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(RFC) The Genies of Arabia


(or backwards 'cirexert')
Mar 15, 2011
Welcome, one and all! This is the first ever (as far as I know) GENIE GAME!

Yes, a Genie Game. What is this you may ask?


Basically, I will play ten turns at a time on Viceroy as Arabia on a 3000 BC start on RFC (BtS). Unfortunately, the rest is up to you, with the wishes... it's almost like a cross between an anarchy game and a DI.


Wishes can be anything, but everyone gets a limit of one wish per intermission (the period between turnsets), with the whole group getting a limit of three per intermission. Each wish costs 1 gold piece. I have three turnsets to complete a wish which requires me to manually build something, unless stated otherwise. A wish can literally be anything, even wishing me to manually construct a wonder, wishing a wonder to just appear, wishing Islam to be in all cities automatically, anything you can think of. ANYTHING. The sky is your limit. Seriously. Do anything you can think of. This is supposed to be fun, not boring. The first three wishes are being taken before the game. Anyway, any questions you ask will be welcome.

Gold Pieces

Every player is awarded 10 gold pieces at start. 1 gold piece is spent per wish. Other than that, gold is just free game.You can donate to a civ's treasury, spend it to build something in a city, even bribe the genie to overwrite someone else's wish. As with wishes, the sky is your limit with gold. Every time I haven't completed a wish in time, you are rewarded five gold pieces. If your wish is for me to complete a wonder, if I fail that, you get a quarter of the fail gold, with a minimum of five gold pieces. Any questions are welcome.
Caliph Abu Bakr was a sad, strange little magician. He was cursed with the job of being Caliph of Arabia, so he summoned a great genie. The genie granted Abu's only wish - to not he ruler - by putting himself on the throne. He and his descendants (one descendant for each turnset) would grant three wishes each for the whole of Arabia. With a small price. May the chaos begin.
Can we make wishes now, or do we have to wait for you to play the turnset?

Now. Pregame wishes are welcome.

trexeric just found a loophole in my wish! How do I stop him from ruining my reputation?!?

After the first turnset passes after your wish, you can't change anything, but you can set a deadline after the wish has run its course for at least 2 turnsets
Green = Completed
Red = Uncompleted and past due date
Orange = Uncompleted
Yellow = Was bribed to not be granted

MoreEpicThanYou (Unlimited Gold Pieces):
(1) I wish for unlimited gold
(2) I wish that you make five comments about [METY's] epicness or Eternal Empire references per update

Christos200 (9 Gold Pieces):
(1) I wish for you to conquer two civilizations

Daedwartin (0 Gold Pieces):
(1) I wish you get both conqueror events. To hasten this, 4 caravels shall appear near Japan
(2) I wish for the knowledge of communism, nationalism, and fascism, and to adopt the civics associated with these techs.

Radio Noer (9 Gold Pieces):
(2) I wish you would make one reference to Calvin and Hobbes per turn for the next 3 turnsets

Dumanios (9 Gold Pieces):
(2) I wish that you bring back Babylonia and put them in New Zealand
I wish that you conquer 2 civilizations.
I wish you to get both conquestidor events. To hasten this, 4 caravels shall be spawned next to Japan/B]
Daed had the third wish... the only way you can wish for that is to bribe me (the genie) to overwrite someone else's wish.

@Christos and Daed: Anything to add to your wishes, like free army or a free caravel? :deal:
You can bribe the genie. It must be at least twice the original price of a wish (which is just 1 gold piece), so you could spend 2 gold pieces to overwright someone else's wish.
GAH! Forgot to update Them of the Mediterranean... so I decided to update this... which takes less time. Them of the Mediterranean will be updated tomorrow.
@Daedwartin: I am going to give myself an extra few turnsets for yours... since I'm only playing 10 turns at a time. Or I'll just wait for the turnset after the Aztec spawn for a deadline. Also, I assume 'both' means all three native civs?


Turn 1: I Found Mecca and begin building a barracks. Turns out I get a free barb camel archer! That's always a good surprise. Looks like Egypt and Ethiopia are going strong. I'm hoping Babylon is still alive so I can get an easy half of Christos's wish done. I waste a turn with the camel archers to unite the barb one I got and the main stack. I send one settler/longbowman north and one south.

Turn 2: I begin researching sailing and found Islam (duh), and I convert (also duh). Turns out Babylonia is still alive and didn't succumb to the Persian onslaught, but they have war on spawn with me (good luck, Babylon!). Turns out Persia is alive as well, controlling what looks like Palestine.

Turn 3: The Flip. Sana'a was razed, probably by barbs a while back. Palestine flips... apparently some idiot decided to raze Jerusalem. I'm looking at you, Persia!!! I don't mind the Persians all that much, though. They left me with a nice immortal, which will be useful in taking down Babylon's bowmen.

Turn 4: I take Babylon. Really weakly defended. I thank the Persians. No losses, only an injured camel. Oh yeah! Almost forgot to add the caravels. I begin building a barracks in As-Sur and Babil.

Turn 5: I take Nineveh, and destroy Babylon (1/2 civs destroyed!). I lose 1 camel archer (stupid spearman...). I really wanted to use those immortals. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be useful in taking down Egypt.

Turn 6: I heal some camel archers. That's it. Boring, right?

Turn 7: I found Dubai, and begin building a barracks. I get some horses. Don't you just love war intermissions?

Turn 8: I get sailing, start researching civil service. I trade metal casting and 35 gold to the Ethiopians for calendar. Still trading with Ethiopians, I get meditation and 10 gold for code of laws. I am starting to really like the Ethiopians! Someone, PLEASE wish for them to be my vassal! Oh and Islam spreads to Dubai.

Turn 9:Ninevah (or however it's spelled) stops revolting. That's it.

Turn 10: Nothing other than moving a healed camel archer in Nineveh to my Egypt stack.

That's all, folks! Wish away. In fact, wish for a fish on a dish, for all I care!
any that happen to be alive at time of finding.
Daedwartin wishes that Arabia be gifted Communism, Fascism, and Nationalism.
Daedwartin wish #2: Police State, Nationhood and State Property shall be your civics. For the Revolution.
I spend all my remaining gold to bribe anyone but METY's wish.

I offer a treaty with mety. i will not try to bribe away your wishes and you try not to bribe away my wishes.
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