
I finally bought this after waiting/hoping forever that it'd go on sale. I've already gotten my 30 dollars worth this week - totally sucked in for hours at a time.

It's definitely a winner if you're at all into Dwarf Fortress type games. Especially if you're like me, where you really like DF, but nonetheless burn out relatively quickly because of the awful UI.
It's incredibly addicting, it's probably one of my favourite games ever now or at least in top 10. Still complex with lots of depth but a lot simpler than DF, and a little more action oriented. Not a lot to do late game yet though, but the dev keeps adding awesome stuff and the mods can be fantastic.
Played it for a time. Addictive stuff, and mods make it limitless in complexity and replayability, but got tired of piromaniac colonists going crazy and setting the whole place on fire for anything.
Losing a base or even significant value to fire is not something that a well-designed base allows, assuming you have even a few people who can fight it.

This game is fantastic. It took a little doing to get to the point where I can reliably succeed on permanent winter tribal tundra starts with Randy/extreme and such. In current base a pyro is actually my best builder and has contributed very nicely. By 5502 I already have deep drill + ground penetrating scanner as tribal so it's been a nice run, even if steel is pretty tight on plains maps it won't be now.
For those who are interested, the 1.0 is out now.
Still waiting for a sale :shifty:. Im definitely going to get it though. It looks really good.
Report to us back after Xmas ;) At least I hope there will be a discount during Xmas.

A lot of streamers seem to want to play this game now that it is "officially completed". Even people who I've not suspected of wanting to play this game are getting into it. Maybe its because Rimworld was treated to the same standard as other "half-baked games" - "lets ignore it for now and see it when it is at least completed". Rimworld is one of the few games where that logic is wrong. It was a sufficiently entertaining game in its later stages of development. Personally I still play A15 and waiting on my game's storyline to finish to move on to v1.0.
Interesting. This has been on my radar for awhile, and one of my IRL friends recommends it, but I'm pretty conservative with Early Access and hadn't bought it yet. The preview reminds me a bit of Factorio, which is perhaps the only Early Access title I have bought in the past couple years, and was one I very much enjoyed. And the specs are so low, that it'll probably play even on my ancient travel laptop.
It is not early access anymore.

I have tried dwarf fortress after playing rimworld looking for a much deeper game, bu couldnt go through the graphics (or anti-graphics) and the super step curve.
I have tried dwarf fortress after playing rimworld looking for a much deeper game, bu couldnt go through the graphics (or anti-graphics) and the super step curve.
DF has a number of graphics mods that even come as a part of Lazy Newb Pack and can be activated with a click of a button. The learning curve is another issue. I can only advise to try and play the same fort (in a good location) until you learn all the industries and activities that you need to be running to keep the fort afloat.

@Quintillus, I could only say that I have not yet met anyone I know more or less closely that disliked Rimworld. Its a complete game now.
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