteenth century because I want all those tile to be used by London so it can become an amazing production city. The British Isles have completely fallen under my control. Now its time to expand my diplomacy with Europe.

Tomorrow's chapter, Britain looks to Europe!
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