Ridiculous problem with "Tag is not unique"


Oct 23, 2013
Long time ago, I have finished working on my mod with additional great musicians. It worked almost perfectly, had few spelling XML erros, I fixed them.

Now, my great musicians don't appear. I was using Logs to track errors and XML and it showed me that "tag is not unique" for few musicians. So I discovered the exact same musicians exist in basic BNW game :p and deleted clones from my mod.
And then I stuck with this:

[44608.563] columns Language, Tag are not unique
[44608.563] While executing - 'insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') values (?, ?);'
[44608.563] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Language_en_US('Tag', 'Text') with values (TXT_KEY_GREAT_PERSON_LOUIS_ARMSTRONG, Louis Armstrong, ).
[44608.563] In XMLSerializer while updating table Language_en_US from file Game Rules2.xml.
[44608.563] columns Language, Tag are not unique

Yep, this is the only one error related to this mod. The problem: there is no Louis Armstrong in base game. There is also no Louis Armstrong in my other mods. Hell, I used SearchEverything to make sure - in my computer there isn't a single one file with Armstrong or his name :p (with exception of my mod buddy project) There are no duplicated XML lines in my mod, I checked everything. TAG IS UNIQUE!

But apparently it is not...

What the hell?
If you're sure the problem isn't your mod, the only thing I can think of is that there are 2 different versions of the mod running at the same time. See if an older version of the mod exists in your mod folder. If so, delete it.
It looks like you didn't clean up the text references, there's probably a duplicate in the text reference somewhere. What happens if you try using 'TXT_KEY_GREAT_PERSON_LOUIS_ARMSTRONG2'?

If you're sure the problem isn't your mod, the only thing I can think of is that there are 2 different versions of the mod running at the same time. See if an older version of the mod exists in your mod folder. If so, delete it.

Could also be this. Have you set your mod to conflict with all others? It will prevent your mod from loading with anything else.
Or if you've edited the .modinfo file by hand, you've added two (or more) OnModActivate->UpdateDatabase entries for the same file
I'm not sure how extensive a search you did but the text in question:


exists here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC\Expansion\Gameplay\XML\Units\CIV5Units.xml
line 6041

and here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Gameplay\XML\NewText\EN_US\CIV5GameTextInfos2.xml
line 322

and here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Gameplay\XML\Units\CIV5Units.xml
line 6172

I use Sublime Text's great project wide search ability but Notepad++ also has a very good search tool.

Using non-text specific search tools can be problematic.
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