[R&F] Ridiculous GP costs


Aug 16, 2013
One thing I've noticed in RnF is that with fixed world eras, it has become virtually impossible to recruit any late game great person, at least, for me (most GP points I'll get usually ~20-50).

Given that the majority of my games end in renaissance or industrial, or modern at latest if I'm going for a peaceful culture victory and AI has 200-300 cpt (domination, of course, ends much earlier but you wouldn't care about GP in that scenario). Anyway, the world was still in modern and I wanted the atomic scientist with 350% tourism from artifacts... looked up the cost and she cost a whopping 2400+ scientist points (or 36000+ gold)!

I don't remember that being the case at all in Vanilla (and eras in Vanilla definitely go by must quicker on deity) where I can almost always grab her prior to victory... she certainly did not cost nearly that much (esp with 50% discount from democracy). Did they change the cost or did they implement some cost penalty for recruiting a person from a future age?
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