[RFC] The Great War


Theseus, Duke of Athens
Mar 21, 2011
The Best Place on Earth, Virginia
Yes, I started ANOTHER thread. :D

Important Notices
1) This is not an InteractivemAAR. It is an actual story.
2) Updates will be semi-short, but as frequent as possible.
3) Since updates are surprisingly easy to write for me, Updates will probably be frequent.
4) I make no promises, however.
5) The first update is tomorrow, for sure. I already have it typed and everything.
Hello, new story! :goodjob:

Let's see if Tambien's skills with stories are as good as his IntAARactive skills :D
The SPQR, Just south of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands city of Parijs
As the 7th Infantry strode over the flat land next to the rail lines Captain Nero Amanum thought about the recent alliances that had entangled Europe. Many Defensive Pacts had been signed, and they were not in any one cohesive group. “This will lead to trouble,” he thought. He imagined friends fighting friends. The sundering of Europe was an especially bad thought that crossed his mind. “The destruction; it would be unimaginable!” He shuddered at the thought. His thoughts were interrupted by a cry from Augustus, a Legionary near the back.

“Captain! We have a telegram from Roma!”

“Roma?” he said incredulously, “What happened to Northern Patrol HQ in Spalatum?”

“I don’t know sir, but it has URGENT stamped on the envelope.”

“Well, hand it over then!”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” said Augustus as he handed the envelope over to Nero.

Nero opened the envelope, and read the telegram.

For the eyes of Captain Nero Amanum ONLY

As of this date there is a state of war between The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands, The Commonwealth Of England, the Greater German Reich AND the SPQR.

More complete list of war declarations to be sent out by President Caesar in Public Adress Telegram.

Orders. Watch the border. Report enemy movements. Pillage land as possible.

From. Roma Military Command.

Send confirmation of message. Burn after reading.”

“Oh no....” Nero said in a whisper, then he shouted, “MEN! Fall in!”

As the 7th fell in noisily behind him, Nero thought of the implications of this message. If it was to be believed, and Roma was not known for jokes, the entire northern and eastern border of the SPQR was now bordering enemy territory. Due to the recent depression, many units had been disbanded. The SPQR was woefully unprepared, and with only a few Infantry strung out along the border, how would they hold back an invasion? “Well, it could be worse I suppose, The Portugese Empire might be at war with us. Now THAT would be bad.”

“MEN!” he said out loud, “We have received new orders from Roma. As of this day. the only friendly border the SPQR possesses is the Portuguese one.” A shocked murmur rippled through the ranks. “We are to pillage as much land as possible, and harass Parijs and its lands. However, until we get confirmation from Roma, we will not move from this spot. Welcome to the front line gentlemen. Lets set up camp.” As the men dispersed Nero looked out at the skyline of Parijs to the north. “This is not good.” he thought.

The SPQR, The city of Burdigala
“WHAT?!?!” shouted Constantine Hamminal. “Who made this paper, good joke guys!”

A telegram operator came over to Constantine. “Sir, its not a joke. Here.” The operator handed Constantine a telegram strip.

After Constantine read it he handed it back. “Oh, sorry.” He quickly hurried home after shooting off ‘grams to his relatives in Lugdunum, warning them of this new development.

When he walked in the door he shouted, “Get packed! We are going on a trip!”

His two year old son looked at his dad in excitement, “Where daddy?”

“Roma, we are going to see the Statue of Liberty, the Buddhist Apolistic Palace, the Colossus, the Great Lighthouse, and more.” He said with a forced smile.

“Mommy Mommy! We’re going on a trip!”

“What?” She looked at him in surprise, and then looked at Constantine worriedly. He wordlessly handed her a piece of paper. “Oh... Get packed Jonnie! We are going on a great trip!” in a quieter voice she said to her husband, “Where?”

“Roma, they won’t let the capital fall.” She thought about it and decided it was a good idea, “Lets go get packed. Did you warn the others?”

“Yes, I sent out ‘grams to all of them.” She hurriedly left, and started packing.

Two hours later, when they got to the train station, it was packed. People carried their life’s savings and their most prized possessions. And trains were selling out faster than they could arrive.

The parents looked at each other and said, “Taxi?” They both nodded, and led the child out into the Taxi Park. There was a similar situation there. They finally decided to walk, and join thousands of other families on a mass exodus.

Classified Military Photos said:
Spoiler :

The Eastern Front

Northern Front

EDIT: The "Public Announcement" is included below.
Good so far! Keep it up.
Update, written because I was really bored. :D

Carthage Military Command, Annaba, SPQR
Julius Hannibal of the 1st Calvary was really tired of his office. He wanted action! With the start of the “Great War” he had been sure that the 1st would be selected to take Tarabulus. However, no such orders had come, and he was stuck in this hot office managing all the mundane tasks the Captain of a stationary cavalry unit has. His musing was interrupted by the opening of the door. Haroun Rashid, a clerk at HQ, walked in. “Captain, you have a telegram from Roma.” He handed the envelope to Julius, and then walked out. Julius looked at the envelope, it had, in large red letters, URGENT stamped on the front. He was excited! Maybe these were battle orders! He opened the ‘gram and read the contents. After doing this he got up and called Haroun back in. the clerk nervously opened the door.

“Haroun, get the message out to the men. We are to move out in two days.”

“Yes sir.” As Haroun left the room Julius smiled. Finally, some action!

Two hours later the 1st stood gathered outside Annaba HQ. “Men,” said Julius in an exited manner, “we have new orders! We are to take Tarabulus from the Greeks.” A wave of excitement rippled through the crowd. “Lets move out!”

Tarabulus, Former Reichskommissariat Greece
“That was a bit too easy, don’t you think, Mario?” asked Julius Hannibal.

Mario replied in an annoyed voice, “Does it matter, Captain, the 1st took Tarabulus. We achieved the first victory in the war. Can you stop deflating our victory with that question?”

“Mario, there was no victory. Simply put, we rode in and raised the flag. The Reichskommissariat had NO troops stationed here. That seems a little odd.”

“Yes, well. Captain, we must remember that Greece is a puppet of the Greater German Reich. It is also a relatively new nation. We only granted it independence about 30 years ago. We only sold Tarabulus, which we had recently captured from the Arabians, a little more than 10 years ago. In fact, the city was almost ready to secede from the Reichskommissariat before the war started. When you add it all up, it seems unlikely that Greece would garrison any of its small army here.”

“Still Mario, I don’t like it. The English have two Infantry divisions in Libdeh al-Kubra.”

“That is your prerogative sir. Now, let us continue the patrol.”
i dont really like non-ingame-pics updates:p
Tambien said:
“Roma, they won’t let the capital fall.” She thought about it and decided it was a good idea, “Lets go get packed. Did you warn the others?”

“Yes, I sent out ‘grams to all of them.” She hurriedly left, and started packing.
Roma is about to become a very highly populated City. ;)

Tambien said:
Tarabulus, Former Reichskommissariat Greece
Where is that City on the map, say, relative to the placement of Roma?
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