Rhye's of Civilization - the fastest loading mod Expanded - PART II


Please help!

I was having some problems with the 1.23 expanded pack so I uninstalled all CivIII stuff, reinstalled CivIII, PTW and then when trying to install Conquests.....I get the following...

Component Transfer Error
Component:DirectX Installer
File Group:DirectX Installer
error:incorrect function

Also, when it initially starts to install conquest I get this message...

"Install has detected that DirectX9.0b or greater has already been installed on this system. Directx9.0b will not need to be installed as the result"

I have DirectX9.0c installed...maybe that's a problem???

Thank you for your superb expertise and gracious help!
I don't know why I get those two smiley faces above....they should be capitol "D's".

Boy, when it rains it pours.
I think that is correct, afaik.

I realize it may be inappropriate then to request your help, but I can think of nowhere else to turn (or that would have such a high % of determining the problem).

However, just think of the karma boost you'll get! :))
I've just finished RGC3 (in one straight sitting) and had great fun. I would recommend it to anybody. :goodjob:

Yes, it halts the installation repeatably at 60% completion, where it attempts to write BDA.cab to the hard drive....I too have 9.0c.

I've run/start/dxdiag and it says everything is installed ok. I've also went to the MS DirectX website and found DirectX once installed, cannot be uninstalled (thanks MS) thwarting my scheme to then use the 9.0b it has on the disc. So much for that idea. :)

wow...this is unreal.:-(
Could be!

Oh well, I need to "finally" fix some other things with my cpu. I'll call MS on Monday.

Thanks though mighty Rhye!

Where I live the humidity is (again) in the mid 90s so it's a superb weekend to stay indside and play Civ....I'll check and see if any of your mods will work with PTW or just CivIII.

Thanks again!


You were right! That one silly file was corrupted. After spending about 12 hours trying to determine where my software/hardware problem was (as above mentioned & safe mode, etc, etc) I "finally" pulled my head out and under a magnifying lenses checked my Conquest disk and sure enough....there was a very tiny smudge that I carefully cleaned and ...presto!


Two quick question for you, my kind sir....

1. Is this the forum to discuss the awesome expanded package?

2. Please, please tell me your team will be involved with CivIV?

Thanks again!
Glad you figured it out, this mod's worth it! Also, I can answer your first question by directing your eyes to the name of the topic... :p

As to the second, we can all hope and pray that Rhye actually IS Sid Meier in disguise, which is why we get such a great mod... :king:

In my America game, I finally knocked the Spanish and Portuguese out and got some choice colonies as a reward for peace! Next in line: Rome, Austria, Greece, Byzantines, Germany, Netherlands, Ottomans, Babylon, Israel, and the known world from there!

bshirt said:


You were right! That one silly file was corrupted. After spending about 12 hours trying to determine where my software/hardware problem was (as above mentioned & safe mode, etc, etc) I "finally" pulled my head out and under a magnifying lenses checked my Conquest disk and sure enough....there was a very tiny smudge that I carefully cleaned and ...presto!


Two quick question for you, my kind sir....

1. Is this the forum to discuss the awesome expanded package?

2. Please, please tell me your team will be involved with CivIV?

Thanks again!

hehehe you know, I am very wise :p

1. Yes
2. Yes and No...
i saw in some screans that near city name country name is shown. what should i do if i want same upgrade?
I was complaining that clean marsh is ridiculously long. And it is...

Take a look at my little new paradise as you never saw it before :goodjob: It took a bit of work, you know... :sleep:

Also, for a Sid level you can see war was intense in Europe, only 12 survived on 31. Best, as always, the Dutch.(AI)

I only modified the tech rate to min.=8 turns. It was going too fast at first try.


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